On the Internet, fans were dumbfounded by Founder's last news.

What is the long way to go, goodbye on Valentine's Day?

"I'll go, Fang Dada won't go out of his way to fall in love~"

"Sure enough, spring has arrived, and even Fang Dada has been corroded by the sour smell of love~"

"Is there any gossip news, who is Fang Dada going to talk to?"

"No matter who it is, I only love my two-dimensional wife anyway!"

Looking at Fangzheng's dynamics, many fans are slow and confused, and they can't figure out what Fangzheng is going to do.

Is it really going to fall in love?

Many fans are skeptical about this, just the character of a spicy man Pipi shrimp, can that woman stand it?

Even think about it further, if Fang Zheng is really in love, will his time for anime not change?

Are they going to wait longer to watch anime?

"No, you can't let a spicy man walk into the grave of love!"

"Yes, yes, yes, to prevent Fang Dada from falling in love, we fans are everyone's responsibility!"

"Brother of the magic capital, come on and get some inside news~"

Under Fangzheng's dynamics, a group of fans were in front of Fangzheng, and the open-minded 'plot' on how to prevent Fangzheng from falling in love had no intention of hiding and acting secretly.

That is, fortunately, Fangzheng's attention is no longer on Weibo at this time, if he sees it, then why not directly spiral to heaven~

Do you understand the freedom of love?

However, it is impossible for Fang Zheng to know about the fans' plots, because he is now busy dealing with Zhang Siyu, who wants to go crazy.

"Fang Dong, I hope you can understand a little, according to the design drawings you gave, Nasalik is far more difficult to build than any previous building!"

Zhang Siyu tried her best to calm down, she was already familiar with the way Fang Zheng wanted to do one thing and did another.

According to Fangzheng's plan, in order to restore the scenes in the anime as realistically as possible, most of the other tombs will be underground except for the first floor, which will be above the surface.

The underground construction is several times more difficult than the surface, not to mention digging a huge hole and transporting raw materials inside.

In addition, now that the engineering teams they hired have all started, none of the engineering teams have idlers to participate in the new projects.

And because of the difficulty of underground construction, there are very strict requirements for the quality and experience of the engineering team, at least for safety reasons, Zhang Siyu himself will prefer to choose some teams with construction experience.

In the unlikely event that an accident occurs in the middle of Nasalik's construction, it will be big news for the whole country, and Company A will be relegated to the cusp of the storm.

"There must be difficulty, I know this, but find a way to overcome the difficulty~"

Fang Zheng was a little embarrassed, and he felt a little embarrassed in his own heart.

On the second day of the broadcast of "Overlord", he sent the design drawings of Nasalik directly to Zhang Siyu, without considering the difficulty of construction at all.

As a result, Zhang Siyu ran back in the dust today, and it was a shame that she was able to hold back until today before she broke out~

"Overcoming difficulties?"

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Zhang Siyu couldn't cry or laugh.

If this difficulty had been overcome so easily, then she would not have come back to Fang Zheng to talk about it.

"Fang Dong, funds, manpower, and time, these all need to be solved, how do you think this difficulty can be overcome?"

Zhang Siyu is also helpless, the previous projects have already made her a little busy, and if she adds one more, she still needs to solve all aspects, she is really powerless.

Faced with Zhang Siyu's question, Fang Zheng closed his eyes, his fingers lightly tapped on the tabletop, and thought of a solution in his heart.

"Let's recruit people~ Recruit another experienced engineering team, and I will let Xianting go over to help you keep an eye on the project and relieve your pressure!"

Zhang Siyu nodded helplessly, it was obviously impossible for Fang Zheng to change his plan, and he had to do what Fang Zheng said.

"Later, you give me a statistical table to see how much money is needed, and I will inform the Finance Department over there~"

Zhang Siyu nodded, the reason why she came back to Fang Zheng to complain was not that she was dissatisfied with Fang Zheng's arrangement.

Instead, I hope that Fang Zheng will not increase the difficulty for her so suddenly, she is really afraid of Fang Zheng's elusive arrangement~

"Then I'll go down and prepare first, and I'll report to you later!"

After speaking, Zhang Siyu hurriedly left the office to estimate the manpower, material resources and financial problems needed to build Nasalik.

Sending Zhang Siyu away, Fang Zheng breathed a long sigh of relief.

Rushing to join a Nasalik's construction plan did disrupt all the deployments that Zhang Siyu had discussed with him before.

But "Overlord" is already on the air, and there will be a second and third seasons to follow.

If Nasalik can't build it, it's really a pity for him and for fans who really like the second dimension.


Fang Zheng patted his cheek and shook his head, so that he would stop thinking about the messy questions.

To build Nassalik, Society A still needs to spend a sum of money, and the most important thing he needs to do at the moment is how to earn this money back.

As a company that focuses on animation, Company A naturally relies on its old business to make profits.

"Valentine's Day..."

Fang Zheng squinted, thinking about his next plan.

The theme of Valentine's Day is undoubtedly love, love and other words, in addition to these, it seems that rice also has other special meanings.

If you really want to say that there is anything more important on Valentine's Day, emm~ I'm afraid it's the glass heart of a single dog~

For the arrival of Valentine's Day, many single dogs like to stock up on food early, and then lock the door and pull up the curtains on Valentine's Day.

Completely isolate yourself from the outside world and enjoy your personal world.

Of course, this is not voluntary for single dogs, but a choice that is forced to be helpless.

Imagine that on Valentine's Day, you are walking down the street with a single dog, and the crowds come and go in pairs, and you are alone.

In the face of the flaunting and ridiculed eyes of the same sex around him, and in the face of the pity and sorrow of the opposite sex, as a single dog, how much damage will be suffered in his heart~

And what he wants to do is to let fans deeply understand the sorrow of single dogs on this day, so as to prompt his group of straight male fans to take the first step bravely.

"Hehe, you think you can get rid of the crit by hiding at home alone? naïve, ignorant..."

PS: I hope the bigwigs will support you a lot, please!!

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