Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2548: Refining

in the room!

Qin Feng practiced the training method of "Frozen Domain" many times in his mind, and confirmed that it was correct.

Only then began to close his eyes and concentrate, and began to practice seriously.


When Qin Feng thought, the writings of the gods in his soul-knowledge sea began to be active.

The words of the gods, as the words of the gods in the ancient times, the amazing law and power contained in them are naturally unfathomable!

Even that, the mighty and terrifying Nether Wind, I am afraid it is far inferior!

If it can be completely tamed and controlled, it will undoubtedly be Qin Feng's ultimate move.

This time!

Qin Feng is also planning to use this method to practice "Frozen Domain" with the essays of the gods containing the power of ice and cold.

Through the theoretical method of "Frozen Domain".

Qin Feng did not rush without delay.

A little bit to urge, the cold power contained in the text of the gods suppressed and condensed it!

At the same time, Qin Feng's entire mind was completely concentrated on it.

As long as something goes wrong.

Qin Feng would quickly dissipate this icy force at the fastest speed.

Avoid causing huge backlash to the body!

The practice of "Frozen Domain" is divided into three stages.

among them!

The first stage is to slowly refine and control a small part of the attribute power, completely suppressing it, and can no longer cause the slightest backlash.

At this stage, you can proceed slowly, and accumulate less.

And the second stage is to allow the suppressed attribute power in the body to be easily mobilized by itself and exert its true power.

This stage is very difficult and must be treated with care.

As for the last stage, it is even more dangerous.

It's already enough to let the attribute powers controlled by the body merge with the heavens and earth powers into one body, making the fake and the real, regardless of each other!

As long as the cultivation reaches the final stage.

That means that the "Frozen Domain", a theoretical technique, has been cultivated to a high level.

"If I can reach the final stage, the ice and cold power contained in the text of the gods will be able to integrate with my power and truly be used by me!"

All the time!

Qin Feng had no way to display the true power of this essay of the gods, which made him quite helpless.

But now!

This "Frozen Domain" has the opportunity to completely release the power of the text of the gods.

As long as he cultivates "Frozen Domain" to the third stage.

By the time!

Through oneself, the tamed ice attribute elemental power, with false and true.

It merges with the ice and cold power contained in the text of the gods to form an ice field.

How strong is the terrifying lethality that it burst out?

Even with Qin Feng, his current state of mind inevitably produced a trace of excitement.

"have to say!"

"It's really not easy for someone who wrote "Frozen Domain", this theoretical technique!"

"Although the idea is too crazy, it is not impossible!"

"I'm afraid, it is precisely because of this!"

"The high-level Morkomen didn't treat it as a waste technique and discard it!"

This time!

Qin Feng was just a little bit, and based on the cultivation method in it, he gathered a trace of cold power.

Qin Feng's body was surrounded by strands of ice elemental power that was extremely cold.


The meridians of his entire body, and even his own soul, are constantly being wiped out and backlashed by the ice and cold power around him.

But in this process, Qin Feng's control over these ice attribute forces has gradually improved.

Gradually, Qin Feng could even completely refine one of the ice-cold power into his own.

This kind of refining is more than just borrowing!

It belongs to me completely!

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