With the official progress of the game, the audience is also looking forward to watching the development of things, and the audience is still looking forward to the collision between Sister and Sister Xizhuliu.

As the plot progresses, the audience also somewhat understands the meaning of some of the Western Residence.

Xizhuliu, one blow must be hit, solid off the golden soup, not chaotic in the face of danger, iron standard, steel will, this is the essence of Xizhuliu.

In layman's terms, it is to fight accurately, have a strong defense, have a positive mentality, have strict military discipline and dare to sacrifice, in a sense, Xizhuliu inherited the set of Hans Kingdom.

The core of this is group warfare, where the commander commands the team like a brain center, and the team members obey the command without error, and fight steadily and never flinch.

It is often used to advance encirclement operations in groups, suppress firepower, and then annihilate the opponent in one go.

The advantages of Xizhuliu are obvious, that is, the tactical execution is accurate, the degree of organization and training is extremely high, and the mistakes are greatly reduced.

Relatively, the shortcomings are also very significant, poor personal initiative, rigidity and inflexibility, loss of command at a loss, the two Hesse lost the championship stemming from this.

Although Black Bee's loss of ten consecutive championships is related to Miho Nishizumi's throwing away the flag car to rescue her companions, it also illustrates the disadvantages of its team members being at a loss for what to do when they lose their command.

And the Black Bee lost the championship for the second time... emmm~

There are two reasons, one is that the battle lane of Miho Nishizumi is not the orthodox Nishizumi, but it is broken into parts, biased towards guerrillas, and is more flexible and changeable than Nishizumi, and there is a certain restraint in tactics.

The second reason is much more interesting, in the previous life, most netizens were more inclined to the term 'waterproof', for the final battle, netizens ridiculed Nishizumi Maho as a tsundere girl.

It is not difficult to see from the anime that Maho Nishizumi, as the captain of the chariot team, has only commanded a handful of times in the finals, which is why many people say that Miho Nishizumi released water.

In fact, this is a release of water, this is clearly putting the entire Pacific Ocean, okay!!

Tsundere's dead sister has a stone hammer!!

In the dense woods, Hesse gathered a large force to chase after the chariot group of the Oarai Women's Academy, a move that was completely in line with the rules of action of Nishizumi.

But when the audience looks at the stalker hidden on the side, the picture suddenly becomes joyful.

Looking at the swarthy artillery that stretched out of the green grass, even the rifling inside the cannon could be seen clearly.

The team of their own chariots was run over by someone, and Miho Nishizumi still had the courage to separate the stalkers and act alone??

This is an iron determination to play guerrilla tactics to the end~!

Inexplicably, many people remembered the sixteen-character mantra of 'the enemy advances and I retreat, the enemy is stationed and I disturb, the enemy is tired and I fight, and the enemy retreats and I chase', how similar this scene is!

"Fang Da is awesome, the tactics of the older generation have been arranged!!"

"233 ~ My big guerrilla tactics are simply the originator, the Xizhu stream of Tianke's frontal advancement!!"

"Fang Dada, did you say that you have secretly studied the 'guerrilla theory'?"

"Our own tactics look extraordinarily kind~"

When the audience reacted, they posted barrages one after another, some ridiculed, some and some honored, but without exception, they did not silently praise Founder's practice of promoting their own tactics.


With a cannon shot, the long-lying pursuers successfully interrupted the tracks of the chariot, and the audience was dumbfounded.

When he saw that it was the student council president, Ako Kakutani, was the gunner, but they all nodded, as if this was a matter of course.

After all, this woman is nicknamed a pedicure maniac, and her kung fu of breaking the track directly promoted her to one of the four major gunners of the whole fan.

"The name of the broken belt madman is well deserved, obviously you can hit the side and have to break the track!!"

"What do you know, this is the shrimp pig heart, it is estimated that the logistics department of the black bee has been crying and fainting in the toilet at this time~"

"233 ~ The staggered load wheel is simply a logistics nightmare, but they also encountered the belt break maniac!!"

"I will grow up, and I will always drop God~"

For viewers who don't know about armaments, they really don't understand why Kakutani An's target other people's tracks to fight.

But those military houses understand, and it is precisely because they understand that they have a deeper understanding of Kakutani's dark belly.

Most of the Hanse-made chariots use staggered load wheels, although the advantages of staggered load wheels are great, but the disadvantages are also very obvious.

That's maintenance, and once a load wheel or track is hit by an enemy, repair alone is enough to drive people crazy.

Seeing that Kakutani Xing was specifically aiming at the track of the Hessian Peak chariot, the people who understood it laughed heartily, and they could already guess the dark faces of the logistics maintenance personnel of Hessian Peak.

Especially looking at the Hessian Peak chariots, almost all of which are staggered load wheels, the audience laughed even more.

What kind of sin is this, holding this woman who specializes in crawlers~

At this time, the reaction of the Hessian Peak chariot team was also as the audience had guessed before, because there was no command from the commander, and the temporary reaction was somewhat unsatisfactory.

Not only did the pursuers break the tracks of their two chariots, but they also escaped with ease, which taught Hesshorn a lesson from the beginning.

Watching the pursuers swagger away from here, the Hessian Peak chariot group that was attacked was furious, but they could only let the other party leave because of the order.

After all, they were ordered to quickly join up with the large army, not to spend it with each other here.

'Watching' the pursuers leave, Hesse Peak and Daxi Women's College also set up a posture on a hill, quite a sniper in the middle door.

The Oarai Women's College occupies the high ground and has a terrain advantage, while Hesse Peak has a chariot advantage, both in terms of quantity and quality, and it is a few streets away from Oarai.

With Nishizumi Maho's order, the Hessian Peak chariot group began to brave the artillery fire of the big wash towards the mountain, and its organization and discipline were vividly reflected at this moment!

At this time, although Hessian Peak is still a university in the setting, the audience has already seen the shadow and style of a professional army in them.

The commander gave an order, even if there was a mountain of swords and a sea of fire in front of him, he had to rush forward!

Especially the sound of artillery in their ears, many viewers felt their blood boiling, as if they were in a fierce and tense battlefield.

Hessian Peak, the dark forces, no matter whether it is victory or defeat in the end, this military literacy alone has already left a deep impression on the audience.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "Night Sky", "Lost in the Flowing Years", "LBDbox", and "157...512", and thank you for the rewards of "Lost in the Lost Years", thank you for your support!!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, grateful!!

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