Watching Chika Fujiwara, a pink-haired bad woman, jump out to stir up the situation, the audience didn't know how to complain.

Although Silver played the trick of Shinomiya Kaguya before, it also succeeded in making Shinomiya Kaguya ignite the anger in Shinomiya Kaguya's heart.

But they clearly saw that when Shinomiya Kaguya said that he was going to the appointment, Silver's feet moved!

It's not a slight move.,But it's a real step forward to keep Kaguya.。

If according to the normal plot development, Silver really goes to save Kaguya Shinomiya, then the previous farce between the two still has a chance to become consummated.

But what the audience didn't expect was that Fujiwara Chika, who has always been regarded as a tool by Kaguya Shinomiya, actually jumped out again to stir up the situation.

It's not silver that keeps Kaguya Shinomiya, it's Chika Fujiwara!

"It's... The plot continues to twist and turn, it's amazing!"

"Chika Fujiwara, forever dripping gods!"

"I somewhat believe in the analysis of Fujiwara Chika in the previous forum.,Where is this natural stay.,It's clear that it's black belly!"

"It's definitely black inside the cut, and it's gone!"

"It's just like that, Fang Dada is sincere not to let the two of them be together~"

Watching this magical plot development, the audience felt that their brains were not enough, and they really didn't know what to say except for complaining.

Shinomiya Kaguya and Baiyin, obviously both interesting to each other, can be said in one sentence, but it has to be so complicated.

It's good, it's powerful!

You are worthy of being Fang Dada, a master of love, a loyal supporter of the theory of love war, and the greatest philosopher in human history.

I'm willing to call you the strongest!!

Because of Fujiwara Chika's turmoil, Silver and Shinomiya Kaguya, the hard-working mandarin ducks, passed by again.

Just a little bit, just the last breath, I actually returned to the original point in a daze, really, these two people are also outrageously strong.

"This anime is profoundly like we have passed on, what is called 'love makes people stupid', what a mentally retarded couple!"

"How to stay single when the two are happy, this is a profound knowledge..."

Laughing out of breath, but laughing and laughing and remembering that he was still a single dog, the smile gradually froze. "

"Fighting wits is a trick, sand sculpture is the main content, and dog food is the essence of this anime!"

"On the surface, the two tsunderes are trying to make each other confess first, but in fact, they are two geniuses sprinkling dog food in disguise!"

Watching the end of the latest episode of "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess", the audience complained wildly, for them, this anime is full of slots!

Even, many people have reacted when they see it.

This anime is not what Fang Zheng said at all, and it is not used to comfort single fans on Valentine's Day at all, but to trick this group of single dogs into killing them.

This practice is used to being called murderous!!

Looking at the battle of wits and courage on the surface of Shinomiya Kaguya and Baiyin, you make moves and I dismantle them, and each other's various skills are thrown around, which is dizzying.

But in fact, this is a proper dog food drama, the sand sculpture is just the surface, and the two geniuses who are interesting to each other show affection in disguise are real.

Seeing the daily life of Shinomiya Kaguya and Silver's outwitting battle, the audience can already imagine the life scene of Silver and Shinomiya Kaguya's life in the future.

Silver and Shinomiya Kaguya's life after marriage is very happy, the family is well-off, and the husband and wife are loving.

In the ordinary daily life, the two always quarrel in front of their children, arguing about who confessed first when they fell in love.

'You confessed first!'

"No, you confessed first!"

"Hmph, it's you first!"

"No, no, no, you spoke a second before me~"

"No, it takes time for sound to spread, so you speak first~"

Thinking of this, the audience said that the sense of this picture was extremely strong, which caused a group of single Wang to feel strong discomfort!

According to this sense of picture, they think that the anime "Kaguya-sama wants me to confess" can be released to the Nth season, and they have all thought of the name.

It's called "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess ~ The Love Mind Station of Genius Parents"!

In this regard, some fans also said that if these two people are locked up in a small dark room, they are fed some medicine, and they are guaranteed to pass overnight, and nothing will happen.

And those who brush the 'master' in the barrage, learn the operation of Sigong Kaguya and Baiyun, do you plan to be single for the rest of your life or do you plan to break up with the current female ticket?

Those who want to learn how to operate can leave, because this is not an anime that teaches you to fall in love at all, but an anime that teaches you how to be single by strength.

Seeing this, almost all the audience reacted, this anime is simply a dog food under the guise of a battle of wits, and it really tricks a single dog into killing it.

There are even some attentive viewers who discovered the official small action, and this anime doesn't know when, the label was changed from 'Wisdom Fight' to 'Sweet Tooth Loss'.

Even the official admits it, what else do you have to struggle~

Seeing the official's small action of someone's 'shameless' demeanor, the audience was angry, especially the single viewers who believed it to be true before, they really felt that they were suppressed in terms of IQ.

It's a shame that they used this anime as a love treasure book.,Stupidly took notes and wrote a notebook.,In the end, you told it was a dog food?

The audience felt that their IQ had been insulted, and it was simply the kind of square press rubbing on the ground and braving sparks.

"Dog thief, you're not human!"

"Lost all conscience~ What did the single dog do wrong?"

"We've been hit hard enough on Valentine's Day, why do you still want to give us dog food?"

"Woo woo, I shouldn't believe you, I know you're a Pippi shrimp!!"

"Isn't it good to be less routine and more sincere? Why do you hurt us so much, you will really lose us like this!!"

"Why did the single dog eat your rice, why did you crit us on Valentine's Day!"

The single audience who reacted at this time felt that they had been hit by a double blow in their hearts and IQ, and they ran to Founder Weibo in anger one by one.

scolded Fang Zheng for losing his conscience and not being a human being!

Valentine's Day is inherently unfriendly to single dogs, we're all hiding, why are you going to trick us out and kill us.

Hehe, you really don't do anything that has anything to do with people~

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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