After some fighting, Daxi Women's College almost exhausted all its tricks in exchange for a heads-up situation with the flag car.

Looking at the entrance, Tiger P turned into a roadblock and was forcibly demolished by the Hessian Peak Chariot, and many people felt sorry for Tiger P.

What a good chariot, with both speed and strength, but in the end, it was shot indiscriminately by Hesse Peak, and it was dismantled, and it never returned to its former glory.

Until now, the audience still remembers the scene when Tiger P took off on the spot with one foot on the accelerator, but the world is unpredictable, who would have thought that the Tiger P, who made their ears pregnant, would end up so miserable?

I wonder if the almighty car department can repair the almost scrapped Tiger P this time?

The audience who saw this sighed, but they didn't seem to know that the theatrical version existed.

Inside the building similar to the campus, the No. 4 chariot ridden by Miho Nishizumi and the tiger chariot ridden by Maho Nishizumi, a wave of King Qin's pillar-winding 'tan' fighting techniques made the audience addicted.

Inside the campus of Nuo University, two chariots are exchanged here, and the details of the battle are portrayed extremely tense and exciting, and the audience who watches it is called a blood boil.

[Yuhanari-san, can you shorten the reload speed a little?!]

[Yes, leave it to me!]

Miho Nishizumi knew that time was running out for her after learning that the Hessian Peak Chariot Team wanted to forcibly cross the Tiger P, who was blocking the door with the corpse.

If you want to win, you have to be quick!

[Asako-san, can you make a detour to the back from his front at full speed?]

[The track will break~]

[No problem, we will decide the winner this time!]

The audience held their breath when they heard this, the adrenaline began to soar, and the final decisive moment came.

The engines began to roar, and the two vehicles, the Four and the Tiger, as if they had said yes, accelerated towards each other at the same time, and both sides fired at each other halfway to try to stop the other.

Watching the Tiger take away the outer armor plate of the No. 4 combat vehicle with one shot, many people gasped.

It was too dangerous, and I was almost taken away by the other party!

Taking advantage of the gap between the Tiger reloading ammunition, the No. 4 chariot staged a good scene of chariot drifting for everyone.

In the process of drifting, the tracks and load-bearing wheels of the No. 4 tank could not withstand the pressure of several times, and they sputtered away from the hull of the vehicle one after another, which looked extremely miserable.

However, the effect was also very obvious, the fourth chariot slipped from the front of the tiger to the back of the opponent, and then shot out, and the noisy battlefield was quiet.

Who won?

The smoke and dust from the explosion blocked the audience's view, and the thick black smoke made it impossible to tell who won and who lost.

Whether it's anime or reality, it's quiet.

When the smoke and dust cleared, the audience was relieved to see the sparks scattered around the chariot and the chariot full of mess, because the white flag fluttering in the wind on the Tiger chariot was so conspicuous.

[The Hessian flag car can't move, so... Oarai Women's Academy wins!】

The voice of the radio came, and the result of this competition was completely decided, and Oarai Women's College VS Hessen Mine finally ended in the victory of Oarai Women's College.

[Won Yo ~ Miho!]


Watching Miho Nishizumi hugging with his chariot crew members, listening to the cheers outside the arena, the audience was also full of relief.

In any case, if Miho Nishizumi wins, it means that Oarai Women's College will not be abolished again.

"Sister's last look... It's a real hammer, my sister is a tsundere dead sister control!"

"Sister: This wave of water is so comfortable, my sister will finally not be abolished~"

"Congratulations to Hesse, the second time I lost the championship because of the god of war!!"

"Coach, I want to learn this!

"Coach: Get out, I want to learn too!"

At the end of the battle, many people looked at the last look of Nishizumi Maho and ridiculed that this was my sister releasing water, after all, that look was full of too many meanings.

Combined with the power comparison between Hesse and Oarai Women's College, some viewers believe that my sister deliberately released the water.


When the arena was cleaned up and both sides were ready to return, Miho Nishizumi found her sister.

At sunset, the two sisters looked at each other.

When the audience saw this scene, their brains spontaneously made up.

Sister: Sister, I won! (Show off)

Sister: Well, so you don't have to be out of school. (Spoiled)

Sister: That's... Have you drained the waters of the Pacific Ocean?

Sister: I don't understand what you're talking about. (Sure enough, my sister is the best!!!)

In the distance, Xizhu's mother watched and watched the sisterhood, clapping her palms and secretly resenting.

"Damn, I only gave birth to two daughters and lost the third place!!"

For this Oarai VS Hesse match, some people think that my sister Maho Nishizumi is a pet sister maniac, and a whole Pacific Ocean of water is put in the game.

The audience who supports this view also has its own considerations, first of all, the power contrast between the two schools, and it is obvious that Hesse Peak has thrown off the Oarai Women's College I don't know how many streets.

In the case of this absolute advantage, Hesse Peak can lose, except for the arrogant factor of his sister, it seems that there is only one reason for releasing water.

However, my sister was born in a famous family like Xizhuliu, and the emotions of arrogance and pride should not appear on her, so many people judged that this was my sister releasing water.

Secondly, Nishizumi's mother made it clear that she wanted to make a clear relationship with her sister after the game, so that Miho would not continue to 'insult' Nishizumi's reputation, so the audience guessed that her sister deliberately lost the game in order to prevent her sister from being expelled from the house.

In the end, the reason why the game went back and forth, in addition to the reason why my sister released the water, was that I didn't want to be seen by the organizer and Nishizumi's mother, so I attacked with all my strength in the early stage, and pretended to be tempted by the other party to go heads-up in the later stage, and finally lost the game naturally.

The plan is perfect and seamless!

The other faction disagrees with this view, believing that the victory of the god of war depends on his own strength.

Although in terms of chariot comparison, Daxi Women's College is at an absolute disadvantage, but Daxi's chariot group has several ace car groups, such as the military god car group, the student union car group and the automobile department car group.

These are all immortals with full skill points, as long as there is room to play, it is not a problem to pick many at all.

Secondly, the guerrilla tactics of the military god are very suitable for street fighting, and to a certain extent, the western residence stream is restrained, and the battlefield of the final is also in the urban area.

In the end, the military god itself is very strong, you must know that she served as the deputy captain of Hesse Peak before she transferred to another school.

So there's nothing wrong with winning on your own.

The two factions disobey each other, and the two sides quarrel so much that they can't get along.

But no matter what the truth is, the one who takes advantage of it the most is Nishizumi's mother.

"It's so angry~!If we have one more daughter, the champion, runner-up, and third runner-up will all be from our western residence!!"

PS: Kneel and beg the bigwigs to support ~~~~

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