The first hotel in the magic city is still the familiar box.

Fang Zheng sat on the chair and looked at Secretary Zou opposite with a smile.

And Secretary Zou had a document in front of him, and he himself had a serious face, wearing reading glasses and looking at it in a daze.

After a long time, Secretary Zou took off his glasses and looked at Fang Zheng with complicated eyes.

"Xiao Fang, you are really impressive, every time I meet you, you can refresh the old man's cognition. "

After Secretary Zou finished speaking, he smiled bitterly and sighed again and again.

"It's old, it's really old, people are useless, and sooner or later the world will be your young people. "

This morning, as soon as he got off the plane after going to Beijing for a meeting, he received a call from Fangzheng, saying that he had a piece of technology to hand over to the top.

The two agreed to meet at the old place in the evening, and as soon as they met, Fang Zheng gave him a big surprise.

"Xiao Fang, you always tell me, where did this technology come from?"

Secretary Zou looked at Fang Zheng with some serious eyes, although he couldn't understand some of the professional terms recorded in the document, but this did not prevent him from understanding this technology.

Virtual imaging technology, a completely new technology, although he heard that some game companies are working on so-called VR technology, but they are all out of the initial stage.

But the technology that Founder gave him is different, this is already a very mature technology, and it can be used immediately.

That's why he cares about Founder's technology source.

"Secretary Zou, if I say that this is my own blind understanding, do you believe it?"

Fang Zheng heard Secretary Zou's words, as if he had already known that the other party would ask such a question, without the slightest panic or surprise.

"I love anime and fancy things, so I've been wondering for a long time if I can bring the characters from my work to life, so... This virtual imaging technology was born. "

Fang Zheng looked at Secretary Zou with a smile, his eyes were full of 'sincerity'.

Of course, he said this nonsense, because he didn't understand bullshit virtual imaging technology at all, and this is entirely the credit of the system.

His greatest contribution was to spend all of his reputation points and then redeem a whole set of technologies from the system.

But can this thing be said to outsiders?

Definitely not!

If you don't want to be sliced and sliced, then bite to death, this is what you invented!

It's hard for anyone to ask!

When Secretary Zou heard Fang Zheng's words, he squinted at Fang Zheng for a long time, but he couldn't see the slightest unnaturalness on Fang Zheng's face.

"I don't see you're still a tech guy. "

After a long time, Secretary Zou smiled at Fang Zheng.

Fang Zheng gave him a very special feeling, he didn't have any immaturity that a young man should have, but was steady like an old fox.

And Fangzheng's ambition is not ordinarily big, and his appetite is also very good, and he directly opened his mouth to go to a large piece of land.

Combined with the anime trend created by Fangzheng, he really believes what Fangzheng said.

However, Secretary Zou didn't get to the bottom of it, and it didn't matter so much whether what Fang Zheng said was true or not.

He can not ask where the technology comes from, or he may not care, but Founder can take the initiative to hand over the technology, which is worthy of his gratification.

Because this shows that Fang Zheng is not a white-eyed wolf, he did not look at the wrong person, nor did he see the wrong person above, and the support they gave to Fang Zheng was not in vain.

"I'll take this technology to the Academy of Sciences first, and you wait for me here for a while. "

After speaking, Secretary Zou hurriedly left the private room with the documents.

Fang Zheng nodded noncommittally about this, he took out the technology, how he would use it in the future, that was an official matter, and it had nothing to do with him.

All he wants to do is use this virtual imaging technology to hold a cross-dimensional concert and bring a soul-shaking visual feast to the audience.

And the reason why he came up with this technology openly also has his own considerations.

First, the technology is invented by oneself, so that it can not only solve the problem of the source of the technology, but also leave a deep impression on the top.

Second, the Xia Kingdom has paid attention to courtesy and exchanges since ancient times, let alone official.

Such a virtual imaging technology, can it be in vain?

Obviously impossible, whether it is for the sake of face or to win him over, the above will more or less give him some compensation.

Taking the initiative to hand in the technology is a double win for him.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Secretary Zou to return to the private room with a smile on his face.

He looked at Fang Zheng and said with a smile: "Xiao Fang, the Academy of Sciences has confirmed your theory, but it will take some time to fully understand the technology." "

"But you're happy with your skills, especially the old guys from the military. "

Fang Zheng was stunned, but he didn't think about it deeply.

The military likes this technique, most of which is related to the training of soldiers, but it has nothing to do with him.

"I appreciate your behavior and don't take your skills in vain. "

Speaking of this, Secretary Zou tapped his fingers on the table, looked at Fang Zheng, and said slowly: "The above has decided to use five billion to buy your technology." "

Hearing this, Fang Zheng's eyes narrowed.

He was keenly aware of the key point in Secretary Zou's tone!


The above is to 'buy' his technology, in other words, in addition to the official, the above does not want Founder to hand over this technology to a second person.

Secretary Zou said with a smile, since I took the initiative to hand it in, I will not do those things that betray my conscience, but I also have a request. "

"You say. "

"I hope the above will agree to me to use this technology freely, you know, I developed this technology for my anime service in the first place. "

After Fang Zheng's words were finished, Secretary Zou pondered for a moment, and finally nodded.

"Okay, I agreed. "

The technology is Founder, and if he refuses Founder's own request to use it, it will inevitably seem too impersonal.

"Then thank you Secretary Zou!" Fang Zheng stood up with a happy face and looked at the other party, for him, today's matter has perfectly solved all his worries.

"It's me who should thank you~" Secretary Zou looked at Fangzheng, the more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became, and said with a kind smile on his face: "Also, what I said above will not ask you for nothing is not in vain, you can take it with peace of mind if you give it, and you don't need any psychological pressure." "

Then Fang Zheng chatted with Secretary Zou for a while, and finally Secretary Zou took the lead because of his busy affairs.

Waiting for Secretary Zou to leave, Fang Zheng's face bloomed with a smile.

This time not only solved all the problems perfectly, but also made 5 billion yuan in vain, 5 billion is a huge amount of money for him, so that the development zone can start the project.

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