Fans of the second dimension watched the replay of "Dance King Competition", and they were so excited that many people even searched for when the next game of "Dance King Competition" would be held.

If the tickets are not sold out, they will go to the site to support them if they say anything.

Not only to watch the unstoppable secretary dance on the spot, but also to support Qin Miaomiao, the head of the fan group.

As the first cross-circle output of the ACG circle, these ACG fans have to support whatever they say, otherwise others will think that there is no one in their ACG fandom~

"Oh no, brothers, the number of support votes for the eldest sister is almost the bottom, and many people are in the black eldest sister!"

Just when the fans were about to grab tickets to support the scene, someone in the fan base suddenly broke out a very bad news.

That is, Qin Miaomiao's current ranking is very unsatisfactory, and she may be eliminated at any time, and she is also the first batch of players to be eliminated in the qualifiers.

Although the secretary dance is very magical, in the eyes of those judges, this dance does not have any technical content.

Even many people on the Internet say that what is the difference between dance and square dance danced by Aunt Square?

"What? The eldest sister is going to be eliminated?"

"Damn, are those judges so blind?!!

"Why is the number of votes so low, is there someone maliciously swiping the votes?"

"How can this be endured, saying that my eldest sister dances like a square dance? Damn, I don't look down on square dances, but which square dance can dance such a brainwashing rhythm?!"

Fans who got the news went to the official website of "The King of Dance" to take a look, it doesn't matter, when they saw the messages below with all the bad reviews, their mouths were crooked.

The judges said that the secretary dance was not technical, but they admitted it, after all, it was not a swan dance, jazz dance or anything like that.

But your comments below, you can't give a reason and spray wildly below, isn't this too much?

Didn't you see the performance of those audiences before?

You all subconsciously ignore the stage appeal of the secretary dance, right?

Thinking about the replay just now, the scene where the audience unconsciously danced to the music, many fans were very unconvinced.

"Brothers, the next "King of the Dance Competition" will be held in two days, and tickets will go on sale today, everyone knows what I mean~"

"Made, buy a ticket, Lao Tzu is going to hammer those grandsons!"

"Dingdingding, brothers, come on and put the eldest sister's head on the top, our two-dimensional secretary dance is no longer good, and it can't be eliminated in the first round of qualifiers~"

"Online voting, brothers, it's time to tell those trolls what a special person is!"

"Get it, get it, it's not wrong for our two-dimensional circle to be low-key, but we can't be bullied by others like this!"

"That's right, blow them up and put the eldest sister in the first position!"

Fans spontaneously called for it one by one, and those who have conditions can go to the scene to support it, and those who have no conditions can vote for it on the Internet.

In a word, everyone has money to contribute and some people to give people, not for anything else, just to vent this bad breath.

Whether the secretary dance is good or not, just watch the reaction of the audience in the previous replay, those keyboard warriors are angry on the Internet one by one, it's really disgusting~

This kind of person really can't teach him a lesson!

Didn't you say that our secretary dance was rubbish? Didn't you say that our secretary dance was square dance and aerobics?

Lao Tzu will let you see how the unskilled dance in your eyes counterattacked and won the championship!

What's the matter, there have been so many Internet conflicts before, and our two-dimensional circle has survived, are you still afraid of you sunspots?

It seems that you have forgotten the previous lessons, in the eyes of two-dimensional fans, these keyboard warriors are typical of good scars and forget about pain.

You have forgotten what happened to us in the two-dimensional circle before, and you have forgotten how you got out of the two-dimensional circle in the first place?

Thinking of this, fans were indignant and took action one after another, wanting to teach these brainless trolls a lesson.

On the other side, Qin Miaomiao and Liu Ying came to Fangzheng's office, and their top boss Yang Li was also there.

"Don't worry, Fang Dong won't blame you for this matter~"

Looking at Qin Miaomiao, who was a little apprehensive, Yang Li and Liu Ying were both comforting on the side.

Yang Li comforted Qin Miaomiao again, and her face was a little unsightly.

At the beginning, Qin Miaomiao went to participate in the "Dance King Competition", which she agreed, and she also saw the dance rehearsed by Qin Miaomiao.

It is no exaggeration to say that Qin Miaomiao's dance that came out of the anime does not dare to say that she will definitely win the award, but it is not so much that she will not even be able to pass the first round of qualifiers.

At this time, Qin Miaomiao's situation was quite embarrassing, and even Yang Li, the boss, was a little angry.

For those brainless sunspots, she can't bear it anymore.

"Sister Yang, what if Dong Fang gets angry when he hears this, I... I don't want to be expelled yet~"

Qin Miaomiao's tone was pitiful when she spoke, like a little milk cat that could be abandoned at any time, I felt pity.

For her, working at A is not only a job, but also her own hobbies and interests.

Here she can be the first to know the release and production news of the anime, and she can get a lot of out-of-print figures from the inside, is there any more suitable job for an idol like her with otaku attributes?

Therefore, Qin Miaomiao doesn't want to lose this job, and there is not so much deception in Company A, Yang Li and Liu Ying take care of her very much, and the treatment in all aspects is also very good, she is really unwilling to leave.


When Yang Li heard this, she couldn't help laughing, she was not in a very good mood, but listening to Qin Miaomiao's innocent words, she was both angry and funny.

Qin Miaomiao, as the first voice actor idol promoted by Company A, no matter how angry Fang Zheng is, he will not expel Qin Miaomiao because of this incident~

"Rest assured, Fang Dong won't be so unkind. "

"I hope so~"

Qin Miaomiao was still a little uneasy, and her mouth pouted unconvinced.

She didn't think about winning an award or anything, after all, she had a clear understanding of her own dance.

The secretary dance is very demonic and brainwashing, but compared with those traditional dance genres, it is still a little insufficient.

She didn't expect to win the award, but she just hoped to help the two-dimensional circle expand its influence through her own publicity, and help A Society to publicize it in disguise.

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