However, when the majority of fans flocked to the official website of Company A, they were dumbfounded when they looked at the official website page that was as neat as it was at the beginning.

What about the concert?

What about the pre-sale of the promised tickets?

Even many fans opened the online payment page in order to grab the tickets for the first time, just waiting to scan the QR code to pay.

But for now...

For the first time, fans feel what it's like to have money to spend.

"Sure enough, the marketing account is the marketing account, and it is not reliable at all from Fang Dada's official blog!!"

"It's too much, marketing account, you have seduced our minds with a dynamic, but your official website has not made any action?

"Those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black, the marketing account has been with Fang Dada for a long time, and I really learned to skin it~"

"See the big red ticket in my hand, as long as you open the pre-sale channel, these are all yours!"

"Hurry up and open a channel for pre-sale tickets, it's slippery!!"

Seeing the dynamics of the official blog of Company A, they were ecstatic, and rushed to the official website to prepare to break out of the encirclement and grab a ticket, but the special people didn't even open the pre-sale channel.

This is robbing your sister~

What's going on officially?

If you don't make money, you can learn from the TT Group next door, it's not making money anymore, it's robbing in front of you!

I have to say that in terms of making money, Company A is simply doing too badly, so bad that fans like them are worried about Company A.

Sooner or later, you're going to starve yourself to death!

Many fans have rushed to the bottom of the official blog to leave messages, urging the official to open the pre-sale channel as soon as possible.

If they can't grab a ticket for a day, they are not sure, for fear that they will miss the best opportunity to grab a ticket by negligence that day.

Regarding the feedback from fans, Guan Bo Niang was a little stunned.

This doesn't fit the routine~

Normally, shouldn't you release the news first, and then the official is going to the Internet to publicize and hype a wave, see how many viewers are willing to buy it, and then make corresponding adjustments?

In this way, the embarrassing scene of not being able to sell tickets can be avoided to the greatest extent, and the loss of the organizer can also be reduced.

For a long time, whether it is a company or an individual, holding concerts has also followed this process.

Why did they get to their A company, and this routine was not good?

Guan Bo Niang was puzzled, and she didn't understand why these fans seemed to be more anxious than them, sellers~

Could it be that the fans of their A company really have a per capita income of more than one million, and they can't spend all this money?

But anyway, it's a good thing that the fans are so enthusiastic.

With the consent of Fangzheng, the official Bo Niang did not ink, and directly opened the pre-sale channel of tickets, and also announced the latest concert venue.

One second.. Two seconds.. Ding~ Tickets are sold out!

"Damn, you're the devil~"

"Gan! 50,000 tickets were snatched up in less than two seconds, what kind of fairy hand speed is this Nima~"

"Hehe, page one card, refresh, and then the tickets are sold out, do you dare to be a little bit of a beast!"

"That big guy is doing well, my roommate is critically ill, and before leaving, he wants to take a look at the concert of the light music department, and he is willing to pay double the price to buy tickets!"

After the official opening of the pre-sale channel, these fans rushed back to the official website of A Society again.

However, when some fans who were a little more slow to react came to the official website, they saw the words 'tickets sold out' written on the pre-sale channel that had just opened.

At this moment, countless fans were dumbfounded, is this Nima too exaggerated, although they said that the reaction was half a beat slower, but how can this be counted as no more than five seconds from opening to ending.

Just a moment later, you tell me the tickets are sold out??

Just when many fans were scolding, Bo Niang, the official of Company A, also broke out in cold sweat on her forehead.

Seeing that the 50,000 tickets were gone almost in the blink of an eye, they even wondered if their website had been hacked!

After careful inspection, I found that all the data was normal, and several people in charge of the official blog were secretly smacking.

This group of fans is so crazy, the speed of grabbing tickets is definitely faster than the speed of returning home to grab train tickets during the Chinese New Year.

"Fang... Fang Dong, tickets are sold out~"

Guan Bo Niang found Fang Zheng and said with some stammering.

"Sold out?"

Hearing Guan Bo Niang's words, Fang Zheng blinked, and then reacted.

"You're saying it's going to be sold out in a few moments?"

Looking at Fang Zheng's incredulous appearance, Guan Bo Niang glanced at him cautiously and said, "Actually, the channel was sold out in two seconds!"


Fang Zheng gasped, and suddenly felt that he had underestimated the charm of "Light Girl".

Ten young voices, youth without regrets, the results of "Light Voice Girl" have been proven in the previous life, there is no need to question it at all, this anime is definitely a masterpiece.

"That way, you'll be able to release the rest of your tickets.... Leave me 5,000 tickets!

Fang Zheng just wanted Guan Bo Niang to pre-sell the tickets under him, but suddenly thought of something and changed his words.

He is an emotional person, and he will do his best to thank those who have helped him.

The 5,000 tickets, he plans to distribute them for free in the form of a lottery to those users who have fought for Company A and won the title of 'Unswerving to the Death'.

At the beginning, the era when it was hacked by the whole network was definitely the most difficult era for Company A, the platform had just been put on the shelves, and the popularity was far less than it is now.

In the face of the attack of the whole network, they were the first group of users to connect with the Internet thugs and protect the A company with their actions.

So Founder will not forget those people, and the tickets for this concert can be regarded as his belated thank you gift to those people.

However, there were not a few users who won the title of 'Unswerving to Death', and the rough statistics were about 50,000 or 60,000.

It is unrealistic to give out free tickets to all 50,000 or 60,000 people, and those fans who are waiting to be fed will not agree, so Founder's reservation of 5,000 tickets is used to give back to those users who have come forward.

As soon as the news of Founder's concert tickets thanking the 'Unswerving' users was released, it instantly caused an uproar.

"I'm Gan, although Fang Dada is a little skinny, but the character of this Zhi'en Tu Bao is hard to want!"

"It's been so long, Fang Dada still remembers us old users, it's really a little teary-eyed~"

"I don't want to say anything, Fang Da is a fan all his life!"

"What is it to die? Why can they get tickets for free? Fang Dada, you can't treat them differently~"

"Upstairs, given that you may be a newcomer to Society A, Lao Tzu won't spray you, go to the ins and outs of 'unswerving to death' by yourself, and then come to comment!!"

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