Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2486: crisis


As Qin Feng had guessed before!

This Bai Shaotian had indeed been in the dark, revealing his whereabouts to Ye Taixu and others.

Qin Feng naturally knew Ye Taixu this guy.

This person is surprisingly the Supreme Elder of Taiyi Xuanming, and his fighting power is terrifying.

Even in the hands of many masters of life, it is enough to be ranked, and the strength is not trivial!

"Unexpectedly, the master of Xiaoyao Sword Master actually possesses such a powerful strength!"

"At this moment, it's really not easy to solve!"

Thinking of myself, but beheading Ye Taixu's apprentice, the other party might not give up easily.

Qin Feng's brows became slightly frivolous involuntarily.


"If you can restore me to the peak state, not to mention these ants, it is the arrival of the aspiration state, and there is no need to be afraid!"

At this moment, the curse devil snorted coldly.

From his tone, it is not difficult to hear that his current mood is very upset.

"Don't worry, one day, you will recover your strength!"

"As long as you find a method that suits your current soul body, it will improve by leaps and bounds, and will soon reach the peak it once was!"

Cursing the Devil King, that is an existence that has reached the Aspiration Realm, as long as he is given a chance to restore the peak cultivation base, it is not a problem.


Because of his current special physique, he needs the corresponding cultivation technique, which caused him to be unable to quickly restore his cultivation.

The soul body is illusory and elegant, completely different from the body of a normal human warrior.

Therefore, the cultivation method of a normal martial artist is naturally impossible to fit, curse the devil to cultivate.

"Tsk tsk..."

"Don't tell me you guys, I suddenly remembered that there seems to be a place where the soul-body cultivation technique is hidden!"

Suddenly, Wo Tianbao smiled and said something at this moment.


"where is it?"

As soon as he heard these words, Qin Feng and Cursed Sky Demon King both had their eyelids twitched and asked quickly.

"This matter is a long story, I think we should first find a way to solve those guys, and then speak slowly!"

Snail Tianbao shook his head, his eyes glowed with splendor, but he looked behind him coldly...


"Come up so soon?"

Feeling the powerful aura swept behind him, Qin Feng couldn't help his face sinking.

Unexpectedly, he dashed at full speed, and was still in various directions, leaving a trace of breath, confusing his opponent.

But among these guys, someone still caught up with him!


It was just a moment of effort.

One after another, the sound of cutting through the void came from not far away.

follow closely!

A wave of tyrannical aura fluctuated, but they all swept towards Qin Feng, rushing wildly.

Outstanding power!


Even with Qin Feng's enchanting cultivation base, at this moment, it is unavoidable to reveal a dignified color.

"Another, triple master of fate!"


"Not just one!"

"There are many!"

"No! Among them, there seems to be a stronger aura!"

"I'm afraid I'm already a super master with four levels of fate!"

Although Qin Feng's current strength is very powerful, his combat effectiveness far exceeds that of warriors in the same realm.

However, no matter how evil he is, he can't do it, absolutely invincible!


It is relatively easy to deal with a triple master like Bai Hantian, who knows fate.

But if you have to deal with so many big shots at the same time, I am afraid it is really difficult!

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