Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 3243: 100 times gravity suppression

During this period of time, Zhou Lianyi and Bai Yuzhen talked a lot about things, including some things about Qin Feng.

For Qin Feng's various experiences and strengths, the two were quite impressed.

Bai Yuzhen thought for a moment, nodded, and replied: "Qin Feng's looks and temperament are more than ordinary people, not equal to the idle generation, and it meets my requirements!"

"It's just that his realm is still a bit too low, and his realm is only three levels of fate, and if he wants to marry me, it's still a little too close."

Hear the words!

Zhou Lianyi couldn't help laughing.

If Senior Sister Bai knew Qin Feng's true combat effectiveness, she would no longer be much worse than her, what would she look like?

Just as Zhou Lianyi was about to tell her that the superb "Wind Tyrant" was what Qin Feng played.

She swallowed the words back into her stomach again abruptly.

after all!

Qin Feng just chose to disguise herself by disguising herself. Maybe she has something to do with her.


Naturally, Qin Feng didn't know what they were talking about.

At this moment, he is transforming into a wind tyrant, galloping toward the deeper 100-fold gravity area!


Qin Feng noticed that the stone sculptures in front had become taller and magnificent like a tower.

"It looks like this place is the area of ​​ten times the gravity, the intersection with the area of ​​100 times the gravity!"

The two different gravity regions like these are not crossed over at once, but have a buffer distance.

Without any hesitation, Qin Feng walked straight ahead, about ten meters or so.


Qin Feng only felt that the gravitational suppression on his body had once again increased ten times, reaching a hundred times the horror.

Under the suppression of this one hundred times of gravity, Qin Feng's entire body was suppressed by great strength, as if he was carrying hundreds of hills on his back.

Under such a huge gravity area, it was difficult for Qin Feng to maintain a flying state, and could only land from the void instead of walking.

Can be seen clearly!

Every time Qin Feng took a step, a deep footprint appeared on the ground.

"Sure enough it is a hundred times the gravity! Under normal circumstances, there is no half-step cultivation base, I am afraid it is difficult to move freely inside!"

"Even if it is the Ninth Level of Knowing Fate Realm, it will be difficult to survive, and the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced!"


Today's Qin Feng, because of his cultivation of "Prince Ancient True Dragon Jue", coupled with the transformation of the body of the gods and demons, makes his body stronger than ordinary people.


Under the pressure of this hundred times of gravity, he was not affected much, he was just not used to it at first!


Almost less than half a minute, Qin Feng was used to this hundredfold gravity suppression.

His whole body became more and more relaxed, and with every step he took, the footprints on the ground became more and more shallow.

One minute later!

Qin Feng had completely ignored the suppression of a hundredfold gravity, and unexpectedly began to soar into the air, galloping forward.


Qin Feng noticed that the more he went further, the gravity suppression became more and more severe.

After flying out of a distance of 10,000 meters, the surrounding gravity suppressed not only one hundred times, but about one hundred and ten times!

And the soil on the ground is obviously stronger than diamonds.


What really surprised Qin Feng was that the huge stone sculptures around, under the pressure of such a terrifying gravity, could still remain motionless, seemingly unaffected.


Qin Feng continued to fly forward.


From that distant void, a stream of light burst into the sky, and the intensity of that light almost penetrated the entire firmament, as bright as the sun, moon and stars.

no doubt!

This is another sign that a peerless treasure is about to be unearthed.

Moreover, the momentum of this beam of light is even more magnificent than before in the ten times gravity area.

It's obvious!

The value of the treasures unearthed this time is absolutely beyond imagination.

"Huh? A treasure was unearthed?"

Qin Feng's eyes suddenly glowed, and he didn't expect that he would encounter a treasure unearthed just after stepping into the area of ​​100 times the gravity.


Qin Feng quickly ran towards the direction where the treasure beam was. With his barely affected body, he reached the destination in less than ten minutes.


Around this piece of stone sculptures, on the ground, wisps of glittering treasures shine, which means that under this piece of land, there will be peerless treasures unearthed.

And the value of treasures in this kind of place will definitely far exceed those of the treasures outside, and it is even enough to make people fight wildly.

Maybe, there will still be legendary god-level treasures!


What puzzled Qin Feng was that in this place of peerless treasure, no outsider was present except him.

This picture is too incredible!

"It is impossible for no one to find out, because these treasures are too obvious, and they have been around for so long, and others have probably noticed it!"

"But why, no one else has the intention to fight over?"

"Is it possible...The value of the treasures in this area of ​​one hundred times gravity is not particularly precious, so that other people have no interest in fighting for it?"

Qin Feng frowned and began to think.

This is the time!


The entire ground began to erupt, with violent noises.


A series of extremely dazzling rays of light began to bloom from the ground and spread out in all directions.

The strong vitality fluctuations fill the entire air, allowing people to take a breath of air and enjoy a full sense of vitality.


At this time, Qin Feng was obviously not interested in absorbing these strong heaven and earth vitality.

"Finally unearthed!"

In Qin Feng's eyes, a sharp sharp light flashed, and a look of expectation appeared on his face.

Looking at this posture, the level of the unearthed treasure will definitely not be bad!


A earth-shattering sound rang out in the void, as if a thunder exploded.

next moment!

A stream of light burst into the sky again, as if a volcano erupted, and began to rush towards the void clouds.


This stream of light began to be divided into five rays of light, which were scattered in various directions.

The picture looks like fireworks blooming, especially charming and magnificent!

Since no one else snatched it, Qin Feng waved his hand and took all the treasures as his own.

"I'm going, it's too easy to grab treasures in this area of ​​a hundredfold gravity?"

Qin Feng held the five unearthed treasures in his hand and said to himself incredible.

This situation was too abnormal, and he couldn't believe it.


What you see!

The treasures he obtained this time included two elixir medicinal materials and two refining materials.

As for the remaining one, it was a strange black jade pendant.

"Red Dragon Fruit!"

"Nine Sun Flower!"

"A million years of sky silk!"

"The best empty dust stone!"

As for the origin of these treasures, Qin Feng could recognize at a glance, these things are all top treasures, almost infinitely close to god-level qualities.

Even the talented masters of the top ten forces will fight fiercely for them, and they will never let it go!

"The value of the treasure is not bad, so what is the reason that no one is fighting for it?"

Qin Feng frowned, thinking hard, with a look of incomprehension.


Qin Feng noticed the last treasure, the black jade pendant...

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