Educational institutions are no different, this is the foundation of the country, and must be approved by the relevant departments.

Hearing Zhang Siyu's words, Fang Zheng nodded, he had already considered this aspect a long time ago.

"I've already called Secretary Zou, and he agreed to my plan, all that's left is for you to hand over to the relevant departments and determine the process. "

It is necessary to deal with the relevant departments and discuss this matter, and at the worst time, it is necessary to say hello to the other party and prepare a case, so as not to make any follow-up things that everyone does not want to see.

"Then Fang Dong, what about the location of the college?"

Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng and negotiated with the relevant departments that only she, the CEO, went, so that the identity was also said in the past, and the other party would not feel faceless and disrespected because the identity of the person who came was too low.

In addition, Zhang Siyu is most worried about two problems, one is the location of the college, and the other is the problem of funding.

The problem of location selection is secondary, after all, they have a company that plays most of the Zhuyuan area, and such a large area is definitely enough.

Funding is what worries her the most!

There are three main sources of income for A company.,One is the most intuitive income brought by animation.,One is the income from the sale of fan-like peripherals relying on animation.,The last one is the income brought by the ship girl mobile game launched by Founder before.。

Because Founder refused to place advertisements on the broadcast platform of Company A, Company A's income in this regard was zero.

However, although they lost part of their profits, they received rave reviews from users, giving the audience the best viewing and use experience to the greatest extent, and the user viscosity is very high.

It is no exaggeration to say that the users of the A social platform are the video platform with the highest viscosity on the whole network.

Zhang Siyu is worried about the problem, Fang Zheng knows it all, and he knows it.

"Although Xiuzhiyuan Academy serves our A Society, it is still an anime landmark in essence, and it is no different from the previous planetariums, theme parks, etc., so it is best to build it together with other buildings to form a scale!"

Founder's own idea is very simple, since it wants to build a two-dimensional kingdom, it must form a scale, and only in this way can it form a tourist attraction and attract two-dimensional lovers from all over the world to make a pilgrimage.

"As for the specific location, where is it appropriate, you can go to those teams to discuss~"

Fang Zheng is well aware of the principle of not commanding blindly if you don't understand, there are too many things involved.

Ease of transportation, population density, and whether there are supporting entertainment facilities and consumption places in the vicinity, etc., all need to be considered.

And these are not his own strengths, there is a specialization in the art industry, and it is better to leave it to a professional team to measure the evidence.

"The question of funding... You go and estimate how much money you'll need, and then I'll say hello to the finance department. "

After listening to Fangzheng's arrangement, Zhang Siyu nodded, and then got up.

"Then Fang Dong, I'll go and get busy first. "

After speaking, Zhang Siyu left Fangzheng's office, ready to readjust the next work plan.

After sending Zhang Siyu away, Fang Zheng took a sip of tea gently, his brows furrowed slightly.

Although Company A plays most of Zhu Yuan's land, there are very few places that are really developed, and only the areas where the few projects he ordered have been developed, and the rest of the large areas of land are still abandoned.

To be honest, Founder wants to bid for tenders, so that more people can participate in the construction of the Zhuyuan area.

Of course, whether it is a company or an individual, their buildings and facilities must have two-dimensional elements, which is the most basic premise.

However, Fang Zheng was worried that the occupancy of these companies and individuals would compress the reserved space of Company A, and it would be embarrassing if he wanted to build some landmark building without land.

"Forget it, let's take a step and watch one~"

Fang Zheng shook his head and threw out all these messy thoughts, this thing belongs to the future plan, and now it is a bit unfounded to think about it.

The top priority is to work steadily and steadily, continue to enrich the works of A Society, gradually develop the two-dimensional industry related to animation, and prepare for the animation carnival in four months.

Although the last animation festival was popular, it was imperfect and flawed in Founder's heart, and it can be said that the Anime Carnival was the first two-dimensional festival held by Founder.

But that anime carnival was not so much a carnival as a light music concert.

The anime carnival in his heart is the prosperity of the second dimension, not a small festival held by a certain anime, this kind of fan event relying on Mobe anime can be held, but it will definitely not exceed the carnival and carnival that he values the most.

Therefore, Founder believes that although the last anime carnival was a good start, there are also regrets.

And this regret, Fang Zheng wants to make up for it in this anime carnival, so he will build theme parks, planetariums and even iconic buildings like Nasalik at any cost.

Only by hiding the supporting facilities can he hold more attractive activities and make this anime carnival not so monotonous.

The last anime carnival, to put it bluntly, was actually only a light concert supporting the façade, which was still very monotonous in nature.

But because it was the first time to hold such a grand two-dimensional event, fans were very curious and did not complain about how monotonous the event was.

Coupled with the black technology of the virtual imaging system, the audience's attention was all attracted by the cross-dimensional concert and Tianyi, so the animation carnival was very successful at first glance.

But the animation carnival is bound to be dominated by animation, not black technology, and their A company is also an animation company, not a high-tech company, and it can't put the cart before the horse.

Maybe no one will complain once, and no one will complain twice, but if there are too many times, it will inevitably make fans feel bored.

At that time, whether it is the anime carnival or the anime carnival he created, the reputation will definitely decline.

It even gives the feeling of 'nothing but that', which is not what he wants to see.

That's why he will be desperate to develop Zhu Yuan and create buildings that seem to have no value.

He did all this with one goal, to make these anime carnivals a success!

PS: I hope the bigwigs will support you a lot, please!!

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