"What kind of style is this?"

"Does it have anything to do with camping?"

"Hahaha I like camping, picnics, fishing, I like this anime~"

"Fang Da 666, is this a surprise for our fans?"

The fans in the live broadcast room were excited.

There is not only the second season of "Light Girl" and the theatrical version, but also a new "Swaying Camping".

The surprise came so suddenly, they couldn't react a little.

Could this be the legendary bitterness?

After a long time of waiting, I finally waited for the fruits of happiness.

""Swaying Camping" everyone can hear it when you hear the name, this is a story that revolves around camping, believe me, after watching this anime, you will like the wild activity of camping~"

Looking at the excited fans in the live broadcast room, Fang Zheng had a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

What he said was true, after he watched the anime "Swaying Camping", he did have the urge to go camping to experience it.

But in the end, due to the high cost of camping and various reasons, this idea was forced to die before it could be implemented.

However, produced by Fangwen Society, it must be a high-quality product~

Watching a group of teenage girls camping, will you not have the urge to go camping and experience it?

It's not impossible to have a beautiful encounter in case of it~

With the development of society, the pressure of urban work and life is increasing day by day.

In order to slow down the pace of their lives and pursue their ideal life, many Buddhist young people choose fourth- and fifth-tier cities with relatively low pressure.

For these people, they have time to go out into the wild for picnics, camping, and the like.

And for those who live in big cities like Magic City and Kyoto, it is precisely because of the pressure that they yearn for camping, which can soothe the mind.

It can be said that the anime "Swaying Camping" has firmly grasped the audience's expectation from the perspective of concept.

It's just a pity that because Xiaopo Station didn't buy the copyright of "Swaying Camping" in his previous life, this anime is not very popular.

However, in Fang Zheng's view, this is a rare cute light lily anime, extremely healing!

Watching this anime gives people a very comfortable feeling, as if bathing in the baptism of holy light, very warm.

"Swaying Camping", following the perspective of a girl to enjoy the fun of camping and enjoy the beautiful wild scenery, it is really a wonderful thing.

And in some kind of ulterior secret, Founder brought this anime out.

There is a way to raise first and then suppress, first let the audience feel the feeling of healing, and then give it a spiritual hammer.

Such a huge change before and after can make the majority of fans 'happy' for the New Year.

After all, who doesn't want to leave some good memories for the New Year~

And Founder believes that the memories he prepared for fans are absolutely very beautiful.

"Ahem, the third thing, isn't it about the New Year~"

Fang Zheng looked at the barrage that was still discussing "Swaying Camping" and "Light Girl", coughed twice, and tried not to let himself laugh.

"I don't have any gifts for everyone during the Chinese New Year, so I'll go back to my old job and present you with a "Plastic Memory", so that everyone can smile during the New Year!"

When he said this, Fang Zheng pinched his thigh.

If he didn't, he was afraid that he really couldn't help but laugh out loud.

After all, the anime "Plastic Memory"... Anyone who understands understands.

If you don't understand, you can experience it yourself, don't dare to say anything else, at least the picture quality and plot of this "Plastic Memory" are absolutely first-class.

And it is very suitable for watching alone at night, the viewing experience is extremely comfortable, and the decompression effect is excellent!

Ideal for anxious, irritable, insomnia or stressful friends.

"Plastic Memory?"

"Wait, I'll write it down in my notebook~"

"Launching so many anime at once, I can't react a little~"

"There wasn't one anime before, but now it's three, which one do you want me to watch first?"

"Maybe that's the charm of the blade~"

Looking at the barrage of the audience, Fang Zheng gently rubbed his thighs that he had pinched hard before.

In order not to let himself laugh out loud, he estimated that his thigh meat was pinched purple~

"You don't have to be entangled, "Plastic Memory" will be released after the end of "Light Sound Girl" and "Swinging Camping", and it will end on the night of the thirtieth night of the Chinese New Year's Eve, just after watching the anime, you can also watch a gala with your family without delay~"

In order to bring the audience this memory that condenses his deep hope, he can be said to have arranged everything.

Even the matter of not delaying everyone to watch the Spring Festival Gala has been taken into account.

An idol like him who thinks about his fans, I'm afraid he's the only one in the world~

When I think of the audience who watched "Plastic Memory", the next day was the first day of the Lunar New Year, and that scene...

Tsk, when the time comes, he believes that these fans of his will definitely be moved to tears.

"Strange, Fang Dada, why are you not skinny?"

"emmm~ Such a serious Fang Da must have some conspiracy~"

"Damn, I feel that something is wrong when you say that!"

"Fang Dada won't be lying to us~"

"It's so dangerous, I was almost taken to the ditch, and the dog thief said you have a plot?!"

Just when Fang Zheng was thinking about what Weibo news he should post on the first day of the Lunar New Year, fans suddenly reacted and noticed that something was wrong, or something that was out of harmony.

After all, they hadn't known Founder for a day or two, and it was the first time that they had been so serious as today.

Not to mention that this is a live broadcast, there is no reason why this Pipi shrimp should not be skinned with them~

However, what puzzled fans was that Founder seemed to be quite serious after that, except for being late for a while at the beginning of the live broadcast.

This is not at all like the style of Fang Da that they are familiar with~


Something must be wrong!

Their Fang Da must have some bad idea behind his back!

Thinking of this, many fans suddenly felt a chill down their spine, and they felt a creepy feeling all over their bodies.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves, you are afraid of thieves.

They frantically forwarded the square emojis and sent the blades frantically.

With Founder's cautious and line-loving character, he will never swallow his anger so much!

Leather and seriousness are opposites, a person who is not skinny and uncomfortable on weekdays, suddenly becomes serious, either he is taken away or there is some ulterior secret!

Obviously, the founder at this time is the latter!

PS: Ahem, "Plastic Memory", a good anime, I recommend you to watch it, believe me, I won't lie to your QAQ~~

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