Taking advantage of the hunter's inappropriate moment, Miho Nishizumi led the chariot team of Oarai Women's College like a tiger descending the mountain, pulling smoke all the way from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, and heading towards the city.

If you can't beat it, turn to street fighting!

For Miho Nishizumi, who has a street fight bonus, this is almost a tactic carved into his bones.

Only when there are many obstacles can it be convenient to divide the enemy and fight guerrillas.

Looking at Miho Nishizumi's tactical choice, many viewers nodded approvingly, for the current Oarai Women's Academy, turning into street fighting, and then looking for an opportunity to steal a few chariots on the opposite side, this is the most correct choice.

However, although they approve of Miho Nishizumi's tactical choice, it does not mean that they approve of the operation of the Oarai chariot team.

[The leopard lion is starting to be distressed~]

[I'm going to coax him!]

During the retreat of the chariot team of the Oarai Women's College, the Tiger P driven by the automobile department seemed to be starting to make trouble, and there was a tendency to want to strike.

[Good girl~It's okay~]

When the audience watched the members of the automobile department climb on the chariot to repair the Tiger P, their eyes were about to pop out.

"Battlefield players said they all sit down, regular operation, no fuss!!"

"Could it be that Fang Dada cooperated with the battlefield in addition to WOT, isn't this the daily operation of battlefield players?"

"It's really TM repairing while opening~"

"Almighty Automobile Department, I would like to call you the strongest support soldiers!"

The Tiger P, known as the Porsche Tiger, adopted an electric drive system with advanced concepts at that time, and it can be said that it was the first to enter the field of modern technology.

But it is also officially because the technology is too advanced, so the Tiger P is also accident-prone and has not been mass-produced.

At this time, Tiger P vividly showed his anchoring routine, but looking at the skillful posture of the automobile department, it seems that he has become accustomed to this.

Probably, maybe only the Ministry of Automobile can control the Porsche Tiger, after all, this is a fairy car group!

I have a wrench faster than your repair factory, and the audience has become accustomed to some of the saucy operations in "The Girl and the Chariot".

Then, the female chariot trainees crossed the river, and the audience once again saw the daily magic operation of "The Girl and the Chariot".

"Miho Nishizumi's special skill, Master Swimmer, can open the hatch of the chariot in the water and rescue all the members; Second, the leap of faith, jumping several meters at a time, can also jump continuously, and finally, it is also the most powerful ability of the god of war-Anglerfish Dance, she is very skilled in this move, this skill can increase your morale and bewitch the enemy, it is the strongest skill of the god of war!!"

"233~Are you the devil upstairs?!"

"The summary is in place, straight to the point, and the language is incisive, but I think you are hacking my military god!"

"Miho Nishizumi: Come and see my 75mm main gun, and give you another chance to reorganize the language!"

"It's all nine years of compulsory education, why can you summarize it so well?"

Looking at the summary of the barrage god, the rest of the audience burst into laughter.

They thought about it according to what the barrage said, and found that it was really the case, Miho Nishizumi's skills were almost full, and the protagonist's aura was outrageous!

However, this is only the beginning, and the real appetizers are yet to come.

The chariot team of the Oarai Women's College retreated all the way to the stone bridge approaching the city, and the chariots crossed the bridge and ran straight towards the city.

The audience thought that this was nothing special, after all, even if Fang Zheng could do a good job, could you still take off directly after crossing the bridge?


Suddenly, there was a roar of engines similar to those of an airplane taking off.

I saw that the Tiger P, who was still making trouble just now, not only crossed the bridge, but also ran in front of all the chariots in a puff of smoke, leaving only a series of exhaust gases, proving that it had once driven through here.

Looking at Miho Nishizumi's confused and sluggish expression, the audience was even more shocked.

Did something fly over in a puff of smoke just now??

Needless to say, at this time, the audience only felt that their faces hurt, and just now they said that the chariot crossed the bridge, and Founder definitely didn't have any moths.

But now it seems that they still underestimate Fangzheng's brains.

There is nothing that Founder can't do, only what they can't think of.

This Nima is too outrageous, I know that your Tiger P electric drive system is advanced and awesome, but are you exaggerating a little?!!

Although it didn't take off, the Tiger P gave them the illusion of taking off, this engine is turbocharged, or is it directly a space curvature engine?

"It's a Porschetiger, this engine... The bloodline of the Porsche family is very pure~"

"Ning is Zhang Fei of the chariot industry, and the existence of a bridge collapsed with one foot of the accelerator?"

"Mystery Engine Boosting Dafa!"

"The sound of this engine... Ah~ It's the feeling of ear pregnancy!!"

After watching the small electric motor of the Tiger P, the audience said that the Porsche Tiger P demolition machine, you are worth having.

Thinking that Tiger P disappeared like a big black mouse just now, the corners of the audience's mouths twitched.

However, before the audience could react from the shock brought by the acceleration of the Tiger P electric drive, they saw a scene that made them even more speechless.

Ahead, a small rodent has appeared in the city!

Most of Hans's chariots were named after animals, such as tigers, leopards, elephants, etc., so they were also called zoo legions.

Tigers, lions, cheetahs, these are all in the mind, and we all know in each other's hearts that these animals are almost at the top of the food chain.

But what do you think when Hans suddenly comes up with a chariot named after a mouse?

Rats, small rodent mammals, are almost the characters of who sees and who bullies, and the chariot named after the mouse should not be grabbed, right?

If you think so, then congratulations, you've won the lottery.

At the beginning of the war years, Hans's high-level officials also wanted to use this kind of inertial thinking to deceive their enemy countries and make them vigilance.

In fact, a chariot named after a mouse can still give people a great shock even in modern times.

The 'Rat Style', a super-heavy tank that surpassed the heavy tank, was designed by Porsche and weighed 188 tons, which was the heaviest tank of its time, and there was no one!

That terrifying tonnage represents its unrivaled protection ability, and with a 128mm main gun that can destroy any vehicle, it can be said to be the giant of the combat vehicles.

However, because of its extremely poor cross-country ability, it was eventually aborted because it had no actual combat value, and only two cars were produced in total.

But when the audience saw the figure of the Rat super-heavy tank, it was dumbfounded, compared with the Mouse, the so-called Tiger P took off and sprinkled with water.

PS: Thank you for the monthly passes of "Xingyue", "I am the Pacific", and "15...232", thank you for your support!!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for more support, please!!

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