In the auditorium, the spectators watching the big screen were cheering for the two teams in the arena.

On the field, the chariot team of the Oarai Women's Academy was in hot pursuit of Alyssa's Sherman, and the reinforcements brought by Kaye in the rear had already outflanked them.

On the battlefield, the chariot team of Oarai Women's College fell into an unfavorable situation of being surrounded by the front and rear, and the atmosphere in the audience became tense.

[Oarai Women's College, in crisis~]

On the side of St. Gloriana's College, Darjeeling sat with Orange and Yellow Baihao, also paying close attention to the direction of the game.

[Sandwiches, compared to the bread on both sides, the cucumber in the middle is the most delicious]

[It tastes good in the middle!]

Listening to Darjeeling's philosophical and educational words, the corners of the mouths of the people watching the anime in front of the screen twitched.

"Everyone is watching the game, why can you put a screen behind you?"

"Talking about King Darjeeling, it's a real hammer!"

"It's a good taste in the middle??? it's a terrible line!!"

"Fart, the cheese and ham sandwiched in the middle are the best!!"

"The Girl and the Chariot" has also been broadcast for a long time, and the audience has found that Darjeeling must be indispensable in the audience for every game.

The temperament of an English lady, leisurely sipping black tea, has made countless LSPs deeply memorable and unforgettable.

And every time I give Darjeeling a shot, Darjeeling will also live up to expectations and say a few words, each sentence is philosophical and full of British characteristic style.

The audience also jokingly referred to the scene of Darjeeling speaking as Darjeeling Talking Time.

Speaking of Darjeeling, we have to mention Miho Nishizumi.

In her previous life, Miho Nishizumi had a street fight bonus because of her unique tactical command.

What should I do if the front of the battlefield is just right?

Easy to do, turn to street fighting!

What should I do if I am outnumbered on the field?

Easy to do, turn to street fighting!

What should I do if the race gets stuck?

The old rules, or turn to street fighting!

Miho Nishizumi also led the chariot group of Oarai Women's Academy to win the championship in the Battle Lane Race because of her unique street fighting skills.

Because Miho Nishizumi was given the title of 'God of War' by fans.

And as the only St. Gloriana School who has defeated the chariot team of Daqai Women's College, the captain of the chariot team in Darjeeling is also nicknamed the "military god nemesis".

Darjeeling did not disappoint the spectators, and in the friendly match that followed, United Truth College once again defeated the Daarai Women's College chariot group, which had just won the Battle Lane Race.

Throughout the entire work of "The Girl and the Chariot", only Darjeeling, the king of sassy words, can defeat the aura of the protagonist of Miho Nishizumi.

The name of 'Army Warrior Buster' lives up to its name.

Of course, this excludes an ultimate sister control!

Listening to Darjeeling's vivid metaphor, the audience didn't bother to complain, because the situation in the anime is just like what Darjeeling describes, similar to a sandwich.

Or it's more appropriate to call it a meat bun!

Over time, after the ace firefly of Sandas's High School arrived on the battlefield, the Oarai Women's Academy lost two chariots one after another.

Seeing this scene, the attentive audience also discovered that the rest of this Nima is a German chariot~

Hans VS Freedom, the show has officially begun!

The situation began to become more and more tense, and the audience was waiting for the outcome of the match with antiquity.

Watching the fireflies that slashed two chariots in a row aim at Miho Nishizumi's chariot No. 4, and the No. 4D model aimed at the flag chariot that Sandas was fleeing, the audience held their breath.

There is no need for any reminder, everyone knows that the result of the game will be known in the next shot, and whether it is won or lost depends on this shelling.

As they watched the No. 4 D-shaped vehicle parked on the hill turn around to make up for the difference in the speed of the turret, the audience was amazed by the details that Fang was working on in these aspects.

It is not difficult to see in the picture that Sandas's flag car moves very fast, and it is difficult to lock the opponent with the rotation of the turret of the No. 4D type alone, at this time, the entire hull of the combat vehicle is particularly important to cooperate with the direction of the turret rotation, which is also the reason why the audience admires Founder.

It's a detail maniac.

When Isuzu Hana, who served as the gunner, aimed at the opponent's flag car, the anime gave Isuzu Hua a description of his eyes.

The black and white pupils seem to have nothing but the goal, firm and decisive, this is a bubble of confidence in victory!


The firefly fired at about the same time as the Type 4D, and the deafening sound of the shelling was like a hammer slamming into the hearts of the audience.

Who... Who won?

Looking at the two chariots with thick black smoke emitting from the battlefield, the audience was nervous and forgot to breathe, waiting for the final result.


When they saw the white flag coming out of the flag car of Sandas High School, the audience breathed a long sigh of relief like a deflated ball.

"Congratulations to Daxi Women's Academy, after picking up a full-level driver, then mention a full-level gunner!!"

"It's really awesome, this cannon makes me excited!"

"One shot into the soul, this Nima is the real one-shot soul~!"

"Hahaha, Sandas's expression lit up, his face was confused, his face was dazed, and his face was at a loss!!"

As Isuzu Hana's shot hit the target directly, the battlefield seemed to stand still, especially Kaye, the captain of the Sandas Tank Team.

Holding a headset in one hand, pointing ahead with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Kaye's confident expression looked extremely funny, which caused many viewers to laugh.

Sure enough, there's nothing more refreshing than seeing the free country deflated~!!

All the members of the chariot team of the Daarai Women's Academy, who won the victory, cheered and embraced each other, celebrating the joy of victory.

When the salutes were completed, the Battle Lane Tournament was temporarily over.

As the captain of the Sandas Tank, Kaye hugged Miho Nishizumi from behind, praised the opponent's tactics, and said something that made the audience fall in their eyes.

This is not war, and if you deviate from the right path, the chariot will cry!]

Seeing that Kaye and Miho Nishizumi have become friends who appreciate each other very much, the audience has expressed their discomfort.

complained one after another, it's not free at all, this is not the style of Eagle Sauce, aren't you the best at asymmetrical combat?

"Shut up, that's not what you said when you made dumplings in front of people's homes!!

"233, dumplings? Are those two dumplings that make people eat enough?"

"Why do I always think that this is Fang Dada's irony, is it my delusion?"

"You're not alone upstairs, I think so too!"

At the end of the anime, the audience complained, and of course, there were also speculations about whether Fang Zheng was ironic in the free country in his work, after all, no one came out to explain this matter, whether it was Fang Zheng or the official of A Society.

Everything is just the audience's own speculation~

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Oath ╮ Like Dust Staining the Flowing Year", thanks to "QQ7... 76", thank you for your support!!

Kneel and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support~~~~~~~

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