Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2614: Bloodline power

"I didn't expect it!"

"The special energy in the Moko Lingquan can not only increase my physical strength!"

"Even more, I can greatly improve my "Prime True Dragon Art"!"

When Qin Feng noticed all the conditions in his body, he immediately muttered to himself with excitement.

The face is full of surprises!

Since the last time, "Prince Ancient True Dragon Technique" has been promoted.

Qin Feng, it has been too long for too long, and he has not condensed the power of a new true dragon again!

This time!

These special energies let Qin Feng hopefully condense more true dragon power!

For Qin Feng, this is undoubtedly the biggest opportunity!




A series of huge phantoms of real dragons, their appearances are getting clearer and clearer, as if they are about to materialize!


That is to say, in Qin Feng, these true dragon shadows were about to condense to form a brand new true dragon power.

Qin Feng suddenly noticed that no matter how hard he tried, he could not complete this last step?

As if there is a powerful force that is limiting, the true dragon power in his body is born!

"How is this going?"

To know!

The special energy contained in the entire Moko Lingquan is almost a terrifying amount!

It is more than enough for Qin Feng to break the current bottleneck and gather the power of a true dragon again!


At this moment!

Just when Qin Feng was about to complete the final step of the power of the true dragon.

It seemed that something hindered him, which made him unable to truly evolve and condense the power of the true dragon.

It's obvious!

This situation!

Undoubtedly, the energy demand of "Swire True Dragon Technique" is too huge.

As a result, the special energy of those spiritual springs is not enough to complete, the cohesion of the power of the true dragon!


"This is very abnormal!"

"The special energy in the Moke Lingquan is obviously enough!"

"It must be there, there was a mistake!"

Qin Feng frowned, his face filled with confusion.


As soon as his thoughts moved, Qin Feng immediately began to sink his mind, and began to carefully probe around his body.

Never thought about it!

This exploration!

However, Qin Feng really discovered the reason!

"Not all of these special energies are used by the "Prime True Dragon Technique" to swallow refining!"

Under Qin Feng's entire mind, everything in his body was understood by him.


Qin Feng found out where some of the special energy had gone.

Only see!

In the depths of Qin Feng's body, a drop of golden blood was constantly emitting, golden streamers.

Around this drop of golden water droplets, there are countless tracts, powerful rune streamers, as if they were materialized!

Let people take a look, as if they have seen the most mysterious laws of heaven and earth in the world!

"It's actually it?"

After seeing this drop, the golden drop of water, the expression on Qin Feng's face changed instantly!

This golden drop of blood, like blood, was the power of a blood vein hidden in his body.


For a long time, Qin Feng had no knowledge of the origin of this power of blood.


Qin Feng also didn't know what special ability this bloodline power had!

"Those special energies in Mo Ke Lingquan can be forcibly swallowed and refined by the bloodline power in my body?"

After realizing this scene, Qin Feng couldn't help but secretly shocked his heart!

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