Angry Male God

Chapter 94 Twin Sisters

For a moment, Jiang's mother's face was filled with a kind of hesitation of being exposed, and an unspeakable annoyance. She looked at Jiang Chi in front of her and knew that her daughter was smarter than the silly Jiang Yu since she was a child. If she was not smart, why did Jiang Yu like to stick to her husband since she was a child, but Jiang Chi always stayed away from her.

Even if she called him dad, she was very indifferent.

Jiang's mother never regretted giving up Jiang Chi. After her husband died, that period of time was too difficult. If she hadn't met her current husband, Jiang's mother didn't know how she would live alone. So they can have the life they have now, Jiang's mother has always cherished it very much. Even after discovering that her husband had such a perverted **, Jiang's mother never thought of divorcing this man, because she didn't know if she could find such a man again after the divorce, a man who could support the family, a man who could shelter her from the wind and rain.

For the sake of the family and the three of them living well, Jiang's mother knew what she had to give up. So after she decided to give up Jiang Chi, she was always cold to Jiang Chi and didn't want to invest her feelings in Jiang Chi. It was also because of this that the motherly love for Jiang Chi was placed on Jiang Yu. She only hoped that one day she would see all this really happen, and she just thought it was Jiang Chi's problem. Otherwise, Jiang's mother didn't know how she would look at it.

Looking at Jiang Chi at this time, Jiang's mother didn't expect that this girl was so smart. Now she has guessed everything, but she can't admit it, and can't say anything. She can only say it with a cold face.

"What are you talking about? Although your stepfather loves your sister more, he is also good to you. How can you say that about your stepfather? And I have raised you until now, and you are disobedient all day long. Can't I beat you?"

After she finished speaking, she seemed not to want to hear what Jiang Chi said anymore, and turned around to leave.

Jiang Chi was unwilling to give up, and shouted at Jiang's mother's back.

"Mom! Tell me, have you known that person's thoughts for a long time? Have you given up on me long ago??"

Her voice was filled with embarrassed crying and collapse, but Jiang's mother heard such a voice, gritted her teeth and left, never looking at her again.

Watching her mother's back disappear in front of her, Jiang Chi's face was full of tears. At the age of thirteen, she was not a girl who knew nothing. This time, her mother's reaction to her return and everything before seemed to be connected. She understood that she was the one who was abandoned from the beginning.

The one that mother had to give up in order to maintain this family...

In the room, there was Jiang Chi's suppressed crying. Shen Herong was at the sliding door. After making sure that Jiang's mother had left, he pushed the sliding door open and walked in.

Jiang Chi stood there with her back to Shen Herong. Although she heard the sound of the sliding door, she did not turn her head. Instead, she walked to the door and suddenly locked it. Even at this time, she instructed what to do and should protect Shen Herong's existence.

Jiang Chi turned around with red eyes and tears on her face. Her peach blossom eyes looked even more pitiful, which made Shen Herong feel indescribably uncomfortable.

It seemed that every time, he would always see this girl in a miserable state.

"Are you... okay?"

He suddenly didn't know how to comfort the girl in front of him, because anyone who had experienced this probably wanted to hear something that was not useless comfort, because any comfort could not heal the scars in a person's heart.

Jiang Chi looked at Shen Herong's helpless appearance, but took the initiative to come to Shen Herong, stretched out his hands to hug Shen Herong's waist, and then buried his face in his chest. The chest of such a weak child made Jiang Chi's anger slowly begin to be suppressed, but the tears of grievance continued to fall, wetting Shen Herong's chest.

Shen Herong let Jiang Chi hold him in a daze. After an unknown amount of time, he reached out and slowly embraced Jiang Chi, then gently stroked his back, as if he was comforting a child, wanting to make Jiang Chi feel more comfortable.

The room was extremely quiet, and even Jiang Chi's crying sounded so small. Jiang Chi tightly held Shen Herong's waist with his hands, as if he wanted to bury himself in the boy's body.

The two of them were like elks licking each other, quietly entwined together at this time.

Listening to Shen Herong's somewhat rapid but powerful heartbeat, Jiang Chi's crying finally stopped slowly, but she was still reluctant to let go of the person next to her. She had never thought about liking anything, but at this moment, Shen Herong's existence gave her a great sense of security, which made Jiang Chi feel more at ease than ever before.

"Mom has always known."

She suddenly said this, her voice aggrieved and painful, and Shen Herong didn't know what to answer, because sometimes, everything a child experiences is often closely related to his parents.

Even children can feel it, how can an adult not feel it?

