A social platform, the "overlord" anime broadcast page, presents an extremely terrifying atmosphere at this time.

Looking at the colorful barrage that filled the screen, many people's eyes widened.

There are some old fans among these audiences, and they have also followed A all the way, but looking at any of the previous anime of A Society, even the most popular "Light Sound Girl" series, there are not so many colorful barrages.

But today, as if they had discussed in advance, the owners of these 'unswerving' titles appeared on the platform of A Company on time, and appeared on such a high-profile appearance for the first time in history.

The gorgeous barrage special effects and the domineering rhetorical questions all shook the hearts of the audience.

"Damn, they are all 'unswerving' bosses~"

"Gan, the strongest ace division in the battle of the fan group of A is haunted, and the idlers are scattered!!"

"6666, I remember, these bigwigs were against the trolls of the whole network at the beginning, and they even won!!"

"Do we have such a strong fighting force in the fan group of A Society?

"Fighters within fighters, trolls are out on the line!!"

When it comes to the title of 'Unswerving to the Death', some fans who joined later may not know much about it, but some fans who started to pay attention to A Club early definitely know the origin of this title.

It is no exaggeration to say that the title of 'unswerving to death' is not only the identity glory officially awarded to true love fans by A Society, but also an absolute symbol of combat effectiveness.

I think that at the beginning, A Club was just starting, and people were soft-spoken, and the anime "Chopping Crimson" also attracted a lot of controversy because of its concept.

The controversy intensified and eventually turned into a network-wide war.

The trolls of the whole network played against the earliest batch of true love fans of A Society, and the two sides faced each other on the major forums on the Internet, and the online version of the decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City left a deep impression on many old fans.

They still remember that the original batch of true love fans incarnated as god-level keyboard warriors one by one, forming an army alone in major forums, and scolding thousands of troops and horses, which is quite a bit of a feeling of tongue fighting against Confucianism.

You know, at that time, it was the initial stage of A Society, and the true fans of that period were definitely not as huge as the current fan groups.

But this group of bigwigs just has the courage to stand up, face up to the trolls on the whole network, stick to Company A, and insist on sleepless for several days.

Later, in order to reward these users who contributed to the maintenance of A Society, the official rewarded the title of 'Unswerving to Death', and it was out of print, and it will not appear a second time in the future.

For the official reward, there were many fans who were dissatisfied at first, but according to a big guy who won the title at the time, when he changed three keyboards in the past few days, those noisy fans were collectively silent.

Until death, these bigwigs who have fought really deserve this title, which is what people deserve.

Subsequently, in order to avoid any more unbalanced people's hearts, and also to maintain the peaceful and free atmosphere of A Society, these bigwigs not only did not show off their titles in a high-profile manner, but hid them one by one.

On weekdays, it's no different from normal fans.,Talk about anime and peripherals.。

After so much time, many old fans have even forgotten the existence of these people, let alone some fans who joined later.

For these real ancient gods, fans who have never heard of them are full of confusion and envy.

"Meng Xin weakly asked, what kind of fan group is this ace army, how to join~"

"Nima's colorful font is also too domineering, I want it too, how can I get it?"

"Don't think about it upstairs, this is an out-of-print title, there is no way to get it, just search for 'Chopping Red Incident' on the Internet~"

"Stirring the storm and boiling blood, the ancient gods have returned collectively, and welcome the big guy back to his place!!"

"Keep the clouds open and see the day, the tiger roars in the mountains and forests, and the trolls come to fight!!"

Looking at these bigwigs who used to be explosive in combat and formed an army by themselves, the fan group of A Society exploded in an instant.

With the leadership of these old-timers, they instantly felt high in battle spirit, and they desperately wanted to compete with those trolls before.

Didn't you shout very proudly before?

Why don't you show your head now~


In this regard, those trolls who have watched unscrupulous media reports also want to cry without tears.

The combat effectiveness of the two sides is not at the same level at all, although they are outnumbered, but if you let a thousand natives with stone weapons go to the line with a squad of modern soldiers, isn't that looking for death?

The colorful barrage that filled the screen, and looking at the uniform appearance posture, it was obvious that it was negotiated in advance.

On the other hand, as a troll, they don't even have the lowest member barrage, what do you do to match others?

What's more, although there are many of them, they are fighting separately one by one, and they have not formed a unified combat effectiveness at all.

Of course, these are just considerable factors, and what keeps these trolls shut up is that they already understand what Founder means by 'the most explicit anime'.

It's okay if they don't understand this, they can still stand on the moral high ground with peace of mind to condemn and scold Fang Zheng and A Society.

But after understanding this, they felt the pain on their faces, as if they had been forcibly swollen, how sour and sour they were.

"233~Isn't this the most explicit anime~"

"Fang Dada is right, there is only a skeleton of bones left in the explicit one~"

"Explicit.... emm~ The skin is still your skin, in terms of skin, except for Fang Dada, I don't accept anyone!"

"Trolls, do you have a sore face now?"

After the frenzy of color barrage passed, the fan groups that had long been holding back the fire spoke out one after another, and many fans even slapped the table and laughed wildly, and tears of laughter came out.

On the other hand, those trolls who followed the trend, looking at the barrage that filled the screen to ridicule them, the corners of their mouths twitched.

Hell, it's a terrible feeling of your IQ being pressed to the ground and rubbed.

They swore that they would never be involved in anything related to that man again, and that they would not want to do this experience a second time.

For these trolls, they can't stay in Company A, but they have nowhere to vent their frustration.

As a troll, they are the only ones who spray others, when have they ever suffered from this kind of wretchedness?

In the final analysis, all of this is because the unscrupulous media misguided them, which is why they were slapped in the face by Fangzheng.

There are wrongs and debts, and these trolls have withdrawn from the sad place of A Society, turned straight to those media, and then incarnated as gods of war one by one.

With a 'key come', the battle between the two major network forces of trolls and unscrupulous media officially began, and the battle situation was very anxious~

PS: I hope the bigwigs will support you a lot, please~~~

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