Duan Liu was so troubled by the audience that he looked very embarrassed, shouting while panicking to avoid all kinds of debris thrown by the audience.

"Guards, security guards, stop them!"

In the commentary seat, several other judges also affected the pond fish because of Duan Liu, and they left the judges' seat one after another, away from Duan Liu.

Everyone knows that the anger of the fans is towards Duan Liu, and it must not be a good thing to be with this product.

The host watched the scene in chaos and hurriedly asked the program team.

At the same time, the security guards at the scene also appeared urgently at the scene to maintain order at the scene, so as not to make any radical moves from the angry fans.

However, the fans at the scene were obviously angry by Duan Liu's words, even if they were stopped by the security guards, it was still difficult to stop, after all, the security guards were only a few, and it was difficult to resist so many angry fans.

Looking at these angry fans, not to mention Duan Liu, even these five big and three thick security guards were a little uneasy.

If there was a stampede, it would really be dead, and so many angry fans were no joke.

But fortunately, the fans at the scene still retained a trace of sanity, except for throwing things and scolding Duan Liu, they did not cause a bigger commotion.

Rao is like this, and the people in the program team are also shocked.

At this time, the fans at the scene are like powder kegs, and the slightest spark will detonate.

The person in charge of the program team scolded the eighteenth generation of Duan Liu's ancestors in his heart, you TT and A Society have to solve their grievances by yourself, don't pull Lao Tzu on his back~

Just as the program team was about to call the uniformed uncle, a young man wearing a mask and sunglasses walked onto the stage.

Watching the young man walk through the audience step by step and slowly walk towards the stage, the audience at the scene was a little stunned, and the movements in their hands also stopped temporarily.


Others didn't know either, but Qin Miaomiao recognized the identity of the figure in front of her at a glance.

Fang Zheng came to the stage, nodded at the host, and then pointed to the microphone in the other party's hand.

The host was stunned for a moment, he didn't know if he should give this microphone or not, in case...

"Give it to him!"

Just when the host was entangled, the voice of the person in charge of the program team came from the headset.

And I don't know if it's the host's illusion, he always feels that the tone of the person in charge of the program team is a little relaxed.

At this time, the program was from the office, Chen Xianting nodded to the person in charge of the program team, and Chen Xianting's words were also the main reason why the person in charge asked the host to hand over the microphone to Fangzheng.

On the stage, Fang Zheng took the microphone handed over by the host, then turned to look at the audience and glanced around.

"Okay, let's be quiet~"

Fangzheng's voice echoed throughout the venue through the microphone, and the audience at the scene also quieted down, looking at this fully armed figure on the stage in disbelief.

"I'm rubbing, this voice is a little familiar~"

"emm~ I remembered a certain Pipi shrimp~!"

"This can't really be Fang Da, right?"

"I didn't run away, the old man is too familiar with the voice of that Pipi shrimp!"

"Even the tone of his voice is cheap, this Nima is definitely the dog thief!"

As soon as Fang Zheng spoke, the fans below reacted, they were too familiar with Fang Zheng, and no one's tone would be so distinctive.

As soon as this Nima opened his mouth, he was greeted by the breath of Pipi shrimp, who else could he be besides a spicy man?

The scene settled down, and several people in the comment seat slowly came back to their senses and returned to their own actions.

Especially Duan Liu, looking at the fans behind him with palpitations, wiping cold sweat while returning to his own actions, just looking at the appearance of half of his ass sitting on the chair, it seems that he is ready to run away at any time.

"Mr. Duan, you said that house dancing is difficult to get into the elegant hall, I don't know what your reason is?"

Fang Zheng didn't know that his identity had been revealed at this time, so he hadn't disarmed himself yet.

He saw the scene of the fan's anger just now, he didn't forget how he was skinned before, if he was targeted by fans in this state, it is estimated that it will be more auspicious.

"Who are you?!" Duan Liu returned to his seat and heard Fang Zheng's words before he could react, looking at Fang Zheng's clothes on the floor, he was not angry.

Qin Miaomiao scolded him and the audience, forget it, you are a person who can't even see your face clearly, how old are you?

What's special is that they all think that someone in my section is easy to bully, and they all ride on Lao Tzu's face and output?

"I am... emm~A vendor with a key~"


Hearing Fang Zheng's words, the audience burst into laughter.

At this moment, the audience, who still had a trace of doubt before, was more sure of Fangzheng's identity, except for the Pipi shrimp, no one else could say such a 'connotative' word.

"Anyone can really go on stage!" Duan Liu pouted disdainfully when he heard Fang Zheng's words, and then he looked at Fang Zheng and said, "Give me a reason?

"Do you know what this stage does? Do you know how to write the word art? Go back and sharpen your key with the key, don't be embarrassed here?!"

"People must be self-aware, don't spend all their savings for the sake of impulse, this stage is not for you to come with a key, you know?"


Duan Liu didn't know if he vented all the fright he received from the audience towards Fang Zheng, this opening had a tendency to be unstoppable, and what he said was as ugly and ugly as he was, completely forgetting why he was thrown by the fans just now.

Seeing Duan Liu firing at himself, and the firepower was still very strong, the corners of Fang Zheng's mouth hidden under the mask twitched slightly.

Since he came to this world, Duan Liu is still the first person to say these things to him, emm~ Don't say it, it's a bit of the taste of being despised by the local tyrants~

"Hehe~" Fang Zheng couldn't help but laugh twice when he heard Duan Liu's words, and then slowly took off his mask and sunglasses.

"Fang... Square... Positive ?!!"

Seeing Fang Zheng's true face, Duan Liu, who was still chattering, suddenly looked like a duck that had been choked by his throat, and everything he wanted to say was stuck in his throat, and his expression was very funny.

"Do you know art?"

Fang Zheng asked Duan Liu with a smile on his face, his eyes smiling, like a fox.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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