Fang Zheng called Secretary Zou and explained his intentions.

Although Secretary Zou was a little busy during the Chinese New Year, he was still willing to meet Fang Zheng.

After all, as a cultural enterprise officially supported by the magic capital, Company A represents the face of the magic capital.

And as the A company gets better and better, it also has a certain role in promoting the development of the magic capital, just like the tourism frenzy brought by the previous animation festival.

When he came to the First Hotel in the Demon Capital, Fang Zheng booked a box with Zhang Siyu, and it didn't take long for Secretary Zou to arrive.

And it's not just Secretary Zou, there is also a military region boss who has a relationship with Fangzheng - Old Man Pang.

"Xiao Fang, you tell me in detail about your plan, I can't hear it clearly on the phone. "

Everyone sat down, Fang Zheng originally wanted to serve some dishes, and everyone chatted while eating.

But Secretary Zou refused, just asked for a pot of tea.

In this regard, Founder could only reluctantly agree.

Then he mentioned his plan to Secretary Zou, hoping to get official recognition.

Hearing that Fang Zheng actually wanted to reproduce the kind of chariot battle scene in the anime, Secretary Zou and the old man Pang on the side were shocked.

Even if they support Founder and fall in love with Founder again, it is impossible to agree to this matter.

But when they heard that Fang Zheng wanted his own magic chariot, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"As long as you can keep your visitors safe, that's not a problem!"

After thinking about it, Secretary Zou nodded.

According to Fangzheng, the tanks they use will not be too powerful, and they will not be loaded with ammunition.

If you put a lot of effort into ensuring the safety of tourists, you can do it.

In this regard, the old man Pang on the side, the bigwig of the military region, did not say anything.

He has watched the anime "The Girl and the Chariot", in which Founder deliberately made the domestic 99 appear, which won his liking.

In addition, the chariots in the anime are all old antiques from the past, and there are no core secrets at all, so there is no need to block this kind of activity.

Besides, the vehicle mentioned by Fang Zheng is just an appearance, and where else is it a little like a real tank?

The plastic armor, the bumper car-level horsepower, and the paint bullets are also fired, to put it bluntly, it is completely a mini toy for children to play with, but it is just enlarged.

As long as you take good safety measures, it's not a problem at all.

"Ahem, Xiao Fang, since it's a chariot battle base, there is no real guy in the town, isn't there some jokes about finding people~"

However, Old Man Pang seemed to be a little dissatisfied with Fangzheng's arrangement, and looked at him with a squint and a smile.

"Old man, you're laughing, I don't have the ability or the guts~"

Fang Zheng heard Pang Lao's words with a bitter smile on his face.

What a real guy... He didn't go back until he had his brain pumped, otherwise he would never have Qu Peng.

Even if his plan dies in the end, he won't touch it.

If you touch it, you will be sentenced to death, and he is not so stupid!

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Old Man Pang smiled and waved his hand and said, "You misunderstood, I'm not trying to test you, I mean do you want a real guy?"


Fang Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Old Man Pang with incredulity, and his eyes widened!

"Pang... Pang Lao, you really play ?!!"

"What do you call me to play really, I am kind enough to give you the town!"

Old Man Pang waved his hand when he heard Fang Zheng's words, he was really tired of playing for a long time.

Goo Dong~!

Fang Zheng swallowed, his eyes a little worried.

This guy is no better than anything else, and the tank is an armament, and if something goes wrong, he's done!

"Don't worry too much, this real guy is scrapped by the military region, the fire control and weapons will be removed, and it will only give you an empty shell, but it's still okay to run around on the road. "

Old Man Pang knew what Fang was worried about, he wouldn't give the real weapon and fire control system, that thing was all confidential.

But without these things, the so-called tank is just a more powerful Iron King Eight Shell, and it is also a model that has long been eliminated by the military region.

The soldiers in the military region use these old antiques that have been scrapped on a daily basis for simulated bombing.

Twitching one from the inside to shake the scene on Fangzheng's side, it's still not a big problem.

And it can also publicize its own armaments in disguise, and maybe it can also arouse the enthusiasm of young people to join the army~

"This... Pang Lao, this price..."

Fang Zheng looked at Old Man Pang and smiled shyly.

"The price of scrap iron is for you!"

Hearing this, Fang Zheng immediately slapped his thigh and decided to ask for it.

Scrap metal is the price, not to mention that it's a real thing.

Even if you buy it for collection, it's a good choice~

Although there is no fire control and weapons, it is okay to be able to open it and enjoy it~

I usually drive to avoid people, but this guy drives out, and others avoid you, so I ask you if you're afraid!


Secretary Zou on the side looked at Fang Zheng and Old Man Pang, and the two of them laughed like children, and couldn't help but shake their heads speechlessly.

However, he didn't say anything about Old Man Pang's decision.

After all, this belongs to the military region's support for Fangzheng, and it has nothing to do with him.

"Overall, your plan is not bad, I agree!"

Secretary Zou looked at Fang Zheng with a slight smile and emotion in his eyes.

He still remembers Fang Zheng's original sentence 'When the world mentions Xia Kingdom, it will think of the Demon Capital, and when it mentions the Demon Capital, it will think of his two-dimensional empire'.

Now it seems that the young man has been working towards this goal.

If Founder's plan really unfolds, maybe this sentence will really become a reality.

At that time, it will not be people who know A through the magic capital, but through A who know the magic capital.

After solving this matter, Secretary Zou and Old Man Pang are about to leave, after all, their time is still very precious.

Fang Zheng sent the two elders away, and on the way, Secretary Zou deliberately slowed down and walked side by side with Fang Zheng.

"Xiaofang~ Don't think the old man is too talkative, if you don't have absolute certainty, don't let your company go public at will, if you encounter problems with funds, come to me, I will let the bank give you a loan, don't accept some capital financing that I don't know. "

After speaking, Secretary Zou patted Fang Zheng's shoulder and said meaningfully: "Remember!"

In addition to the Magic Capital Hotel, Fang Zheng watched the second elder leave, and for Secretary Zou's last words, Fang Zheng squinted his eyes.

It seems that this magic capital is also a mixture~

The reason why Secretary Zou reminded him was that he was afraid that he would suffer a loss, and it would be fun for the good cultural industry to be taken away.

"But it doesn't seem to have anything to do with me~"

Fang Zheng shook his head casually, the company will not be listed, and he will not accept any other capital financing, so the problem that Secretary Zou is worried about will not happen at all.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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