Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2550: Successful practice

"Then the two of us, just leave it alone? Let them argue?"

"What if, little guy, I can't handle it..."

Elder Bai Qing raised his brows slightly, and looked at Elder Yueshan in surprise, as if hesitated.

"What are you afraid of!"

"Do you think our little guy really doesn't have any means? Is it so easy to be bullied?"

"In my opinion, Qin Xiaoyao, although he has outstanding talents, he lacks the desire to fight for power."

"It might not be a good thing to let Liu Tiannan and two of you go and hone him!"

"How can you see a rainbow without experiencing some wind and rain?"

"If the two of us intervene, it will only do more harm than good and affect the development of the little guy!"

Elder Yueshan replied with a serious face.

"OK then!"

"Just do what you said!"

"Unless it is a threat to the little guy's life, otherwise, we just ignore it!"

Elder Bai Qing, at this moment, also understood, and immediately nodded in agreement.

"Do not worry!"

"Just a few, the battle between the little guys will not attract the elders to participate!"

"So, we don't need to worry too much!"


Just when the two elders were talking to each other.

Qin Feng in the room had also reached a crucial step in his cultivation.

With Qin Feng, he constantly released the ice attribute power of comprehension, the text of the gods.

Qin Feng's control of the ice attribute power is undoubtedly another level.

Not only that!

In Qin Feng, fully run "Frozen Domain", after practicing.

The ice-cold power exuding around his body is obviously stronger and richer!

It's like being stained with ice crystals!

In a trance, even a hint of illusion can be produced. These cold powers possess a hint of spirituality.

Following Qin Feng's cultivation, he is constantly growing and becoming stronger!


In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

Suddenly, two sharp icy air currents shuttled out from Qin Feng's room.

It is like a sharp arrow condensed from ice crystals, full of deep meaning of ice and cold.

follow closely!

The chill from these two icy air currents disappeared quickly without a trace at lightning speed, as if it had never appeared before.


These two icy air currents did not really disappear, it still stayed in the void.


From their bodies, they can no longer feel the slightest chill, and they are slowly turning into mist...

In fact!

If you pay attention to it, inside the room.

Will be able to discover!

At this moment, Qin Feng was closing his eyes slightly, his body was running with powerful true essence.

His muscles trembled constantly, as if trying to suppress something!

If you observe carefully, you can notice that the chill around Qin Feng's body is obviously stronger.

If you are in a piece of land, the world of ice and snow is average, extremely cold!


In a crash!

The moment Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, there was a gleam of surprise in his eyes.

The chill around him dissipated in an instant and merged into Qin Feng's body.

"Unexpectedly, I was really able to successfully practice the theoretical technique of "Frozen Domain"!"

At this moment, recalling the cold currents around the void that have not yet completely dissipated.

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth couldn't help himself, and a satisfied smile appeared.

"Frozen Domain"!

As the name suggests!

It is a condensed area around the body, which belongs to the realm of icy power.

It's just that, because "Frozen Domain" is only a theoretical exercise, no one has successfully practiced so far.

Even Qin Feng himself couldn't understand how powerful it was.


Next, how to continue to practice, can only rely on Qin Feng himself, slowly pondering.

of course!

For these, Qin Feng didn't worry at all.


With now, the condensed Frozen Domain has already raised his strength to a new level.


Following Qin Feng, a ray of cold light flickered in his eyes.

In an instant!

Around his body, unexpectedly began to condense, the power of blue ice crystals, like water waves, spread out quickly.

at the same time!

Around Qin Feng's body, within a range of more than 20 meters, an endless stream of ice and cold burst out.



These icy air currents are aggressive and shocking.

It was just a short time, and the water vapor in the envelope was directly frozen and solidified.


In the void in front of him, a cloud of ice mist formed, and the sound of ice crystals shattered continuously in the void.


It is the frozen domain!

Belongs to the ice world!

Belongs to the realm of ice!

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