Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2624: Soul pressure

At this moment!

See this phantom in front of you!

For some reason, Qin Feng had a guess in his heart.

That is between the two, I am afraid there will be some, not simple connections.

At this moment!

The emperor's phantom, illusory and hazy, as if to dissipate at any time!


The endless pressure from the emperor is like an invincible God of War, enough to crush the common people and subvert the sun and the moon!

A series of powerful and fierce Nether Yin winds once again swept towards Qin Feng with a domineering attitude!



"This is terrible!"

Being bombarded by the opponent's killer move again.

Qin Feng could only choose to retreat back, couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"Its power is too powerful!"

"Even if it's just one, the remaining phantoms are definitely not what I can fight head-on!"

"If I want to, I have successfully realized some of the other party's ultimate moves!"

"I'm afraid, the difficulty is not small!"

"At least, it's even more difficult than comprehending that great emperor's trial!"

Thinking of this!

Qin Feng frowned slightly, his face full of dignity.

"With my current strength, it is naturally impossible to face up and contend against the power of the Great Shadow Shadow!"

"Unless, when my soul power is strong enough to resist the opponent's Nether Wind power attack!"


Today's Qin Feng's soul power far exceeds that of martial artists in the same realm, and it is not even lost to those great powers in the aspiring realm.


If you want to contend head-on, the coercive influence of this Great Shadow Shadow is still impossible!

After pondering for a long time, Qin Feng didn't think of a way, so he could only shake his head and smile helplessly.

Muttered to himself: "If my soul power had a power similar to the power of a true dragon, it would be great..."


That is when Qin Feng's remarks were not finished.

In his eyes, he quickly released an extremely shrewd luster.

"That's right!"

"My body has the power of the true dragon condensed from the "Prime True Dragon Technique", which can be amplified and protected!"

"And my soul also has the soul secret technique, the soul crystals condensed, protect it!"

At this moment!

In Qin Feng's sea of ​​soul knowledge, a total of three soul crystals condensed.

These soul crystals are the most critical thing in his soul knowledge.

The reason why his soul power is so powerful is that it is completely inseparable from these soul crystals!


All the time!

Qin Feng did not take the initiative to use the power of these soul crystals!

If, he deliberately urged now, using the power of the soul crystal to increase and protect.

Will it be able to resist the coercion of the Great Shadow?

This is very possible!


This is undoubtedly a very dangerous method!

after all!

The soul crystal is the core of the sea of ​​soul knowledge!

As if there is any discrepancy, I am afraid it will die forever!


At this moment, it was when Qin Feng was hesitating secretly in his heart.


In the whole world, a huge soul power burst out.

It swept out fiercely in all directions.


Imposing like a rainbow!

This soul power, wherever it passed, the entire sky seemed to tremble for an instant.

Countless creatures and monsters screamed, surrendered, and fled in panic...


"This is clearly the pressure of the soul released from the half-step to the quest for the world!"

"Is it impossible..."

Qin Feng's entire mind was suddenly shocked, and the expression on his face changed fiercely at this moment!

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