Fang Zheng thought about it in the office for a while, and then logged in to his Weibo account and posted a news.

[At seven o'clock tonight, Company A will sell blades live!!]

After editing a dynamic, Fang Zheng clicked send without thinking about it, and at the same time @ the official blog.

lest the official blogger always complain that she is a marketing account, and she doesn't bring them every time she sends a message.

After posting the news, Fang Zheng didn't bother to look at the sand sculpture messages of those fans below.

He didn't have to guess that he knew that his fans wouldn't reply to anything serious, so he simply didn't see it out of sight and didn't bother, so he didn't watch it directly.

After finishing all this, Fang Zheng cleaned up, walked out of the office directly, and walked towards Yang Li's voice actor department.

As a traffic harvester, Fangzheng has a huge number of fans who follow him.

As soon as his news was released, many fans immediately received the news and immediately checked the latest news.

The speed is so fast that it even makes people wonder if they bought a house on Weibo and squatted here every day doing nothing.

"Wori, how many blades has Fang Dada received~"

"Is it okay to sell blades live?"

"The skin is still your skin, is Ning planning to make a fortune by selling blades?"

"Is Fangda in sufficient supply? If it's not enough, give us an opening, we have a large number of blades here, and the quality is first-class!"

"You are all devils, look at what Fang Da has been forced to become?"

"233~The power of the masses is great~"

Suddenly, under the Weibo news released by Founder, the replies of fans also rose rapidly.

Regarding Fangzheng's live broadcast of selling blades, many netizens said that they were about to go crazy laughing.

Let you usually be spicy, this time the skin is broken~

What if you're a leather god??

If you don't update the anime, you will still be pulled off the altar and you will be turned back into Pipi Shrimp!

But although that is said, most fans also know the reason why Founder wants to start a live broadcast.

After all, these fans have been paying attention to Fangzheng for a long time, and they have made great progress in terms of skin.

Therefore, fans who always pay attention to Founder's latest developments have forwarded this news to make it easier for more people to know.

You know, not all fans like to use Weibo.

Many people still don't know about Founder going to start a live broadcast again.

And what they have to do is to spread the news so that more people can come to the live broadcast room on time.

They are skinned, but for the various activities organized by Founder or A Society, it is necessary to support.

At this time, seeing that their own Fang Dada is going to start a live broadcast again, do they have any reason not to cheer?

Not only to cheer, but also to make the scene bigger, so as to conform to the identity and compulsion of their two-dimensional fandom!

On the Internet, with the spontaneous publicity of fans, the news that Founder is going to open a live broadcast in A is also spreading wildly.

Before you know it, the popularity of the topic soars rapidly, and its momentum is unparalleled for a while.

Many people watched that a dynamic of Founder could arouse so much attention, and they couldn't help but smack their tongues.

The popularity of the two-dimensional circle is beyond their imagination.

Who would have thought that the anime, which has just been out for half a year, could rise so fast!

But whether they believe it or not, it's an indisputable fact that A is the absolute No.1 in the animation industry.

And when there was a lot of uproar on the Internet, Fangzheng came to Yang Li's office.

"How is Sister Li, are you satisfied with the new office environment?"

Fang Zheng pushed the door and walked in, just in time to see Yang Li instructing some newly recruited voice actors to contact pronunciation skills.

Since Yang Li accepted the voice actor department of A Company from him, coupled with her own professional background in broadcasting, her quality is hard enough.

So Yang Li slowly summed up a set of her own contact plan.

"You guys practice by yourself for a while~"

Yang Li heard Fang Zheng's words, gave an order to the student in front of him, and then turned around and walked to Fang Zheng's side.

"Fang Dong, is there something wrong?"

"I can't come to see you if I don't have anything?"

When Yang Li heard this, she looked at Fang Zheng strangely, and rolled her eyes at the end.

As the saying goes, a man's mouth is the most unreliable, and Yang Li doesn't believe a word about Fang Zheng's words.

Since she took over the voice actor department, Fang Zheng has only come here a handful of times, and every time she comes, it's business.

This made Yang Li distressed for a long time, she herself has always had an indescribable feeling for Fang Zheng, every time she saw Fang Zheng and Zhang Siyu walking so close, she always felt inexplicably aggrieved in her heart.

Although Zhang Siyu is her best friend, who can say this kind of thing~

And recently she heard that Founder had also recruited a personal female assistant, which made her even more surprised.

Fang Zheng was stared at by Yang Li's strange eyes, and he was a little uncomfortable.

Thinking about it, since Yang Li joined the company, he really doesn't seem to care about each other, especially after Yang Li took over the voice actor department, he rarely comes here.

"What's... I'm here to find a few voice actors..."

I knew it!

When Yang Li heard Fang Zheng's words, she was angry and funny.

It's obviously here for office business, but what he says is good!

Yang Li took the document handed over by Fang Zheng, and it was marked in detail how many voice actors were needed, what roles they played, what kind of voices were needed, and so on.

This is also the old routine between her and Fangzheng.

Every time Fang Zheng told her what she requested, she would select some voice actors to bring over, and then let them dub them themselves, and Fang Zheng would choose them.

She is still quite confident in her professional level.

""Light Girl", "Swaying Camping"?" Yang Li took the document and looked at it briefly, then looked up at Fang Zheng incredulously and said, "Fang Dong, do you plan to release two anime in one go?"

She began to know very well how much action was involved in making anime, so she was particularly shocked by Fangzheng's plan.

"Rest assured, you just have to choose a voice actor~"

Fang Zheng waved his hand indifferently, and was noncommittal to Yang Li's words.

In fact, he planned to make three anime, but in order to prevent his own liver from dying from exploding, he decided to make two first.

And the Chinese New Year is coming soon, and the annual Spring Festival is coming soon.

His fans are so 'lively', as an idol, in order to repay the love of fans for sending special products, he has to give back anyway and express his gratitude~

So Founder decided to let his fans 'have a happy New Year' and strive to leave an unforgettable impression on them!

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