"Then the second question. Yang Li quickly skipped that topic, although it was an interview show, there was still a time limit in the station, and there would not be too much time for her to waste on an issue.

"I heard that Fang Dada announced on Weibo that you are creating a second work, I don't know if it's true?".

Yang Li looked at Fang Zheng curiously, and the audience who had watched "Dream of the Stars" had a great sense of expectation for Fang Zheng's new work, including herself.

"Yes, I have indeed been preparing my new work lately. "

Seeing Fang Zheng admitting it, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded immediately.

"I knew that Fang Da would not let me down!"

"The new work won't be a healing style again~".

"Unlikely, I've seen the attached picture of Fang Dada's Weibo, it seems to be a fight anime. "

"Fang Dada, look at me, look at me, please draw me in the lottery!"

Many viewers in the live broadcast room have seen Founder's Weibo, and they have also heard a little about Founder's new work, of course, they are most concerned about the Weibo lottery that Founder's promised before.

In the studio, Fang Zheng couldn't see the barrage in the live broadcast room, but he didn't care, the purpose of his participation in this interview was to launch the concept of animation, as well as to advertise his new work "Chopping Red".

"I don't know what the style of Fang Dada's new work is?" Yang Li heard Fang Zheng's words and looked at him very expectantly, "Or do you want to continue the touching route of the previous "Dream of the Stars"?".

When Fang Zheng heard Yang Li's words, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and said: "Of course not, in my eyes, any anime has its uniqueness, and the same is true for "Dream of the Stars", it is an anime that cannot be copied. "

Yang Li didn't notice it herself, when she heard that Fang Zheng was not taking the healing route, she said that she was a little relieved, to be honest, she was really afraid of the depressive and depressing style of "Dream of the Stars".

But at present, there is only one anime on the market, even if she is depressed, she still has to watch it, which is why the audience who has watched "Star Dream" will love each other deeply.

"I don't know what the style of your new work is, can you tell us more about it?"

Fang Zheng saw that Yang Li immediately turned the topic to his new work, and couldn't help but spy on the other party, didn't he come here to advertise "Chopping Red"?

"My new work "Chop Crimson" is different from "Dream of Stars", if "Dream of Stars" is a healing fan with delicate emotions, then "Chop Crimson" is a high-blooded anime. "

Fang Zheng said as he took out his promotional poster from his briefcase, took out one of them separately, and shook it in front of the camera.

"The story of 'Slashing the Red' is very simple, it is about the conflict between a decaying empire and a group of killers, and this is a very important character in my work. "

Fang Zheng handed the poster to Yang Li so that she could show it to the audience in the live broadcast room.

Yang Li took the poster, and what caught her eye was a picture of a character with blood as the background throughout, and the most attractive thing about the girl was her red eyes.

Just by looking at it, you can feel the girl's very complex character.,There's a ruthlessness to the enemy.,There's a daily cuteness.,There's a kind of resilience that never admits defeat.。

Yang Li took a deep breath, and at first glance she fell in love with this girl.

Holding a poster in her hand, she looked carefully, the girl had long black hair, a pretty face that still looked like she didn't need makeup, a black blouse, and a red tie around her neck.

She wore a short black skirt and held a reddish scimitar in her hand, which gave people a very strange feeling.

After a long time, Yang Li put down the poster in her hand, looked at Fang Zheng with admiration and said, "Fang Dada, if I guessed correctly, this should be the killer in the killer group you mentioned~".

"Why do you say that?" Fang Zheng glanced at Yang Li differently, he didn't expect Yang Li's intuition to be so keen, and he analyzed the identity of the red pupil just by looking at it.

First of all, the girl as a whole gives people a very cute feeling, no expression, looks very cold, and has no superfluous movements, looks very clean and neat. "

Yang Li stretched out her hand and handed the poster to the staff on the side, asking them to show it to the audience in the live broadcast room.

"What impressed me the most was the red eyes, and I saw a very cold feeling in them. "

The staff put the poster in front of the camera, and in the live broadcast room, the real face of the poster finally appeared on the screen.

"Damn, it's beautiful!".

"Those ruby eyes are really beautiful~".

"Is this Fang Dada's new work?

"Mom, I'm in love, one minute, I want all the information about this woman!".

The moment the live broadcast room saw the red pupil poster, it exploded directly on the spot, and the handsome posture of the red pupil in a black uniform holding a demon knife instantly attracted everyone's attention.

People don't want to look away for a long time!

"Your intuition is very accurate!" Fang Zheng didn't know the fierce reaction of the audience in the live broadcast room, he glanced at Yang Li in admiration, and said: "That's right, this is a very important role in "Chopping Crimson", and even the name of the new work is named because of her. "

Yang Li glanced at the poster that returned to Fang Zheng's hand very eagerly, pursed her lips and said, "Is it convenient for Fang Fang to tell this girl's name?"

Yang Li is very smart, she didn't ask Founder directly, but asked Founder if it was inconvenient to disclose, after all, many works are kept secret before they are listed.

Therefore, spoilers are a taboo for the creator, although she doesn't know much about anime, but it's also true when you think about it.

"His name is Red Hitomi. "

Fang Zheng smiled, his purpose is to promote "Chop Crimson", there will not be too many spoilers in the plot, after all, "Chop Crimson" is a bloody fight at the same time, it is also a highly 'healing' drama.

If he said it, he might be beaten up by the angry audience who blocked the door of the TV station.

"What a good name. Yang Li nodded in agreement after listening to Fang Zheng's words, remembering the girl's ruby eyes in the poster, this name is very appropriate.

PS: Ask the bigwigs to support ~


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