Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 3375: Aoki Giant Fuji


"how is this possible?"

"These things are clearly Chi Yanhua, a kind of elixir of very common grade, almost similar to weeds. In this entire Secret Realm of Samsara, apart from the large number, there is no name at all! "

"Hi! It's so weird! They are also mutated now, and their attack power is almost not inferior to the general notice of life martial artist!"

Zhou Lianyi exclaimed incredulously.

follow closely!

She swung countless lotus fist shadows in succession, and fiercely defeated all the red flame flowers that came from the rush.

A moment of effort!

These aggressive Chi Yanhua were forced back.

after all!

Only the strength of the general notice's fate, these red flame flowers did not threaten Qin Feng and his party.

"Let's leave here as soon as possible!"

After seeing this scene, Qin Feng didn't know what he thought of, but frowned and said to Zhou Lianyi.

"Huh? Junior Brother Qin Feng, why are we leaving? Although these red flame flowers have mutated and they are huge in number, they seem to have average combat effectiveness, so they won't threaten us?"

Zhou Lianyi asked in surprise.

"No, no, no! What I care about is not these red flame flowers, but when I was passing by before, there was a giant green wood vine nearby! The true grade of this thing is far higher than the green feather flowers just now! If it were the same If there is a mutation, then we may not be able to handle it!"

Qin Feng said with an extremely solemn expression.

That Qingyuhua's grade is several grades worse than the Qingmu giant vine! After the mutation, its combat effectiveness has reached the half-step aspiration level.

Once the green wood giant vine mutates, its combat power will only become more terrifying, and it may reach the level of the Aspiration Realm, or even the Dharma Image Realm!



Throughout the earth, there was a burst of sound of the sky and the earth cracking, as if an earthquake was coming.

The figures of Qin Feng's trio almost couldn't stand firm.

Perceiving such a movement, Zhou Lianyi suddenly changed her pretty face, and immediately looked towards the direction of the sound.

This look!

She was stunned!

Only see!

A giant tree with countless fruits, entwined with red and blue vines, is rushing toward them with a huge body!

Because it has no feet, it uses countless vines and branches as its feet, and it looks very funny when it runs.


The Qin Feng trio couldn't laugh at all, instead they showed solemn expressions, as if they were facing an enemy.

No other reason!

Just because the fluctuations in the breath released by this giant tree are too shocking!


The opponent's body is huge, but the speed is very fast, it can jump a hundred meters away at random, and it easily appears in front of Qin Feng and others!


Just as this giant greenwood vine came to the moment when Qin Feng and the others were about a kilometer away.

It stretched out the vines directly, turned into sharp spiked chains, and quickly wrapped around Qin Feng and the others!

That posture was clearly an attempt to capture Qin Feng's three people at the same time, not giving them a chance to escape.

At this time, Qin Feng, under such close observation, also noticed that the bodies of dozens of celebrity warriors were wrapped in the vines on the greenwood giant vine.

Among these human warriors, there are even genius masters who have achieved the nine-fold cultivation base!

but now!

Almost all of these human genius masters were pierced by the sharp thorns of the vines, and the essence and blood and true essence in the body were crazily swallowed by those vines...

"Huh! What a fierce monster!"

Qin Feng raised his eyebrows and hummed coldly, a sharp murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

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