With Founder's verbal promise, many fans happily continued to chase it.

At this time, the fans were already carried away by the excitement, and completely forgot that Fang Zheng was such a skinny person, and it was impossible to inform them so kindly.

It was still a familiar activity room, and the law team sat on a chair and looked at Ah Zimeow, who had just come to the room.

"Ah Zimeow, about the future..."

"No problem!"

As soon as the law team spoke, Ah Zimeow already knew what the other party was going to say.

The law team and Mio have re-established the light sound department since they entered the school, and in the past three years, except for absorbing a new member of Ah Zimeow, no one else has joined the light sound department.

Many people have a suspicion about this.

That's the same session as A Zimeow, Chun, A Zimeow and Duwei's sister worry, the three of them are also good friends, the relationship of the iron triangle.

Jun has said more than once that he is very envious of the atmosphere of the light sound department, but for some reason, he has never joined.

If you look at it in combination with the comic version of "Light Girl", you will find that Chun is actually a very gentle girl.

The reason why she has always envied the light sound department, but she has never joined, is that she is afraid that her rash addition will break the light and harmonious atmosphere of the light sound department.

After the graduation of the only few people, Ah Zimeow, Worry and Chun formed a new light music department and a new band.

From this, it can also be seen that Pure has always been like joining the light sound department, but he also has his own worries, so he has not taken action for a long time.

Because there are no new members except for Ah Zimeow, what the law team said to Ah Zimeow is actually worried about what Ah Zimeow should do after he and others graduate.

And Ah Zimeow also knew the thoughts of the law team for a long time, so she didn't wait for the law team to finish speaking, and swore an oath.

For her, she was so moved by the welcome concert of the Light Sound Club that she joined the Light Sound Club.

During this period, he went from a genius guitar master to being persecuted by his predecessors into a group of pets.

As the only junior in the light sound department, the seniors are about to graduate, and A Zimeow's mood can be imagined.

Looking at Ah Zimeow's pretending to be strong, the dumb one on the side also wanted to say something.

"But we haven't been..."

"It really doesn't matter! I'll try to bring in new people! Absolutely! Absolutely! I won't scrap the ministry!"

The light voice department brought her a lot of touches, this is the light voice department left to her by the predecessors she admires, and it will definitely not be abolished!

"Speaking of which, I haven't been able to thank my seniors properly, so I wrote a thank you letter, even though it was just written..."

Ah Zimeow seemed a little afraid to look at the eyes of the few people who were stunned, and took out a few thank-you letters from her schoolbag in a panic.

"Sister Lil!"


"Senior Sister Wei!"

"Senior Sister Wei!"

Looking at Ah Zimeow's appearance that she wanted to cry but held on, the audience felt distressed for her.

The more excited she was, the more the audience felt an inexplicable bitterness.

Thinking of the graduation of only a few people, Ah Zimeow was left alone in the light voice department full of laughter and laughter in the past, and the audience's hearts were also very unhappy at this time.

Listening to Ah Zimeow's already obviously trembling tone, and even with a slight cry, the fans in front of the screen couldn't help it anymore~

"This hurried tone, a slight crying feeling, Ah Zi Meow~~!"

"What Ah Zimeow is saying now is all reluctance to his predecessors~"

"Hug Ah Zimeow, it's so distressing!!"

"Woo woo woo~ Looking at Ah Zimeow, the old man's eyes are in the sand!"

The audience saw it clearly, and it was obvious that Ah Zimeow was very uneasy about the graduation of the seniors, but in order not to worry the others, she was still very sensible and tried not to cry.

This feeling is empathetic, and the eyes of many fans have begun to flash with tears.

"Seniors, congratulations on graduation..."

Looking at the flowers symbolizing graduation on the schoolbags of the few people, Ah Zimeow was stunned, and the expression on her face became stiff.

She suddenly realized that her seniors had graduated, and she would be left alone in the light music department in the future...

No one was drinking tea with her, no one was chatting with her, no one was on that stage with her...

At this moment, the full hints and details have made the audience depressed to the extreme, and the barrage is also full of the word 'tears'.

"Please don't graduate..."

Ah Zimeow's body froze in place, bowing her head and not looking at the only few people, with a thick begging and expectation in her voice.

"Even if I don't tidy up the activity room, or drink tea all day, I won't blame you, so..."

"So... Please don't graduate!"

Seeing Ah Zimeow squatting down and hugging her head and crying, the audience, who had long endured it to the limit, burst into tears at this moment.

The sentence 'Please don't graduate' exhausted Ah Zimeow's inner uneasiness and reluctance, and at this moment, the audience seemed to be poked into the softest place in their hearts.

Tears flowed uncontrollably in an instant.

At this moment, the audience collectively burst into tears!

"Gan! I can't help it!"

", this is what Fang Dada said to watch with confidence?!"

"Founder dog thief, are you happy to see us crying?!!"

