Many players have downloaded the game "Fleet Collection", and as fans of A Society, they have always trusted A Society unconditionally.

Moreover, just against the gimmick of the same name and style as the anime "Fleet Collection" and adapted from the anime, they played it!

At Modu University, Chen Qianyi's dormitory has returned to school one after another, but classes have not yet started at this time.

In the boys' dormitory, Chen Qian was lying on the bed, holding his mobile phone in his hand, his eyes were looking at the screen intently, and there was a slightly perverted smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I said Lao Chen, why are you laughing at it, my wife is leaking?"

Qi Yu returned to the dormitory with two other roommates, flicked his hand, and threw the basketball into the frame on the side.

There are four of them in the dormitory, except for Chen Qian, they all like to play basketball.

And Chen Qian himself has no sense of basketball, so he usually goes out in the morning to run two laps in the morning, and then has a meal and will go to the dormitory.

Qi Yu walked into the room, took off his coat, and couldn't help but be a little curious when he saw Chen Qian ignoring him.

This thing is so curious about what it is doing.

[I am a returned child born in England, King Kong desu! Please advise!]

[Ah~!Admiral, it's okay to touch it~But pay attention to the time and occasion~]


Touch it, but also pay attention to the time and occasion??

Qi Yu's eyes widened, and he looked at Chen Qian who was lying on the early bed in disbelief.

"I rely on Lao Chen, you actually look at this kind of thing in the morning!" Qi Yu pointed at the other party, and said with a disgusted expression on his face: "No, I have to change the bed, I don't feel safe sleeping on top of you!"

Saying that, Qi Yu walked to his bed, and wanted to tear over his bed to change places.

But when he walked to Chen Gan's side, Qi Yu peeked behind Chen Gan with a ghostly gaze.

Although he knew that Chen Qian was most likely looking at something unhealthy, and he also knew that an innocent young man should not come into contact with these, his eyes seemed to be uncontrollable.

And up, the 'ah~!' he heard just now really poked him, the kind with goosebumps all over his body.

"Aren't you going to change the bed? Why don't you do it?"

Chen Qian noticed Qi Yu's gaze, rolled his eyes speechlessly, and covered his phone to prevent Qi Yu from seeing the contents.

It's been a dormitory for more than a year, who doesn't know who, do you think you secretly do that at night, I don't know?

This bed is bunk, one-piece, and it will shake, you know?

It's all a thousand-year-old fox, what are you going to do for me~

"Ahem, I don't change it, I don't change it. Qi Yu smiled awkwardly, then rubbed his hands, looked at Chen Qian and said, "Old Chen... Brother Chen, Brother Chen, show me, just a look!"

Looking at Qi Yu's eyes full of anticipation, Chen Qian smiled disdainfully.

Because the news of the official blog of Company A was posted in the morning, and at that time, Qi Yu and the others were playing basketball, and it was inconvenient to carry mobile phones, so they were all thrown in the dormitory.

He ran in the morning earlier than Qi Yu and the others came back, so he knew the news of A Society in advance.

Naturally, as the only god-level fan who sent a blade to Fang Zheng's face, he downloaded it directly without the slightest hesitation.

And he logged in with the account of Company A, and the official also gave him a chance to draw cards for free ten times.

And the voice that Qi Yu heard was the best card he had drawn.

However, Chen Qian didn't know it, but he knew through the special effects when drawing cards that this card was the legendary golden legend.

After looking at the introduction, the newly drawn character is called King Kong, and it is a battleship.

It was King Kong, a new character, who was greeting him, the Admiral, just now.

"Brother Chen, Brother Chen, just show me, just take a look!"

Qi Yu looked at Chen Qian pleadingly, he swore that he would only look at it, and definitely not see more!

"Go and go, while playing, go and look at your phone yourself, this is a mobile game released by A Society!"

Chen Qian also wanted to continue to study the other data of King Kong, how could he pay attention to Qi Yu, a bad friend, and immediately shook his phone at Qi Yu, and then waved his hand impatiently.

"Why can't you just find a better excuse to perfunctory me?"

Qi Yu stared at Chen Qian, who doesn't know that A Society is an animation company, where did it come from to make games~

"Believe it or not!"

Chen Qian ignored Qi Yu, and after a while, this product will naturally know what happened when he sees the mobile phone, rather than wasting saliva with this product, it is better to listen to a few more words of 'Lord Admiral'.

Emm~ I have to say,The dubbing of this game is really good.,Just listening to it makes you feel it...

Qi Yu saw that Chen Qian ignored him, and took out his mobile phone from under the bedside pillow suspiciously.

", A is really out of the game!"

Qi Yu looked at the news on his mobile phone, and after reading the latest news of the official Bo Niang of Company A, the whole person was messy.

It's the same as most people think.,You can't do animation well as an animation company.,What kind of game do you make~.

However, thinking of the coquettishness from Chen Qian's mobile phone just now, Qi Yu didn't say a word, and directly clicked to download.

"Fang Dada, from now on I will worship you as a god, the only true god!!"

Qi Yu logged into the game, looked at the exquisite pictures in the game, and listened to the voice of the 'Admiral' with different tones and timbres, he felt that he had reached the peak of his life!

Ah~ This world is so wonderful, why is there such a 'gentleman' game.

Qi Yu enjoyed his face, closed his eyes happily, and enjoyed himself.

"Can you stop being so disgusting, you can use a A company account to log in for free ten times in a row, hurry up and see what you can draw~"

While Chen Qian walked over and kicked Qi Yu, seeing the disgusting smile on the corner of the other party's mouth, he forcibly endured that he didn't give this thing a punch.

Nima, sleeping on the bunk bed with you, it's me who feels unsafe~

"Oh yes, ten in a row!"

Qi Yu was woken up by Chen Gan, and rubbed his hands excitedly, just when Chen Qian thought that Qi Yu was going to draw a card, he saw that this goods put away his mobile phone, and then picked up the soap from the windowsill on the side, and went straight to the bathroom.

"As for it?"

After a while, Qi Yu walked in.

Chen Qian looked at the other party's rubbing red hands, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

However, this is not only that, this thing actually found a portrait of a Bodhisattva I don't know which one it was, pasted it on the wall, and finally lit three cigarettes, and prayed with a sincere face.

"Come on, I'm the Emperor of Europe!!"

Ready for everything, Qi Yu clicked on the gacha.

Watching the change of the card pool, Qi Yu's face turned red, his eyes were also glaring, and his breathing was a little short.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please~~~~

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