Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 3020: I'm coming

Hearing these words, Qin Feng raised a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

Among the ancient domains of Zhongzhou, there are indeed many big powers, and the top ten powers are among the best.

But the last life!

Qin Feng heard from Master Dan Qingxuan and accidentally mentioned that only Heavenly Dao Palace can be regarded as the strongest power among the top ten forces.

Even in the ancient times, the Heavenly Dao Palace was also a dominating existence.


Qin Feng's original plan was to choose to join the Heavenly Dao Palace, and would not choose other forces at all.

Never thought about it!

This week, the adults, on the contrary, also actively invited him.

This is really beyond Qin Feng's expectation.

After all, Qin Feng knew very well that the requirements for accepting disciples in Tiandao Palace were very strict.

Ever since!

Without hesitation, Qin Feng replied, "Qin Feng, I am willing to worship the gate of Heavenly Dao Palace!"

Master Zhou nodded and smiled, with a hint of joy on his face.

With the cultivation base of the Huayuan realm, Qin Feng, a person who is against the sky, is able to defeat the strong in the world.

How could he miss such a terrifying evildoer Tianjiao?


He hasn't been happy for long.

Qin Feng changed his words again, and continued: "However, I hope that my friend can also worship Tiandao Palace!"

"You mean, that little girl?"

Lord Zhou raised his brow slightly, and Ye Qing'er was remembered in his mind.

Thought about it!

He also nodded and replied: "Her cultivation base is too low, but she is extremely talented if she can possess such a strong soul state at a young age!"

"Never mind! The old man will call the shots without authorization. As long as she can perform well in the battle among the hundreds of domains, I will agree to her worship in the Heavenly Dao Palace!"

As soon as I heard this!

Qin Feng was finally relieved.


That is the same moment!

Long Han, who was next to him, shook his head and refused: "I'm really sorry! Lord Zhou, the junior is already in the Ancient Region of Zhongzhou and has a favorite school!"

Lord Zhou raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked in surprise: "Which power is it?"

Long Han hesitated, before he said, "Tianchen Pavilion."

Master Zhou ordered a little, but didn't care, he said, "Yeah, no problem! Tianchen Pavilion is also a good place!"

"Since you already belong to your heart, the old man will naturally not force you, go down!"

Long Han stood up and bowed respectfully: "The juniors, thank you for your understanding!"


He turned around and left the cab.

Upon seeing this, Qin Feng also secretly praised him.

This Long Han is a magnanimous person. If he were replaced by someone else, he might be worried that he would offend Lord Zhou, and would not dare to tell the truth.


After confessing a few words, Qin Feng also left the cab.

follow closely!

Wang Wu walked in and asked Master Zhou, "My lord, do you think Qin Feng will really worship our Heavenly Dao Palace?"

"If he knows the current situation of our Heavenly Dao Palace, I am afraid he will go back and choose other forces."

"so what?"

Lord Zhou said indifferently.

"If he breaks his promise and worships other big forces, then it proves that this person has an average temperament and is a thief and slippery person!"

"Such a character, my Heavenly Dao Palace is not rare!"


After Qin Feng agreed to worship into the Heavenly Dao Palace, the special envoy Wang Wu's attitude towards Qin Feng and Qin Feng had changed dramatically.

He would often tell Qin Feng and Ye Qing'er some points of attention in the battle of the hundreds of domains and the general situation of the ancient Zhongzhou domain.

The ancient area of ​​Zhongzhou is vast, with a radius of more than hundreds of millions of miles, which is simply unimaginable!

Compared with Zhongzhou Ancient Domain, Qinglingyu is like a flat boat in the ocean.


Zhongzhou Ancient Domain, unlike other large domains, has countless small countries.

Among the ancient regions of Zhongzhou, there was only one great empire under the control, called the "Zhantian Dynasty", with powerful forces, countless people, and many masters.

Looking at the entire Zhongzhou Ancient Domain, only the top ten powers are qualified to dominate him!

Ordinary sect forces can only succumb to the suppression of the Zhantian Dynasty.

The ten powers, namely the Tiandao Palace located in the middle of the Zhongzhou Ancient Domain, have been inherited from the ancient times and have a long history.

Then there is the Nine Heavens Sacred Gate in the east and Cangxuan Valley in the west.

These three big forces, overall strength, are slightly stronger than the other seven sects.

In addition, the remaining seven powers are Yijian Tower, Yingtian Mansion, Tianyinzong, Tianchen Pavilion, Seven Star Sect, Lanruo Temple, and Wandaomen.

In the Ancient Region of Zhongzhou, there are countless sect forces, far more than these.

But these sect forces, compared with the top ten forces, are undoubtedly a grade.

According to Wang Wu's introduction, Tiandao Palace is the most powerful force in the Zhongzhou Ancient Region with its rich historical heritage.

Whenever mentioning Tiandao Palace, Wang Wu's face would show a very proud look.


He should be very loyal to Tiandao Palace!



It took almost three days to drive.

Qin Feng could already detect that the speed of the Yuelong was getting faster and faster and more stable.

The surrounding void seldom encounter void turbulence.

"We have come to the border of Zhongzhou Ancient Territory, and we will soon break through the shackles of the void and enter the Zhongzhou Ancient Territory!"

In Qin Feng and Qing'er's room, Wang Wu smiled and said to Qin Feng.


In other words, the time between words!

In front of the entire Yuelong flying boat, a blue mask appeared, like a thin film.

"This is the protective mask of the ancient Zhongzhou region. It is a giant formation deployed by the strong human race in my ancient times, which firmly protects the entire ancient region of Zhongzhou."

"Any outsider is not allowed to enter easily and must strictly check his identity."

"However, don't worry, our Yuelong ship has privileges and can enter without inspection!"

as predicted!

When the Yuelong approached the protective light shield, a round of illusory light gate passages appeared in the void in front of Qin Feng and others.

it seems that!

We are welcoming the return of the Yuelong!


It was almost a blink of an eye!

Everyone just felt that they were all white, and the whole world would return to normal in the next second.

Right now!

It is a vast ocean, with no edge in sight at a glance, and the scope is very wide.

"This sea is so big, you can't see the coast at all."

Ye Qinger said in surprise.

"This sea area is named Long Tenghai, which means that the dragon travels all over the world!"

"This is also a kind of encouragement and blessing to those who have participated in the Battle of the Hundred Regions!"

Wang Wu replied with a smile.

"Long Tenghai, such an imposing name!"

Looking at the sea in front of him, all the geniuses around had a trace of yearning in their eyes.

This is their first step to become famous all over the world!

this moment!

Everyone couldn't help but clenched their fists, screaming in their hearts--

Zhongzhou Ancient Domain!

I'm coming!

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