Watching the tricks between Silver and Kaguya, many viewers felt a sense of despair, the knowledge involved was really too high, so high that they had a sense of despair.

It's like an elementary school student suddenly going to take a high school course, and it's crazy.

"No, I can't hold on anymore~"

"Is this really a trick for falling in love?"

"Thank you Fang Dada for your kindness, but the old man's IQ is urgent, and he really can't understand it~"

"I never thought it would be so difficult to fall in love, it's just a battle of wits and courage~"

The audience watched the anime and sighed with emotion, full of admiration for Kaguya and Ginny's unfathomable skills.

Although they can't learn, it doesn't mean they won't appreciate it.

Watching the confrontation between the two openly and secretly, the audience only felt that falling in love was as hearty as going to the battlefield, which was simply unstoppable.

However, the audience watched the next plot and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that they weren't the only ones who didn't notice the fierce confrontation between the two, and there was another person in the anime who didn't notice it.

Looking at Chika Fujiwara, who had pink hair, sitting opposite Shiyin and Kaguya, and was not aware of the secret confrontation between the two, the audience was relieved.

Sure enough, their IQ is still online, at least at the level of the public, and it is at the same level as this pink-haired girl.

Chika Fujiwara, the secretary of the student union of Hidechien Academy, is marked by her pink hair, which gives people a sense of innocence.

[I said, I won a double ticket for the movie in the lottery before, but my family rules forbade me to watch these things, I don't know if you are interested?]

Chika Fujiwara took out two movie tickets and looked at Shiroku and Kaguya, who were sitting opposite, with a smile.

[Speaking of which, I rarely have time on the weekend~]

Silver's family conditions are not very good, and he can come to Xiuzhiyuan Academy to go to school completely because of his own grades, and he is a proper scholar.

Regarding watching movies, he obviously doesn't have the material conditions on weekdays, so he is a little interested.

[The four houses, we...]

Silver heard that Fujiwara Chika couldn't go to the movies because of the strict control at home, and he didn't want to waste these two movie tickets, so he planned to call Kaguya Shinomiya together.

But before he finished speaking, Fujiwara Chika on the side took over the conversation and said.

[I heard that this movie has a curse that if a man and a woman watch it, they can get married~ It's great~~!]

Looking at Fujiwara Chika's innocent expression, the corners of Kaguya's mouth on the side raised slightly.

If two men and women go to see it, they will get married?

Then Baiyin invited him just now, does it mean that the other party is confessing to her in disguise?

Thinking of this, Shinomiya Kaguya looked at the silver on the side with an inexplicable smile on his face, and looked at the other party with the victory in hand.

[Oh, President, were you going to invite me just now?]

When Bai Yin heard this, his face was instantly covered with cold sweat, and he kept thinking about countermeasures in his heart.

What Kaguya Shinomiya could figure out, he had no reason not to think of.

Inviting Kaguya to watch a movie is nothing big of a deal, and it won't have the slightest impact on the battle between the two.

But the bad thing is that Fujiwara Chika just said the superfluous words, which made him seem to be confessing to Kaguya Shinomiya.

Love is war, and the first party who can't help but confess is destined to be held by the other party.

From the moment of confession, the confessing party has become a victim of love, that is, the biggest loser in life!

[Did the president say, do you want to go with me to see a movie that can promote a couple? It's almost like being in...]


This is simply a confession in disguise!

Baiyin's face was a little flustered, and he didn't realize that he was already in an absolute disadvantageous position in this invisible war.

You have to find a way to change!!

Love war, the first person to like the other party is the loser, this is an absolute principle, the arrogant silver will never allow himself to confess first!

"Come on, Chairman Silver, !!"

"For the sake of the dignity of the majority of male compatriots, I ask the silver god to stand up!!"

"You can't lose, our only hope is in you~~"

"Rise up~Burn your brain, hurry up and find a way~!"

Seeing that Silver was suddenly in danger, the single male compatriots in front of the screen all felt the same way, and unconsciously stood on Baiyin's side, feeling anxious for him.

As these single kings said, although they don't have a smart mind like Baiyin, and they are alone in reality, they still have illusions about love.

However, love is like a big net that envelops them firmly, reaching out and not seeing their fingers, which makes them feel trepidation from the bottom of their hearts.

And the silver came out of nowhere, and that gesture was like a ray of light across this great net, giving them the last hope.

So, President Silver, you can't fall here, what you represent is the glory and dignity of thousands of male compatriots~!

[Yes, I invited the four palaces, I never care about this kind of legend, but you don't seem to think so, what's the matter, do you want to go to this movie with me?]

The movie ticket in Chika Fujiwara's hand returned to calm again after a short period of panic.

Watching Silver shake the two movie tickets in his hand and calmly look at Kaguya Shinomiya, the audience breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that their worries are unnecessary.

Listening to Baiyin's words, many viewers reacted and silently gave Baiyin a thumbs up in their hearts.

Well done!

This passage not only solved its own crisis, but also threw the problem to Shinomiya Kaguya, and instead defeated the other party's army.

Silver first showed that he was not interested in this kind of legend, and the reason why he invited Shinomiya Kaguya did not mean that way.

Then he threw the question to Kaguya Shinomiya, and let the other party choose whether to go or not.

If Kaguya Shinomiya goes, it means that Kaguya Shinomiya wants to watch this movie that can promote a couple, and if she refuses, doesn't it mean that she is afraid?

You must know that it is not only Chairman Bai Yin who is arrogant, but Kaguya Shinomiya, as the eldest daughter of the four major families and the Sigong family, is not inferior to others in this regard.

She will never allow herself to be timid in the love war!

"Cattle Batch, Silver President Cattle Batch!!"

"666, such an understatement has resolved the crisis, and it deserves to be a big guy!"

"Am I alone think that pink-haired secretary is better than two people?"

"You are not alone upstairs, and you provoked Sigong and Bai Yin to have an invisible confrontation with each other in one sentence, this skill is really unfathomable~"

"I always feel that this pink-haired secretary is not simple, she is not as innocent as she seems on the surface~"

PS: Thanks to "Santu Layshi", "孑", "13(1)", "182...99", "Maple Forest", "186...01", "Anonymous", "vhbv", "Aerjm", "173...42", "?? Invisible Blade??" 、"Barren" commuter pass support!!

Thank you for the reward of "Good as Water", thank you for your support!!

Yesterday there was something going on at home.,So it's delayed.,It's back to normal updates today.,I hope the big guys will support a lot.,Please!!

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