Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 3179: Divine Bloodline


Chen Jiuxiao hummed coldly, but directly exploded the armor on his body with a wave of true vitality.


Exuding his slightly dark skin, as strong as steel!

Vaguely visible!

On Chen Jiuxiao's chest, there were seven red streamers, flickering and uncertain, as beautiful as seven stars...

"The power of the Primordial Bloodline, increase!"


Chen Jiuxiao raised his head and roared, and immediately, the seven red rays of light skyrocketed dozens of times again, like the dazzling sun, giving people a magnificent and powerful coercion!

That terrible red streamer continued to expand and increase, and finally turned into seven red dragon shadows, running around Chen Jiuxiao's body.

At this moment!

The aura that Chen Jiuxiao showed was almost as many times as it was at the beginning.


At this time, even his body became extremely tall, as tall as two people, and very strong.

He looked at Ouyang Yun and laughed playfully: "Ouyang Yun, come on! Give it a try, how powerful is my bloodline!"

"Hiss! The power of the complete bloodline! He actually awakened the power of the complete bloodline! And it is the highest-level god-level bloodline!"

I don't know who it is, and suddenly exclaimed.


Throughout the Azure Mountain Range, loud exclamations and shouts began to erupt.

Primordial bloodlines, from high to low, are also divided into many levels, in order of yellow rank, profound rank, earth rank, heaven rank, and **** rank.

Almost most people have never seen the so-called bloodline of gods, but everyone understands a truth.

That is, anyone who has the bloodline of the gods and awakens the power of the bloodline 100% is almost destined to be invincible in the same realm!

Chen Jiuxiao was originally a powerful half-step Avenger realm master, but now he has activated the power of a complete Divine Rank bloodline, and his combat power is almost not much worse than that of the Avenger Realm powerhouse.

Just ask!

How does Ouyang Yun fight?

At this time, Ouyang Yun was also slightly stunned. He couldn't help tightening his fist, and said in a deep voice: "The blood of the gods, the blood of the gods!"

As the most top-notch genius in Zhongzhou Ancient Domain, he naturally understands the horror of this kind of martial artist of the bloodline of the gods!

He looked at Chen Jiuxiao with a solemn expression, and asked, "Divine blood is rare. You are by no means an ordinary person. Which one of the six forces are you from?"

Owners of bloodlines of this kind of gods are almost pitiful, and only those forces will exist.

Upon hearing this, Chen Jiuxiao suddenly raised his head and laughed, and said jokingly: "Ouyang Yun, you are quite smart! Look at the phantom of the fire dragon around my body, don't you understand?"

"Fire Dragon Phantom? Are you... you are the descendant of the Fire Dragon Clan, one of the six forces?"

Ouyang Yun frowned and said, his expression getting more and more solemn.

five years ago!

He was once defeated by the genius Meng Qingyun of the Yinlong tribe who was also the six major forces.

The other party did not use the power of the bloodline. It is conceivable that Chen Jiuxiao, who is also the genius of the six forces, will be so powerful once the power of the bloodline is activated.

The most important thing is that this Chen Jiuxiao is the power of a complete divine bloodline!

"Ouyang Yun, give you a chance, hurry up and give up!"

Chen Jiuxiao said coldly.

"Otherwise, when I start, I can't guarantee that I can stop in time and save your life!"

"Because, how strong is the trick I will use next, I can't even control it myself!"

"Obedly admit defeat?" Ouyang Yun raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he glanced back at the people in Tiandao Palace.


That day, the younger brothers and sisters of the Taoist Palace, how worried and anticipating eyes touched people's hearts?

These juniors, these juniors, have always placed the hope of revitalizing the Heavenly Dao Palace on him.

How can he easily admit defeat? How dare you be timid without fighting?

"No! Ouyang Yun, I will never admit defeat! It is even more impossible to lose!"

Ouyang Yun suddenly raised his head, looked directly at Chen Jiuxiao coldly, and said loudly, "Chen Jiuxiao! Come on! No matter how strong your bloodline is, I will definitely beat you!"

Whoosh whoosh!

The powerful white sword aura, at this moment, is constantly permeating Ouyang Yun's long sword, dazzling and dazzling, revealing very shocking pressure fluctuations.

Haoran sword spirit, mighty, must be broad-minded, upright and righteous talents can practice successfully.

Once the cultivation is successful, it will be unpredictable!

Can be used to kill the evil in the world on behalf of God!


On the long sword, the aura of sword aura contained in it seemed to be enough to completely purify all the filthy evil!

"What a fool!"

"Never mind! Since you have to die, then I will fulfill you so that you can understand how powerful the so-called bloodline is!"

"It's definitely not what you can challenge!"

Chen Jiuxiao snorted coldly, and suddenly, in his fists, ray of red light began to condense.

With the increase of the fire dragon bloodline, his combat effectiveness has soared dozens of times.

At this time, he doesn't even need to use any martial skills, just relying on powerful strength, a single blow can cause unimaginable attack power.


Chen Jiuxiao punched straight out, and suddenly, a fierce fire dragon phantom fist shot up into the sky.

The power of this punch contains a huge amount of energy, just like a real aspiring realm powerhouse shot.


In terms of attack power alone, he is not much different from the real aspiring realm powerhouse.

The only thing he lacks right now is the "Power of Law" that can only be controlled by the power of the Avenging Realm!

"I, Ouyang Yun, will never lose!"

A trace of madness appeared in Ouyang Yun's eyes. He raised his head and roared loudly: "Chen Jiuxiao, even if you are of the fire dragon clan, what about it!"

"Take me a sword!"

"Haoran Sword Qi Jue, all the wastes!"



The extremely powerful Fire Dragon Fist and Ouyang Yun's earth-shattering sword aura instantly clashed together in the void.

The raging waves of Pengbai erupted fiercely at this moment, like tornadoes, spreading wildly toward the surrounding Azure Mountain Range.


The surrounding mountains are trembling crazily, trees and rocks are constantly swaying and flying horizontally.

"very scary!"

"This time the confrontation, the two sides are evenly divided!"

"Our elder brother, even if it is a genius with a complete god-ranked bloodline, we can compete with one of them!"

Zhou Lianyi said very excitedly.

"This is also enough to show that the power of this sword of our big brother is no longer inferior to the real master of the aspiration level!"

"No, no, no... It seems that the attacks of both sides are equal, and the power is almost canceled at the same time.

"However, in fact, Brother Ouyang is slightly worse, taking a disadvantage!"

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