Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 3388: Deduction


It's not easy for everyone, risking their lives to get to this point, isn't it just to get the legendary opportunity to become a god?

Compared with the real opportunity to become a god, what is the text of the gods before this?

Instead of being depressed and regretful here, it is better to hurry up and find a way to enter the reincarnation tomb.

Ever since!

Soon a group of warriors began to rush towards the gate of that ancient tomb...

When the other warriors around saw this, they thought for a while, and all followed in turn.

"Wait... something is wrong!"


Qin Feng stopped, and temporarily stopped Zhou Lianyi and Lie Sha, who were full of excitement.

"Junior Brother Qin Feng, what's the matter? If we don't seize the time to pass, I'm afraid that good things will be preempted when we wait!"

Zhou Lianyi asked with a face full of puzzlement, not understanding why Qin Feng didn't speed up at this time, but also stopped her.

Qin Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at the ancient tomb in front of him with dignity. He slowly replied, "Senior Sister Zhou, logically speaking, we are not the first warriors to come here. The gate of this ancient tomb is still If you haven't opened it, why don't you see the first batch of warriors who came here?"

This is Qin Feng's most doubtful point. If the first batch of warriors to come into the tomb, the door to the tomb will definitely be opened instead of being closed as it is now.

So this one, I am afraid there is another article!

This reincarnation tomb is the tomb of the gods, which must contain all kinds of unimaginable dangers and murderous intent, they have to be careful!

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Zhou Lianyi and Lie Sha were also shocked and immediately calmed down.


It's so risky!

If it weren't for Junior Brother Qin Feng just now, I'm afraid they are still immersed in the "excitement" of getting a chance to become a god?

In that emotional state, if there is really any crisis, then they might die in nine deaths!

"Junior Brother Qin Feng, what should we do?"

Looking at the front, a warrior, Zhou Lianyi and Lie Sha, who were scrambling to rush over, stopped silently, waiting for Qin Feng's instructions.

"Wait a minute!"

Qin Feng sighed and took a deep breath.

follow closely!

next moment!

Qin Feng began to urge the "Tao Xuan Dao Kind" in the Sea of ​​Soul Knowledge to perform deductions through the deduction technique of Tai Xuan Dao Shu.

With Qin Feng, today's powerful deduction ability, coupled with this "Tai Xuan Dao Shu".

Under normal circumstances, if only a few people are estimated, he can basically calculate some future pictures easily.


At this time, it was about the tomb of a **** and the future fate of the many genius warriors present.

and so!

If you want to calculate the difficulty, it is more than a thousand times greater than under normal circumstances?

With the ray of light from the Taixuan Taoist species, it constantly echoed in Qin Feng's soul consciousness sea.

For a moment!

Countless different pictures began to flash through Qin Feng's mind in turn, like a slide show.

This speed is very fast!

Moreover, the pictures are very messy, and it is almost impossible to capture the details of these pictures.

When Qin Feng saw this, he could only concentrate fully, mobilize his soul power with all his strength, and use his best efforts to find the useful images.

This kind of difficulty is very difficult just to estimate a person!

What's more, is the future picture of the fate of thousands of people?

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