Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 2965: Nether Sword

at the same time!

The corpse king beside him also swept toward the ghost at this moment, holding the black long sword in his hand.

Although, a pure physical attack does not have much lethal power to this kind of soul ghost.

But it can also have a slight impact on the other party.

not to mention!

The ghost at this moment has been severely damaged, and its defensive ability has dropped drastically.

If it were hit by this sword, I was afraid that he would suffer another heavy injury, or even wipe out.


This ghost roared in anger, but it had already given up.


Its entire figure turned into a black streamer and walked away towards the distance.



A violent sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the king of the corpse swung his long sword, bursting out a full length of sword aura.

The Soul Wind Blade accompanied by Qin Feng, at the same moment, all hit the ghost fiercely.


The power that cannot be described in words exploded fiercely in this square and vented out.

So, under Qin Feng's soul wind blade, and the sword aura of the corpse king, jointly suppressed!

The ghost screamed, and its body collapsed instantly, turned into sporadic spots of light and disappeared, and never appeared again.




After eliminating the ghosts, the corpse king approached Qin Feng step by step.

In his eyes, there was a faint black light, strange and deep.

"who are you?"

Qin Feng frowned and stared at the King Corpse defensively.

There was a pause!

The corpse king finally spoke slowly and said: "I am the Heavenly Sword King, and I am ordered by Lian Zun to guard this place to prevent foreign enemies from taking the Nether Sword!"

"However, for so long, the Nether Sword has already been made, and even after my fall, Senior Lianzun did not come to get the sword!"

"Now it seems that Senior Lianzun may have fallen long ago! My consciousness will soon dissipate, and I will no longer be able to guard this sword."

"Young man, thank you for getting rid of this ghost for me, so that I won't become someone else's puppet!"

"This Nether Sword, in the future, will be handed over to you to protect it for me!"

"There is also a giant cauldron, which is a heaven-grade refining cauldron-a nine-day divine cauldron. It is also a masterless thing now, you can take it!

After speaking!

The corpse king handed the Nether Sword in his hand to Qin Feng.


Qin Feng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the other party would give him a divine sword so easily?

Qin Feng stretched out his hand and took the Nether Sword!

He still intends to ask a few more questions.

But when I heard the corpse king, he said faintly: "As soon as the Nether Sword leaves, the entire space will collapse and collapse, you should leave quickly!"


Too late to think too much!

At this time, the entire square began to shake frantically, countless stones fell from the stone walls, and the ground was cracked with deep groove marks.


This entire space is about to collapse and collapse!

Qin Feng's eyes flashed, and without saying anything, he put the giant cauldron into the storage ring.

The next moment!

Shenfa works!

Qin Feng came thousands of meters away, far away from this square space.


Soon after Qin Feng left, the entire square space completely collapsed and turned into ruins, engulfed in endless voids.

at the same time!

The corpse of the corpse king also disappeared in it.


"Brother Qin Feng!"

"Qin Feng, how is it?"

At this time, Cursing Heaven Demon King and others, when Qin Feng came out, they all asked very nervously.

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