Ancient True Dragon Art

Chapter 990: Magic dragon

When it came to this, Jiuyou Yanque's voice clearly carried a gesture of gloat that could not be covered.

Obviously, being able to add obstacles to this undead old thief is an extremely wonderful thing for it.


Without seeing any movement of the Jiuyou Yanque, suddenly, a palm-sized red object appeared in the air.

It was a ball of blood.

Although it was just a mass of unowned blood, it still exuded bursts of formidable aura in this midair.

"With this mass of blood, you can enter it, and once you enter it, you will be regarded as his descendants, and you will get his unique inheritance...Go!"


With this group of blood suddenly hit the stone monument in front of him.

Suddenly, a huge force swallowed Qin Feng's figure suddenly.


Qin Feng's face suddenly changed, and the zhenqi in his body quickly began to rotate.

However, he discovered that this swallowing power didn't even mean the slightest harm to him, not just that, a soft wave of fluctuations constantly intertwined on his body.


The void moved.

Suddenly, great changes have taken place in front of Qin Feng.

The sky is full of brilliance, all kinds of stars, endless and profound...

Here, it turned out to be a starry world!

Beside Qin Feng, the boundless **** patterns flickered. These **** patterns seemed to contain the boundless avenue, and the flow was endless. Between these stars, they were connected to each other, forming a mysterious trace.


While Qin Feng was still shocked, the surrounding environment suddenly changed dramatically.

The original starry sky was suddenly distorted, and then, the sky was crazily intertwined.

As if only in the blink of an eye, his surroundings had evolved from the boundless sacred realm to the **** of a nose.

That purgatory-like blood qi, intertwined all over the sky, is rich to the extreme, and has evolved into countless blood-colored chains, huge chains, intertwined, with a bloodthirsty and crazy aura.

"Here, what is the secret knowledge hidden?"

Seeing the shocking bloodthirsty aura around him, Qin Feng's brow moved slightly.


While Qin Feng was still thinking and observing, suddenly, the blood around him shook violently.


A roar and roar, this roar, brought boundless hostility and murderous aura, for a while, blood rushed to the sky, and the terrible bloodthirsty aura filled every inch of this space to the extreme, almost disgusting.

As the roar resounded, in an instant, everything around him changed again, the infinite vitality began to condense, and an evil figure appeared in it.

It was a vicious long blood dragon.

The dragon head is vicious, and the dragon eye is bloodthirsty. When you look at it, you can feel that a compelling chill is swallowing in front of you, as if the entire space has changed into a **** hell.

The opponent was hundreds of meters long and stood proudly. The dragon's claws waved like a crack in the sky, just when Qin Feng was still surprised.

Suddenly, the blood-colored dragon roared again, and it slammed toward him cruelly.

"not good!"

Such a blood, such a strong bloodthirsty fluctuation, even if you don't think about it, you can feel how amazing and terrifying the power contained in this blood-colored dragon.

However, before Qin Feng could really react, the opponent's evil dragon head had already disappeared in front of him for the next moment.

Qin Feng could only feel that the evil blood-stained magic dragon actually got into his body.

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