Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 3395: Terrible formation

After a moment of silence!

Lie Sha looked at Zhou Lianyi beside her, her entire face was almost pale to the extreme, and she couldn't waste any more time.

He sighed and said: "Okay! Then first send Junior Sister Zhou Lianyi to the opposite area! She was injured by the green wood giant vine before, and she is already in a weak state, and she needs to make up for some vitality!"

"Um...Sister Zhou, you should prepare!"

Qin Feng took a deep breath, looking at Zhou Lianyi, who looked weak, and said solemnly.

This matter is too critical to tolerate the slightest sloppy.


Zhou Lianyi didn't waste any time either, and nodded slightly and said, "Junior Brother Qin Feng, don't worry, I'm ready!"


Qin Feng nodded, his gaze swept over the missing spot, and he was about to find an opportunity to throw Zhou Lianyi over with his own strength.

"Sister Zhou, once I throw you over, I will no longer be able to help you. I need to rely on you later! Although this place, because of the incompleteness of the gods, has caused some omissions and defects. But after all, it belongs to a powerful one. There is still some pulling force in the sacred formation, you must do your best to get rid of the speed of this pulling force and escape to the opposite area!"

"If it fails, I am afraid the consequences will be disastrous!"

Qin Feng said very solemnly, once Zhou Lianyi was unable to resist part of the pulling force because of his lack of strength.

That means that Zhou Lianyi will most likely be torn to pieces by two terrifying pulling forces.

and so!

The opportunity is in an instant, and there is no room for it to miss!

Zhou Lianyi also knew the seriousness of the matter, smiled slightly, and replied, "Senior Brother Qin Feng, don't underestimate your Senior Sister!"

After that!

She clenched her fists and stared at the omission, looking like she was about to move.

Seeing this, Qin Feng nodded secretly. Now there is only this chance to get Zhou Lianyi away. No matter how dangerous it is, he must try.


This is the time!

Several voices of "Meow Meow" sounded.

do not know when!

The meat bun that had been in Qin Feng's storage ring heard a meowing sound.

Immediately afterwards, it flew out suddenly, blinking in front of Qin Feng, making several gestures.

"Huh? What do you mean, do you have a way to help everyone, get rid of the pulling power of the entire divine formation, and send us over?"

Qin Feng looked at the meat bun in front of him with a look of surprise, he almost forgot this little guy.

"Meow meow meow……"

The cute little meat bun shook his head, but nodded again, pointed to the missing place, and made several different gestures again.

"Uh... Roubao, you are telling me that the level of this gods formation is too high. At your current level, you can't use your talents and supernatural powers to directly take us out of the suppression of pulling power?"

"But, can you get rid of that small part of the pulling force at that missing flaw?"

Qin Feng asked guessingly, with the tacit understanding between him and Roubao, he could easily understand the meaning of Roubao.

"Meow meow meow!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Xiao Roubao nodded his head with his hands on his hips with a confident expression.

Seeing its so humane appearance, Qin Feng couldn't help smiling with a smile on his face.


He was worried about Senior Sister Zhou, if he was sent to the leaked position and still could not resist a small part of the pulling force, what should he do.

but now!

Xiao Rou Bao solved this problem. Although it could not lead everyone to get rid of the suppression of the pulling force, it could guarantee Zhou Lianyi's absolute safety through the omissions of the formation.

"Well, Xiaoroubao, everything is up to you!"

Naturally, Qin Feng believed very much in the abilities of the meat buns. Without any doubt, he handed it to Zhou Lianyi's shoulder.

"Sister Zhou, the meat buns will cooperate with you later and help you to the opposite vitality area!"

Qin Feng looked at Zhou Lianyi and said seriously.

Zhou Lianyi touched Roubao's little head, smiled and nodded: "Junior Brother Qin Feng, I know the abilities of Xiaoroubao, so don't worry!"

She had seen that this little meat bun was so powerful that it was the terrifying monster "Spirit Devouring Divine Beast" in the heaven and earth. After growing up, even the Spirit Devouring King who had half-stepped into the Cauldron Realm was not his opponent.


On weekdays, this little guy is too greedy and lethargic. He sleeps when he eats, and eats when he sleeps. He basically won't take the initiative to come out.

Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, this little guy would come forward.

"Little Roubao, you have to cheer up and lead Senior Sister Zhou to pass safely!"


The situation is urgent!

Seeing the omission of the formation method, it will soon appear, Qin Feng also has no time to hesitate, and immediately cast his true essence to cover the two Zhou Lianyi.

everything's ready!

As soon as there was an omission in the position of the formation, he tried his best to forcibly resist the pulling force of the formation, and pushed Zhou Lianyi and Roubao to another area.

"Junior Brother Qin Feng, can this little guy really do it?"

Lie Sha asked with a little doubt. He knew that Qin Feng's pet beast was not simple, but he had never seen the specific ability of Roubao.


Even his half-step aspiring martial artist, in the entire formation, must do his best to resist that pulling force.

But this little guy didn't seem to be affected much, and he seemed very relaxed.

This is enough to prove that this little guy is absolutely extraordinary!

"Forget it, I think too much!"

Thinking of this, Lie Sha couldn't help but shook his head and gave a wry smile.



Lie Sha asked again: "Junior Brother Qin Feng, don't underestimate the power of this formation! Even if there is a slight omission, it is still very dangerous. Don't be careless! We must ensure the safety of Senior Sister Zhou!"

"Moreover, I always feel that in the area of ​​vitality, it is not as safe as I imagined! On the contrary, it will be even more dangerous!"

Qin Feng nodded, and sighed helplessly, "I also know this, but now I have an arrow on the string and I have to send it! Everything can only depend on fate!"

He naturally knew Liesha's worries.

But judging from the current situation, if you don't escape to the opposite area as soon as possible, you may soon be drained of vitality and become a dead soul!

"Swish swish!"

A sound of breaking through the air, whizzing through the air.

Qin Feng and his team ran with all their strength, but at the fastest speed, with the help of the characteristics of the light wing of the streamer, thunder and shadow, they quickly came to the area in front of the flaw.

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