Magic City, Cool Cat Music Company, Director's Office.

"Good song, really good song!"

The computer in front of Kang Jiaming was playing the promotional PV of Company A's "Light Girl", and he himself was also full of intoxication after listening to the music.

As a music director, his level of music appreciation is absolutely top-notch, otherwise he wouldn't be sitting in this position.

For the messages of netizens in the cool cat forum, he paid attention to it as soon as possible.

He is also very helpless about this, who would have thought that an animation company could create such a high-level song, it is simply confusing.

Netizens sprayed him, saying that he let those noisy songs appear on the list, and Kang Jiaming was also full of grievances.

In this era, traffic is king, and under the huge influence of the fan circle, those noise songs can earn real money for the company.

Companies are used to make profits, and those company CEOs don't care if the song is good or not, whether it sounds pleasant, they only care about their wallets.

Faced with this situation, what can he do as a music director.

The status of the music director sounds lofty, but to put it bluntly, he is still a working boy, and if he can't make a profit for the company, replacing him is a matter of minutes.

Thinking of this, Kang Jiaming sighed helplessly, looked at the promotional PV of "Light Sound Girl" that was playing on a loop on the computer, and looked at the dense barrage above.

Kang Jiaming's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Maybe it's time for this era of noise to come to an end~"

After a long time, Kang Jiaming gritted his teeth, found the contact information of the other party under the official of Company A, picked up the phone next to him and dialed it.


With the release of the promotional PV of "Light Girl", the song "Dontsay "lazy" has also spread rapidly, and many music creators have praised this song.

All of a sudden, "Dontsay "lazy" became popular in teenage circles.

"Fang Dong, in the past two days, there have been several music companies that have been affiliated with us and want the copyright of "Dontsay "lazy". "

In Fangzheng's office, Zhang Siyu sat opposite Fangzheng, discussing the past two days.

Since the first day of the release of the promotional PV of "Light Girl", music platforms have been calling to ask about cooperation, and the meaning of the words is that they want the copyright of this song.

"How did you reply to them?"

Fang Zheng grabbed his hair like a chicken nest, his face was also a little pale, and his eyes were bloodshot.

In the past few days, he has been bursting his liver, he is seriously deprived of sleep, and he is also a lot haggard.

That is, fortunately, the company has Zhang Siyu to look at the overall situation, otherwise he would really not be busy alone.

"I asked them to come over for a meeting and discuss cooperation, and now the people are almost there. "

A sly light flashed in Zhang Siyu's eyes, and the corners of his mouth also had a smile, looking like a cunning fox at first glance.

If there were outsiders present at this time, they would find that Zhang Siyu's expression at this time was exactly the same as when Fang Zheng was playing smart.

Sure enough, those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black, and if they have been with someone for a long time, their personalities will develop in the same direction, Zhang Siyu is a good example.

Follow Fangzheng, she learned badly!

"That's a good job!"

Fang Zheng glanced at Zhang Siyu appreciatively, worthy of a professional management background, this brain is much faster than ordinary people.

This business acumen alone deserves a praise from Fangzheng.

Zhang Siyu did not say that he would talk to people from any music platform alone, but gathered them together.

In this way, when talking about cooperation, the person in charge of these platforms must not only take care of their ideas, but also beware of competition from peers, and the pressure is all on themselves.

And they only need to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and choose a platform from the inside that brings them the greatest profits.

Then Fang Zheng washed up, tidied up his slightly sloppy appearance, and followed Zhang Siyu to the conference room.

When he came to the conference room, Fang Zheng glanced around, and sure enough, there were already seven or eight people waiting inside.

Because there is still work to be done, Fang Zheng is too lazy to talk to them more, after a simple self-introduction, Fang Zheng let them set their own conditions, and he will choose the most suitable platform from them and give his music license.

To put it simply, the one with the highest price wins!

"Fang Dong, our TT Music Network is backed by TT Group, and the traffic is definitely the best on the whole network, as long as Fang Dong authorizes us, we will immediately arrange a recommendation, and the song will benefit from seven or three openings. "

After hearing this, Fang Zheng looked at Fu Youtian, the person in charge of TT Music Network, and said with a smile: "I'm seven and you're three?"

Fu Youtian was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Dong Fang, this joke is not funny at all!"

In this regard, Fang Zheng glanced at Fu Youtian, sneered in his heart, and did not pay attention to the other party.

Sure enough, it was someone from the TT Group, and the tone of his voice was exactly the same as that high-spirited attitude.

"Fang Dong, I am Tian Zhongliang, the person in charge of the network and cloud music network, if Fang Dong authorizes us, we will tilt the greatest resources to promote your songs, and divide them into five or five!"

"Fang Dong, I'm Xiami Music..."

"Fang Dong, we all karaoke..."

Kang Jiaming listened to the conditions offered by these peers, and was secretly anxious.

He really fell in love with the song "Dontsay "lazy" by A Society, and if he can get the copyright of this song, it is not impossible for their cool cat music to go to the next level.

Finally, Kang Jiaming couldn't hold it back, he gritted his teeth, slapped the table and stood up and said.

"Fang Dong, our cool cat music is willing to open seven three!

Kang Jiaming's voice fell, and the office was completely quiet.


"Bad luck!"

"What do you do to make a profit and drink the northwest wind?"


Regarding other people's remarks, Kang Jiaming didn't pay attention to them at all, staring at Fang Zheng with a pair of eyes, waiting for Fang Zheng's answer.

The atmosphere in the office was a little depressing, and everyone was waiting for Fang Zheng's answer.

Suddenly, there was a clapping sound in the office.

"Okay guys, that's all for today's meeting, the person in charge of Cool Cat stays, and everyone else leaves~"

Under Kang Jiaming's gaze, Fang Zheng stood up and unceremoniously began to send off the guests.

Seeing that Fang Zheng had already made up his mind, the others stood up and shook their heads helplessly, sighing secretly that they had run into such a madman as Kang Jiaming.

In their opinion, Kang Jiaming is a madman, and this profit sharing is completely a loss-making transaction, and if this continues, sooner or later his own platform will be played to death.

PS: It's really not moving, that's all for today.

Thank you for the monthly pass support of "the novel is only pleasing to the eye", thank you guys!!Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for more support, please!!!

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