"My stepfather has dirty thoughts about me, and my mother has always known about it. Today, Jiang Yu secretly came to my room and wore my clothes. I didn't let her wear them, but she insisted on wearing them. As a result, my mother came over and beat me after seeing it..."

Slowly telling what happened today, Jiang Chi didn't know what happened downstairs to make her mother so angry, but thinking that the man and Jiang Yu were not at home, something must have happened. Jiang Chi thought of the perverted man. Did the man set his sights on Jiang Yu?

Although she and Jiang Yu had frictions sometimes, since she found out that she was being targeted, she was glad countless times that the person being targeted was not Jiang Yu. If it was Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu would definitely not know how to protect herself, right?

But now, Jiang Chi knew that Jiang Yu might be targeted by her stepfather, and she felt indescribably happy in her heart. Thinking of her mother's previous questioning, and thinking that Jiang Yu, whom her mother had always protected, would suffer the same thing as herself, Jiang Chi felt indescribably happy in her heart. She felt that she was a bad girl.

"My stepfather may have set his eyes on Jiang Yu. My mother is very angry. She asked me why I gave the clothes to Jiang Yu. She suspected that I did it on purpose. Ah He, I didn't do it on purpose, but I knew the ending of all this, but I didn't stop it. Tell me... am I very bad?"

Her head was still buried in Shen Herong's chest. She didn't dare to look at Shen Herong's expression. She felt like a bad girl. She should have protected her sister, but she pushed her sister to the forefront.

"No, you are not bad. In fact, the reason why I came to see you is because I saw your stepfather and your sister downstairs. They went out and didn't know where they went."

Shen Herong gently stroked the girl's hair in his arms, giving the child a sense of peace of mind. He didn't think Jiang Chi did anything wrong at all.

A person should protect himself first. If everyone is selfless, what will this world be like?

Born as a human being, you have to live for yourself. No matter how dirty this world is, you have to live well.

Hearing this, Jiang Chi didn't know what to think for a moment, but still buried her head in Shen Herong's arms, just quietly hugging Shen Herong, absorbing the sense of security from the other party, and the pain in her heart will gradually subside.

She no longer wants to be a good sister who protects her sister, no longer wants to be the one who has to be vigilant about what her stepfather does to her at any time, and no longer wants to be a good daughter in her mother's eyes. Jiang Chi hopes that she will live only for herself.

Here Shen Herong is comforting Jiang Chi, while Jiang's father takes Jiang Yu to a very good western restaurant for dinner. Jiang Yu's dress today is really beautiful. The thirteen-year-old girl is also 1.6 meters tall, and wearing high heels, it looks even more strangely tempting. Jiang's father couldn't take his eyes off all the way.

Jiang Yu likes to eat steak at this restaurant very much. Because it is very expensive, she has only come here a few times before. At this time, she is really happy to eat steak with her father. The two of them finished dinner happily. It was almost 7:30. They were originally planning to go home, but Jiang's father looked at such a beautiful Jiang Yu and couldn't help but suggest.

"Since you are so happy today, can Daddy take you shopping?"

Jiang Yu held Jiang's father's arm, and smiled when she heard this, and nodded excitedly.

"Okay, Dad, you are so nice! I like you so much~" She smiled at this time, as if there were stars in her eyes, and seemed to think of the etiquette of gratitude between close fathers and daughters, so she stopped and looked at her father.

"Dad, please bow your head quickly."

Jiang's father didn't understand why, so he stopped and bowed his head slightly, but was suddenly imprinted on his face by the girl's lips. Although there was only the smell of lipstick, this moment was enough to make Jiang's father's whole body start to heat up.

The girl's deliciousness seemed to be right in front of her.

It was the first time that she expressed her love to her father so closely. Jiang Yu forgot that the person in front of her was just her stepfather. This man's love for her since childhood made Jiang Yu think that this was her real father, and she was also a girl who was loved by her father.

She had no idea that such a kiss would drag her into such a hopeless situation.

Maybe, even if she knew, so what? Dad can take her to the best restaurants, and take her shopping. He won't be cold to her, won't scold her, and always coax her. This has made Jiang Yu very happy.

"Dad, let's go shopping~"

Looking at his smiling daughter in front of him, Jiang's father felt that he saw an angel. He had long forgotten Jiang Chi, who had been calculating for many years. Compared with this lively and active little girl, who would be willing to calculate a girl who has a cold face all day long?

Jiang's father felt that at this moment, he suddenly felt the taste of first love, and even the air was sweet.

The author has something to say: There is a quote from a scumbag that says: If she is youthful and flawless, take her to see the prosperity of the world. Now Jiang Yu is like this

The next update will be before twelve o'clock! Begging for nutrient solution~

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