"When the old man finishes crying, I'll send you a souvenir!"

Suddenly, fans whose eyes were blurred with tears vented their depressed feelings on Fang Zheng.

Who made you depict the details so perfectly?

Who made you design the plot so touching?

Also, who made you portray Ah Zimeow's expression so well?!!

Countless viewers were outraged, all of this was done in a positive way.

They cried on the last school anniversary, and they cried again today, what's the matter with their tears being worthless~

At this time, the fans finally reacted, and the dynamic of Fang Zheng that day was purely to tease them, not to comfort them at all.

I'm afraid that Pippi shrimp has been waiting to see their jokes for a long time.

It's tolerable, it's unbearable!

Send the blade!

Blades must be sent!

They thought that Fang Zheng was frightened by their behavior of sending blades, but now it seems that they were frightened, and they are obviously smiling very happily!

The fans were furious at the thought that they were in tears on both sides, while on the other side, a certain Pipi Shrimp was smiling all over his face.

If they don't fight for three days, they shouldn't believe any words of this man, not even a character!


At the headquarters of the Demon Capital A Society, Fang Zheng sneezed several times in a row.

Looking at the computer screen, the barrage full of scolding himself, Fangzheng's face smiled like a flower.

The harder these fans scold, doesn't it prove that they cry worse?

Sure enough, no one can resist Ah Zimeow's sentence 'Please don't graduate', no one!

"Hey, scold, scold, there's a big surprise behind~"

Fang Zheng smiled at the corner of his mouth with a wicked smile, saying that let you have a happy New Year, let you have a happy New Year.

Someone on our side is a little skinned, but a spit and a nail, say do!

In this regard, fans don't know that someone in their mouth is actually shamelessly 'peeping at the screen'.

If they knew, I'm afraid there would be many grumpy old men who bought direct train tickets to the magic capital.

"Ah Zimeow, there is a song I hope you can listen to!"

It's hard to let go of this memory, how can it be that Ah Zimeow is the only one, and why is it not the case with only a few of them?

comforted Ah Zimeow, who was crying, and several people sang the song that had been written for Ah Zimeow a long time ago.

As seniors, they give Ah Zimeow the best memories and blessings~

[Na ~ If the fragments of memories ~ take a name to save ~]

[Then it should be a treasure~]

【So~Incomparably fulfilling~Spend every day colorful~】


Crying and crying, the audience was suddenly attracted by this soothing music.

Listening to the singing of Du Wei and Mio, although I knew that this was a song written by Du Wei and a few people to Ah Zimeow, it was to comfort Ah Zimeow, who was about to separate.

But inexplicably, they feel as if they have been cured~

The warm feeling of the sun shining through the dark clouds in the heart made the audience stunned.

What healing music this is~!

Listening to the performance of only a few people, the corners of the audience's mouths unconsciously rose, with a faint smile full of warmth.

The fans sitting in front of the screen, their eyes were full of tears, but there were warm smiles on the corners of their mouths, which should have been a very weird scene, but at this moment it was surprisingly harmonious.

【Familiar school uniforms and slippers~】

[There is also graffiti on the whiteboard~]

[At the entrance tomorrow, do you have to leave them all?]

Seeing that Lian Lu and Zhuang Jian both opened their mouths to sing, the touch of emotion in the hearts of the fans was even more profound.

If they remember correctly, this should be the first time that the law team and Zhuang Wei have sung it~

This is to comfort Ah Zimeow, who is about to be left by them~!

[But ~ met ~ beautiful ~ angel ~]

[Graduation will not be the end~]

[We will be friends from now on~]


Listening to the singing of only a few people, the audience fell into memories.

recalled that Ah Zimeow made her debut and watched the singing of the light voice for the first time, and later chose to join the only few people because she was moved.

Thinking that Ah Zimeow was once persecuted by his predecessors and brought cat ears, and also thinking that Ah Zimeow was once angry at the few people who did not train.

recalled that Ah Zimeow went to stay with her seniors and was successfully led astray by her seniors...

The corners of the audience's mouths unconsciously rose slightly, and they remembered the memories of A Zimeow so clearly, everything seemed to happen yesterday~

[Photo of the same ~ Pendant of the same ~ ]

[It's so flashing at any time~]

[Say thank you to the smile that will always be ~ ]

The warm singing voice, the gentle accompaniment that makes people feel calm, the audience closed their eyes, savored carefully, and recalled carefully.

The light voice brings them memories and touches them.

"Thank you Fang Da for letting me meet the five angels~"

"No matter when or where, I don't think I'll ever forget that I once watched an anime called 'Light Girl'. "

"K-ON!I love you forever!!"

"I like the light sound the most, I'll come back to see you from time to time~!!"

PS: Thanks to the monthly pass of "Lonely Wind", "X", and thanks to "Ba.... Ba Song", thank you for your support!!

Kneel and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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