Fang Zheng heard Che Xuewen's words and smiled slightly bitterly.

He knew that what the other party said was the truth, but the tension in his heart was like this, you must know that before that, he didn't even have a car license.

Tanks don't need to be afraid of being hit, at least they don't need to worry about their own safety, after all, this is not a battlefield.

As long as you don't touch people, you can almost walk sideways.

A violent jolting sensation came from the lever in his hand, and Fang Zheng felt the power of the tank for the first time.

"Mr. Fang, what do you think it is?"

Che Xuewen looked at Fang Zheng's cautious driving, and the corners of his mouth twitched a little speechlessly.

This is a tank, the dignified king of land warfare, do you need to be so careful?

Hearing Che Xuewen's words, Fang Zheng looked through the lookout, and saw several of Che Xuewen's comrades-in-arms looking curiously towards the lookout, gesturing while watching.

"What's going on, are they gesturing to say there's something ahead?"

Fang Zheng looked at Che Xuewen on the side, his expression a little suspicious.

"Mr. Fang, what they said is that you can hurry up~"

Che Xuewen really doesn't know what to say, you can't run a two-legged person with a tank, and you're still a normal walking person, this...

Where do you put my big 59 face?

Hearing Che Xuewen's words, Fang Zheng also discovered that the tank driven by Nima himself was also more than a dozen wheels, and it was so slow that even a three-year-old child was faster than him.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator slowly.

In an instant, the roar of the steel giant beast filled his ears, and this rough roar made Fang Zheng's blood boil!


After a long time, Fang Zheng walked around the battlefield virtually in the tank and returned to the same place, parked the tank, and got out of the cockpit.

As soon as his feet hit the ground, Fang Zheng shouted excitedly.

Compared with the iron pimple, any luxury supercar is inferior, although the speed of the sports car is relatively fast, but the sense of power and heaviness is completely incomparable.

Sitting in a tank, you will have a very strong sense of security, which cannot be given by a car.

Fang Zheng circled around the 59 in front of him with satisfaction, touching the steel plate on the top, and was very satisfied.

Subsequently, Fang Zheng asked Che Xuewen to drive this old antique to the exhibition shed that had been built long ago, as a treasure for the future virtual battlefield of the chariot.

The exhibition shed is not the wide open space he opened just now, this is a very test of driving skills, and Fang Zheng is very self-aware to let Che Xuewen drive.

In the future, this 59 will receive tourists, although tourists can't be allowed to drive like he did today, but it is still possible to enter the cockpit and take pictures or something.


Looking at Che Xuewen's crisp driving, 59 is like a giant beast in his hands, bringing unparalleled oppressive power to people.

Thinking about my own driving... It's a shame to throw it at grandma's house~

When everything was cleaned up, Fang Zhenggang wanted to call Old Man Pang, and wanted to ask Che Xuewen and a few others to have a meal.

But I didn't expect that without waiting for him to call, Mr. Pang directly informed Che Xuewen and a few others, and when the matter was done, go back to training quickly, don't think about being lazy.

In this regard, Che Xuewen and several of his comrades-in-arms could only smile helplessly, and then said goodbye to Fang Zheng.

Although he was very helpless, Fang Zheng also knew that the soldiers had to obey orders, so he didn't stop too much, just prepared a few bags of tea for Che Xuewen, and asked him to take it back and share it with his comrades.

After sending off Che Xuewen and a few people, Fang Zheng returned to the battlefield and looked at the 59 tanks in the exhibition shed with satisfaction.

Although the current 59 can only be used as a tractor, this appearance alone is enough to envy a large number of people.

After a long time, Fang Zheng retracted his gaze and looked at the magic modified chariot on the side.

With his previous experience in driving a real guy, Fang Zheng touched his custom-made chariot.

EMM~ This armor is as thin as a piece of paper, and there is no sense of heaviness at all, and this so-called 'armor' is still attached to the body through rivets.

Fang Zheng can only sigh helplessly in this regard, this design is also completely to facilitate the replacement of 'armor', after all, tourists will inevitably bump and bump when driving.

And the driving of this magic modified chariot is also simple, electric driving, one accelerator and one brake, step on the accelerator and go, the greater the strength, the faster, stop when you step on the brake, simple and brainless, very easy to use.

And in order to pursue authenticity, Founder also follows the design of the chariot in the anime, and the operating levers of different models of chariots are completely different, some use steering wheels, and some use front and rear levers.

Some chariots are faster, and some chariots are slower, which can be regarded as Founder's maximum pursuit of reality.

Then Fang Zheng personally tested the 'shelling', not to mention, although the paint bullet did not have much power, but the moment the paint exploded after the hit, it was still very felt.

"Not bad, yes, although it's not comparable to the real guy, but it's much better than the bumper cars I thought before~"

Fang Zheng patted the armor of the magic modified chariot, which was different from the dull feeling of the real and fake, but there was a crisp sound when the demon modified chariot was patted.

From this, we can see how bluffing this thing's so-called armor is.

But Rao is like this, Fang Zheng is also very content, the real guy has one is enough, and he doesn't dare to expect too much.

And with these magic modified chariots, at least visitors can experience the fun of shooting chariots at each other, and if you add some black smoke or something to the venue, it will be even more realistic.

"Siyu, what is the price of this magic modified chariot?"

After a short understanding, Founder has figured out that the prototype of this magic modified chariot is the kind of small electric car sold on the market, which is purely electric.

The so-called roar of the engine is nothing more than an acoustic effect added to the vehicle, which is auditory deception.

It is much more convenient to drive without pure electric power, which is the main reason why Zhang Siyu finally chose this design.

"According to the contract of 20,000 yuan per vehicle, the replacement of various parts and components is calculated according to 70% of the market price, and the company has purchased a total of 100 vehicles of various colors, with a total of 2 million funds. "

A hundred, this is what Founder demands.

When the anime carnival arrives, it can be expected that this tank virtual battle battle is definitely one of the hottest games, and there will definitely be many people who are willing to buy tickets to participate in the competition.

Therefore, the number of chariots must be sufficient, and there must be replacement chariots, and Founder does not want to make tourists wait too long.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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