Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2513: Submerge

At this moment!

Every damaged skeletal muscle and broken meridian in the body began to be wrapped by the power emanating from the eternal ancient wood.

In an instant!

It was like a long-running soil, encountered a torrential rain, swallowed frantically and violently.

It's just such a blink of an eye!

Under Qin Feng's whole-hearted healing, the wounds and hidden wounds in his body were quickly repaired and made up at a speed visible to the naked eye...


After three hours.

The heavy injuries suffered in Qin Feng's body were almost repaired seven or eight.


There are also some particularly serious hidden injuries that have not been fully recovered yet, and it will take some time to recuperate before they can truly return to a perfect state.

in this way!

Qin Feng had no other plans, so he continued to heal his injuries in this mountain forest.

By the way, I also meditated and practiced and took a break.


This time, fighting with Ye Taixu.

For Qin Feng, it is undoubtedly a very important experience in his life.

Although he was seriously injured, he was almost injured in Ye Taixu and lost his life.

But from this battle, Qin Feng finally gained something.

Through this hard fight!

Qin Feng finally understood how powerful the combat effectiveness of those peak powerhouses in the realm of fate was.

The Nine Peaks of Fate Realm!

The gap between the two and three levels of Zhiming Realm is simply one in the sky and one on the ground.

The terrifying power released by that gesture, seemed to be able to shake the world.

Below Zhiming, any warrior is almost impossible to contend!

"Control the power of heaven and earth, know the destiny!"

"This is the most important thing for the master of the life-knowing realm, who can really crush the Huayuan realm warrior!"

"For the Might of Fate Realm, they have been able to use the power of heaven and earth to fight the enemy!"

"Just imagine!"

"How can a mortal body compete with the heaven and the earth?"


Those warriors who have just set foot in the Zhiming Realm and have not had a long time, such as the two or three layers of the Zhiming Realm.

Although they are also knowing their fate, they have not really touched the mystery of the heaven and earth power, let alone use the heaven and earth power to fight the enemy.


Once they have cultivated to the fifth or sixth level of the Fate Realm, their combat effectiveness will change dramatically!

At this time, they have already come into contact with a trace of heaven and earth power, and can borrow a small amount of power.

As for the eight or nine layers of the higher-level Zhiming Realm, that is the existence of truly being able to mobilize the heaven and earth's vitality for their own use, and their combat effectiveness is terrifying!

For example!

When Qin Feng fought against Ye Taixu before.

He could realize that Ye Taixu was filled with an unshakable power of heaven and earth.

The power of the heaven and earth around him can be manipulated and controlled by him at will.

A single thought can compress and condense the surrounding heaven and earth's vitality, and even be completely exhausted.

If you say that Ye Taixu used all his strength to deal with him from the beginning.

Qin Feng might not have the chance to escape from the opponent's hands.

Silently in my mind, I kept recalling the scenes of fighting against Ye Taixu before.

The enlightenment in Qin Feng's heart also gradually deepened.

Strands of powerful true essence began to appear on his body, breath majestic and violent...

Constantly recover!

Keep diving!

Slowly, Qin Feng seemed to become extremely clear, forgetting everything, forgetting himself!

He has only one goal, which is to constantly understand and improve!


In three days, it passed in a hurry.

Early in the morning.

The mist shrouded.

In a hazy, above the void, a ray of golden sun light slowly emerged.

Break the silence of the night!

Qin Feng's eyes also quietly opened for the first time.


At this moment, there seemed to be two swords-like brilliance bursting from his eyes.

These two brilliances, as if condensed into substance, can shatter the sky!


And profound!

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