Fangzheng's words made everyone in the live broadcast room stunned.

What does it mean to be able to understand the true meaning of krypton after watching the new work?

Can your new work still teach others kryptonite?


New works??

"I'm rubbing, launching a new work so soon?"

"I heard you right~"

"I'm Gan, this is really prolific, like that!"

"Fang Dada, I am willing to call you the strongest!"

The fans in the live broadcast room were stunned for a moment when they heard Fang Zheng's words, and then quickly reacted.

You must know that the ship girl has only been released for two days, and the popularity has just increased, but you tell me that you are going to launch a new anime again?

This unexpected surprise caught fans off guard, and many people even reacted when they saw the barrage~

It can be seen how impactful the news of Founder is.

"Fang... Fang Dong, I heard you right, as far as I know, you just launched the anime and game of Jian Niang the day before yesterday, and it's only been two days, and you're going to launch your new work again?"

Zhang Ying was also a little dumbfounded by Fang Zheng's answer, and her tone of voice was a little incredulous.

"Naturally!" Fang Zheng nodded noncommittally and said with a smile: "In fact, I have planned this anime for a long time, including the follow-up anime!"


The fans in the live broadcast room gasped when they heard Fang Zheng's calm answer.

Although they love anime very much, especially the anime launched by Founder, which never disappoints them.

But hearing that Fang Zheng even planned the follow-up anime, fans couldn't help but be shocked and incomprehensible.

"Nima, Fang Dada won't be a monster~"

"Won't this inspiration run out?"

"I can only say convincing for Fang Dada's speed, this is a mobile humanoid animation machine~"

"Fang Dada, I want to learn how to kryptonite, hurry up and teach me~!!"

"Upstairs, why do you want to learn whether krypton gold is fake, and if you want to watch the latest anime, it's true~~!!"

The fans in the live broadcast room are full of admiration for Fang Zheng, although this person is usually a little skinny and cheap, but he has real skills.

Although they don't know much about how to make anime, since they are creators, they have one thing in common.

That's the inspiration!!

Some people do not hesitate to travel all over the country for creative inspiration, just to seize the moment of understanding, and some people will disappear for a period of time for creative inspiration, abandoning any troubles, just to find a trace of creative source.

But on the other hand, Founder, this product seems to have no such troubles, skinned, and the interesting inspiration seems to be thrown out as if it doesn't need money.

For example, the latest release of the ship girl, before the release of this anime, who would have thought of such a rich and unique setting, and who would have thought that the general would be a martial artist?

No one!!

But Fang Zheng thought about it, and he took action, and the results were very good.

As soon as the anime "Ship Niang" was released, the novel setting and full of benefits were very popular with fans.

Later, the same two-dimensional mobile game launched by A Society was even more popular, and even some fans who don't play games on weekdays were also attracted.

And there are also many zero krypton parties planted in the hands of this game, breaking their long-standing belief in white prostitution.

Looking at the ships with different styles that they built with red tickets, what else can the Krypton Party say?

Krypton gold is so fragrant!!

And,The game of the ship girl largely satisfies the desire to collect some fans who have a collecting habit。

How many hundreds of kinds of ship girls, with a variety of styles, these are the places where this game attracts players.

And for gentlemen, their biggest wish every day is not to clear the level, nor to pretend to be kryptonite, but to stare at the ship's mother who is parked in the dock by themselves.

Even looking at the seductive and criminal 'touch' button, listening to the sexy or charming coquettishness, many people have fallen into the bottomless abyss.

What's more, they even deliberately let their ship girls be defeated by deep-sea habitat ships, not for anything else, in order to see the demeanor of those ship girls.

For the ideas of these gentlemen, Fang Zheng despises them in his heart!!

Dung Lift!!Scum!!

The ship's mother is so cute, how can you bear to let them get hurt?

If you don't help me, you come and beg me.,Maybe I'll give you some of the same book as soon as I'm happy.,That's not more comfortable than watching the ship's mother explode Yi~.

"Fang Dong, you really make people... I don't even know how to describe it, but I admire you very much!"

Zhang Ying glanced at Fang Zheng in a complicated way, and searched her stomach and didn't find a suitable word to describe Fang Zheng.

"One last question..."

Zhang Ying picked up the tablet in her hand, looked at the question with the most fan support on the top, and smiled at the corner of her mouth.

To be honest, when she saw this question, she was stunned for a moment, but as a professional host, it was just not as obvious as it was.

Thinking about it, Zhang Ying glanced at Fang Zheng playfully and said softly.

"Some fans are curious, looking at the many anime you have done, it seems that there are very few male characters, so fans want to ask, what do men do in the worldview you set?"

After Zhang Ying finished speaking, the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

In fact, this question has another meaning, and the fans say it more directly, that is, to ask Fang Zheng if he has any habits.

But Zhang Ying couldn't ask that, after all, the word 'woman' was too unsightly, so she changed her way of asking.

Hearing Zhang Ying's words, Fang Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then smiled indifferently.

Is there anything bad about light lily anime?

Don't these fans know that in addition to those conventional hot-blooded, cute, and other labels of anime, there is a very, very special classification method?

Light lilies vs. non-light lilies... Ahem~

Looking at the smile in the corner of Zhang Ying's eyes, Fang Zheng shook his head.

"Do you still need me to answer this question?" Fang Zheng said with his hands spread out and a little innocent in his eyes.

"So, Fang Dong, are you admitting that you have some... Some ideas that are not accepted by the general public?"

Zhang Ying stared at Fang Zheng like a curious baby at this moment, and her eyes were full of seven points.

"Not accepted by the masses?"

Fang Zheng pouted, there was something wrong with this sentence.

Light lily anime is not accepted by the public's mouth, and there are definitely not a few people who like this type of anime in their hearts!

"You misunderstood me, I mean this question doesn't need me to answer because everybody understands. "


Fang Zheng looked at Zhang Ying, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, and at the end he glanced slightly in the direction of the camera.

PS: Thanks to "Ethereal Life", "Purple Gold サ", "Dragon (??" , "Stars to the Sky", "Wisdom of Life", "Night", "176....09", "+_+", "Night God Realm People", "╯ It's Still a Sunny Day╮", "Beard", "Reverse Scale Armor", "Withering Infinite Moon" monthly pass!!

Thank you for the reward of "Tushan Xingtong", thank you for your support, thank you very much!!

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