The camera that followed Zhang Ying simply scanned the situation at the door of the building, and then the screen went black, and when it reappeared, it was already in an office.

"Good evening, audience friends, I am your old friend Zhang Ying, who is this person next to me, I don't need to introduce too much~"

After speaking the opening remarks to the camera, Zhang Ying turned her head to look at Fang Zheng and said.

"Fang Dong, I've been waiting for you for a full afternoon, and I want to interview you once, it's really difficult~"

Zhang Ying sighed slightly teasingly, and then continued: "Then, Fang Dong will say hello to your fans and new audiences~"

The camera focused on Fangzheng, and I saw Fangzheng in a suit appear on the screen, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and said slowly: "Hello everyone, I'm Fangzheng." "

Seeing this, many viewers have already reacted, and just now it was the scene of today's daytime ribbon-cutting ceremony.

And now the program hosted by Zhang Ying is the live broadcast of Fangzheng's personal interview, and the program team also naughtily added a line of subtitles.

'Six hours later', just a few words will tell the mood of the program team waiting hard, making the audience happy.

"Fang Da is awesome, what about the official TV station, if you want to interview our Fang Da, you have to wait in line!"

"233~ The program team is content, those small media are crowded to death below, Sister Ying is directly interviewed by a special person, this treatment is already very good~"

"One thing to say, Fang Dada, who wears formal clothes, is really handsome!"

"emmm~ Such a serious Fang Dada, some are not used to swelling, what should I do?"

"Fang Dada, hurry up and explain what it means for "Light Sound Girl" to end temporarily?!!"

Knowing that the current interview is different from just now, it is a real-time interview, and many fans have switched to the live broadcast room of Modu TV.

Sure enough, there are already a lot of people here who are making barrage ridicule.

"Fang Dong, everyone knows that Company A is the first company in China to focus on the animation industry, do you have any plans for the future?"

In the conference room, Zhang Ying sat opposite Fang Zheng, greeted the audience briefly, and the interview officially began.

"As for the plan, there is, and it is a long-term plan. "

Hearing Zhang Ying's words, Fang Zheng smiled and said, "Maybe you saw the situation outside when you came, except for our company's headquarters building, it can be said that the outside is desolate. "

Saying that, Fang Zheng squinted his eyes, and his tone became rare and serious, and said: "I, or the future goal of A Society, is to build the Zhuyuan region into a two-dimensional kingdom. "

Listening to Fang Zheng's somewhat indifferent tone, Zhang Ying secretly gasped in her heart.

This breath is not ordinary, to build a two-dimensional kingdom, the resources required during this period will be an astronomical amount.

No wonder Founder said that it is a long-term project, and this kind of goal is obviously impossible to achieve in a short time.

"How much money do you think you'll need to invest in your project?"

"At the very least, it will not be less than 50 billion. "

In this regard, Founder also let Zhang Siyu estimate in advance, counting the construction of various buildings, the improvement of various facilities and publicity, 50 billion is only the upfront fund.

"Hiss~ Poverty limits my imagination!"

"Is there a rich second-generation boss who asks how much is 50 billion?"

"Rich second generation: Get out, Lao Tzu also wants to know!"

"Fang Dada's ambition... It's so '100 million' a little big~"

Many viewers were shocked by Fangzheng's ambition, and listening to Fangzheng say the number of '50 billion' in an extremely indifferent tone, almost everyone was refreshed.

The same is true for Zhang Ying, although she learned some vague news from Yang Li before, and had a certain psychological preparation, but once she heard Fang Zheng's words, she couldn't help but tremble in her heart.

50 billion, how much does it cost~

However, Zhang Ying is also a professional host, and she didn't show too much embarrassment.

"Then the second question, I heard that Fang Dong is building the venue for the light sound concert, so how did Fang Dong come up with the idea of holding this concert?"

Zhang Ying didn't dwell too much on the question just now, that number really scared her, and she didn't dare to ask in detail.

In desperation, I can only skip the question just now.

"The question... The concert is just an opportunity, my real purpose is actually to create an anime festival, just like the shopping carnival of, I plan to hold an anime festival every year on January 10th. "

This founder has been planned for a long time, as he said, the concert is just an opportunity, even if there is no concert, he will hold an anime festival, but the time may be pushed back.

And now that there is an opportunity for a concert, I will simply start from here.

Although everything is still a little sloppy, and there are not many entertainment items, everything has a beginning, as long as it gets better and better in the future.

"Are there any requirements to participate in the Anime Festival?"

"No, the anime festival is a carnival for fans who like two-dimensional music, and anyone can participate. "

Speaking of this, Fang Zheng pursed the corners of his mouth, sighed softly, and continued.

"However, because the Zhuyuan area has not yet been developed, the conditions are limited, so I hope that the audience who plans to participate in this animation festival, or the audience who buys tickets to participate in the concert, will be mentally prepared in advance. "

"Here I want to apologize to the fans, this is our lack of preparation!"

The audience in front of the screen watched Fang Zheng really get up and apologize to them very sincerely, and couldn't help but be a little moved.

To be honest, with Founder's current status, he can be regarded as a figure with a head and a face, even if he wants to apologize with such an identity, at most he will send an apology letter and it will be over.

It's really rare for someone like Founder to apologize in person in a live interview.

"Fang Dazhen, fan you for a lifetime!"

"It's a good thing to create an anime festival for fans and audiences, the funding gap is too big, and everyone understands, why apologize?!"

"Yes, Fang Dada, it's not your fault at all~"

"Fang Da QR code, although we don't have a lot of money, but we have a lot of people!!"

"Yes, yes, Fang Da QR code hand it over, we will pay for it!!"

When many fans heard Fangzheng's apology, they were both moved and guilty.

Fang is building an animation festival and building the Zhuyuan area, which is to contribute to the economic construction of the entire Xia Kingdom, and to say that it is small, it is to create an exclusive festival carnival for fans who like the second dimension.

All of a sudden, many people shouted for Fangzheng to show the QR code.

We, the fans, hit the money!!

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