
"Always have fun with NeverEndingGirl's Life!"

"Play every day, never end!"

"Occasionally wake up early and go to bed earlyNon!Non!Non!"

Listening to the soft voice in the ears and looking at the real light part on the stage, the audience was fully engaged in it at this moment.

I forgot who I was, I didn't know where I was, and I didn't know what I was going to do.

They only know that there is an instinct in their hearts that drives them, waving their arms and shouting unbridledly.


Listening to their familiar light voice singing, looking at the figure that only existed on the screen, the audience shouted frantically, and used all their strength to support the few people who were dumb.

At this time, everyone knew what the big surprise in Fang Zheng's mouth was.

Sure enough, for them, there is nothing more surprising and unexpected than this concert~

Even many viewers looked at their countless yearning and countless dreams, and unconsciously left tears of excitement.

Once upon a time, they fantasized countless times that they would one day be able to come into contact with their favorite light parts.

But reason told them that this was impossible, whether it was the light voice department, or whether it was a few people, these were all characters created by Fang Dada, in other words, the light voice part they longed for was fake, virtual, non-existent, just the product of fantasy.

The two sides are not in the same dimensional world at all, and it is impossible to contact each other!

But what is in front of them really breaks their conventional thinking, turning the impossible into possible.

Looking at the stage, only a few people sang to their heart's content, this feeling... That's nice~

At the end of the song, the audience seemed to be more tired than the few people on the stage, one by one short of breath and flushed.

Even many people's foreheads were covered with sweat, which showed how crazy they were just now.

"Brother, slap me in the face and tell me it's not a dream!"


"Does it hurt?"

"It hurts!"

The audience looked at the figures on the stage, and they couldn't extricate themselves for a long time.

If it was all a dream, then they wanted not to wake up too soon, and if it was all true, then they were really glad they were there for the concert.

At this time, the audience also reacted, and it turned out that Fang Da named this concert 'Light Sound Concert' because of this.

It turned out that Fang Da had prepared everything a long time ago.

Figuring out what the 'surprise' in Fangzheng's mouth meant, the audience was a little stunned.

They believed that their Fang Da would not deceive them, but they never expected that the surprise that Fang Da had prepared for them would be so sudden and shocking.

The light music department of the second dimension came to the three-dimensional world to hold a concert, which is simply incredible.

A cross-dimensional concert, they witnessed history!

Thanks to Fang Da for the surprise he brought to them, Fang Da is their eternal god!


Just as the audience sighed, the stage fell into darkness again.

When the lights came on again, they found that the light sound that had driven them crazy just now was gone, and instead it was Fang Zheng standing in the center of the stage.

"How is it?" Fang Zheng smiled and looked at the audience who were still standing, and said softly, "Is the surprise I prepared for you enough to explode?"



In the face of this great gift prepared for them by Fangzheng, what else could they say?

There is no way to describe their mood at this time, and for the first time they found that language is also pale and weak.

"Now do you still blame me for letting Qin Miaomiao and a few people leave the stage halfway?"

Fang Zheng looked at the silent audience, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, not to mention how refreshing he was.

Let you threaten me just now, why are you dumbfounded now~!

"Okay, seeing that you don't speak, that's a tacit acquiescence, then I'll let Qin Miaomiao and them continue to sing for you. "

Saying that, Fang Zheng was about to turn around and walk towards the backstage, as if he really wanted Qin Miaomiao and them to go on stage again.

Seeing this situation, the audience instantly exploded.

Although they admit that Qin Miaomiao's singing skills are indeed very good, and the singing just now is also very successful, but...

Can this compare to the light part?

These fans first fell in love with "Light Sound Girl", and then they fell in love with Qin Miaomiao.

Saying this may make Qin Miaomiao and the others feel very uncomfortable, but this is the reality, this is what they really think.

"It's the other way around, Fang Dada, you are itchy all over your body if you don't have skin, don't you, do you want me to scratch you!"

"Brothers, the demolition team is ready!"

"Give me back the stay, give me back the blue and white bowl!"

"Give me back the stunt, give me back the blue... it, brother, you're not normal!!"

Looking at Fangzheng's movements, the audience complained one after another.

Sure enough, the man's skin was deep into the soul, and the threat had no effect.

They were thankful to Fang Zheng just now for realizing their fantasy, but now it seems... They are still too young.

They even suspected that the real purpose of Fangzheng's move was to have a fight with them!

"I seem to hear someone say, 'Fang Dada, I'm wrong', is it my delusion?"

Fang Zheng stood on the stage, holding the microphone in one hand and behind his ear with the other, pretending to face the audience.

Seeing Fang Zheng's appearance, the audience's mentality exploded instantly.

If Fang Zheng dared to do this before, they didn't say a word, and let this shameless dog thief experience why the flowers are so red.

But after watching the shocking concert of the light music department, they wilted.

The emperor takes turns to do it, take your home this year, at this time, Fang Zheng holds the 'power of life and death' of the light sound department, whether they can see the figure of the only few people depends on whether Fang Zheng is willing or not.





In desperation, the audience could only express their thoughts by shouting.

All of a sudden, the sound of 'K-ON' wafted through the concert hall, and nothing else could be heard.

On the stage, Fang Zheng watched the group of audience members lose their temper instead of playing with him, and the corners of their mouths twitched slightly.

The scene reminded him of two children fighting, one of whom cried when he couldn't beat it.


I strongly despise your 'crying' behavior, and I have the ability to be positive~


Fang Zheng took the microphone and shouted.

When the scene quieted down, Fang Zheng said with disdain: "Do you think this is interesting?

Listening to Fangzheng's words, the audience rolled their eyes.

If there is a solution, they will not be so cheating on it, after all, they also feel that this kind of practice is a bit embarrassing.

However, for the light voice part that you yearn for, how much money is face worth?

As long as they are allowed to watch the concert of the light sound department, as long as they see Duwei, A Zimeow and others, this thing can be sold in terms of face!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please~~~

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