Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 3149: The fight for the flag

"I know, it must be a fight for the flag!"

Zhou Lianyi said something at this moment.

"The fight for the flag? What do you mean?"

Qin Feng asked in astonishment. It hasn't been long since he had just worshipped the Heavenly Dao Palace, so he didn't know much about many things.

"The battle to capture the flag is a contest between two big powers when they face a stalemate in the battle for territory!"

"In this competition, both parties need to send their own genius disciples of the martial arts, and then compete through various abilities!"

"A total of five matches will be held. As long as you can win more than three rounds, it means that the opponent must give up the competition unconditionally!"

"This is also the main method for the major forces in the Ancient Region of Zhongzhou, who do not want to completely tear their skins, but are unwilling to give up their interests, and are specifically used to resolve some disputes and contradictions!"

Long Tianxu explained, and sighed secretly: "The last time the battle for the flag took place was more than ten years ago. Unexpectedly, this time because of the falling star ore veins, it will be another battle for the flag. ..."

"Huh! Obviously this falling star stone ore vein belongs to the territory of our Heavenly Dao Palace! Why are these Seven Stars vying with us? Strictly speaking, they are not qualified to fight with us for the flag!"

Jia Lin snorted very uncomfortably, disgusting the people of the Seven Star School to the extreme.

"Hey... this is nothing we can do! Who made King Che Chiguo take the initiative to cede this piece of territory, which made us lose a lot of dominant rights!"

Elder Yueqiu shook his head helplessly and smiled and continued: "Moreover, if the Seven-Star faction takes the place first and sends a master of the Aspiration Realm to sit there, then our Heavenly Dao Palace will lose the right to speak this time, and we won't be eligible to fight!"

"Fortunately, you little guys, this time you can stop the disciples of the Seven Stars faction in advance. This is really a great achievement! When you return to the sect, the Lord Palace Lord will definitely reward you!"

Elder Yueqiu pointed at the banner of the Heavenly Dao Palace planted on the mountain, with a satisfied smile on his mouth.

At this time, Qin Feng knew why Long Tianxu and Jia Lin would rather die than give up the banner of Tiandao Palace!


This flag represents the dominance of the Heavenly Dao Palace over the mineral veins of falling stars!

"In addition, what the Great King Che Chi has done really disappointed Tiandao Palace!

"After this incident, he will lose his qualifications as a king! Heavenly Dao Palace will resend a new leader to rule the country of Che Chi!"

Elder Yueqiu said indifferently.

When faced with the threat of the Seven-Star Sect disciples, the Great King Che Chiguo did not insist on resisting, and the Heavenly Dao Palace lost its dominance.

It is really wrong!

"So serious? Directly remove the Lord of a country?"

Qin Feng was secretly surprised, which also reflected from the side how hegemonic and powerful the Heavenly Dao Palace was over the southern empire.

"That's right! This fight for the flag is specifically about the ability to compete?"

Qin Feng asked curiously.

Zhou Lianyi smiled and explained: "One, of course, select the genius disciple with the strongest combat effectiveness among the two forces, and then decide the strength of the winner!"

"For this, our Heavenly Dao Palace doesn't have to worry about it, because our big brother Ouyang Yun, the fighting power is completely the first genius to crush the Seven Stars!"

A proud smile appeared on Long Tianxu's face, as if he was very confident in Ouyang Yun's combat effectiveness.

"Haha... don't be too arrogant, Ouyang Yun should have an 80% chance of winning. But if he is caught up in the Seven Stars formation because of carelessness, then the outcome will be difficult!"

Elder Yueqiu interrupted with a smile.

"In the next four battles, there are alchemy, refining, formation... and a random match at the end!"

Zhou Lianyi continued to explain.

"The other three competitions are easy to cope with, but the last one is a bit troublesome, because it may be a competition of body skills, a competition of strength, or a competition of soul strength..."

"In short, the last battle is complicated and changeable, and there is no way to prepare in advance!"

Hear the words!

Qin Feng finally figured out the ins and outs of this fight for the flag.


Qin Feng was still a little puzzled: "Why did these great forces in the Ancient Region of Zhongzhou be so restrained, instead of completely tearing their faces and breaking out of conflict?"

In fact!

Regarding this question, not only Qin Feng did not understand, even Long Tianxu, Zhou Lianyi and Jia Lin were equally puzzled.

At this moment!

The four of them all looked at Elder Yue Qiu, wanting to get answers from her.

Elder Yueqiu's gaze was a bit deep, and she smiled and replied: "Haha...It's normal if you don't know."

"In your eyes, does the Zhongzhou Ancient Territory look very stable? It has a good cultivation environment and will not experience the kind of alien wars in the ancient times..."

"But in fact, all of this is only on the surface, and it can be described as an undercurrent surging in the dark!"

"Many power sects, but they have been eyeing the position of the top ten powers all the time! If our ten powers have a life and death conflict with each other, it will undoubtedly make others take advantage of it!"

"Therefore, in order to consolidate our position, basically there will be no real violent conflicts between the ten major forces!"

Zhou Lianyi nodded and replied: "I understand, why there is rarely a battle between the Aspiring Realm powerhouses in the Ancient Region of Zhongzhou. That's why!"

"However, Elder Yueqiu, you just showed up and acted on the dozens of Seven-Star faction guys. Is it a violation of the rules?"

Elder Yue Qiu smiled indifferently: "First of all, they took the initiative to shoot at me just now. Besides, I didn't kill them, I just wounded them severely."

"Humph! If it wasn't for the guys who would tear their face with the Seven Stars, they would dare to bully my disciples of the Heavenly Path, I would have slapped them to death!"

Hear the words!

Qin Feng and the others looked at each other, feeling very heartwarming for the domineering elder Yueqiu.

Suddenly, Elder Yueqiu's expression changed slightly, as if he had received some news.

"Elder Yueqiu, what's the matter?"

Zhou Lianyi frowned and asked.

Elder Yue Qiu quickly recovered, shook his head and smiled: "Just now, the Lord of Heavenly Dao Palace was in the Heavenly Dao Palace and discussed with my body. He told me not to mix this matter. Because next, Heavenly Dao Palace. There will be a battle to capture the flag with the Seven Stars to determine who is eligible for this piece of falling star vein!"

"Then we don't have to keep guarding here now, right?"

Qin Feng and others asked.

"That's right! The teleportation formation was only temporarily destroyed by the people of the Seven Stars! As long as it is repaired, you can return to the Heavenly Dao Palace!"

Elder Yueqiu smiled at Qin Feng and said, "I'll go back to Tiandao Palace first. Come back slowly!"

"Elder Yueqiu...Wait first, what should these guys do?"

Qin Feng yelled.


Elder Yueqiu's clone had gradually disappeared, and finally disappeared into a stream of light.

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