Founder's post made angry fans successfully divert attention.

"Theatrical version?"

"Mom, should I go to the cinema again~"

"I'm rubbing, although I have to pay for an extra movie ticket, but it's really cool to go to the theater to watch anime!"

"The battle for tickets is about to start again, draw your knives~!"

"Tanya: Gentlemen, I like war!"

"I don't like it if it's not a chief~ Kneel down and beg Fang Dada to put some votes~"

Although Fang Zheng did not explicitly say that the theatrical version of "Tanya Wars" will be released in theaters, with the experience of the theatrical version of "The Girl and the Chariot" and the theatrical version of "The Light Girl", the theatrical version of "Tanya Wars" will most likely be released in theaters.

This also reminded many fans of the fear of being dominated by movie tickets before!

For the majority of two-dimensional fans, the anime movie is a typical monk with more meat and more audience, but movie tickets are in short supply.

Especially in the first two or three days when the theatrical version was released, a movie ticket was simply hard to find!

Think about the time when the theatrical version of "Light Girl" was released, at the beginning, the major theaters were unanimously not optimistic about anime movies, and the film scheduling rate was simply low.

But then the anime movie counterattacked all the way and successfully set a number of data, which know that it has not been broken yet.

Even many media people on the Internet shouted that the only thing that can break these data is anime movies!

It can be seen from this that the previous "Light Girl" and the theatrical version of "The Girl and the Chariot" have achieved such brilliant results.

The two big anime movies are not an exaggeration to say that they dropped two depth charges on the lifeless traditional film and television industry.

However, with the experience of "The Girl and the Chariot" and "The Light Girl", I believe that the major theaters will greatly improve the scheduling rate of the theatrical version of "Tanya Wars".

The increase in the film scheduling rate is naturally a great joy for those fans who like two-dimensional works, because it also means that there will be more movie tickets on the market than before, and they don't have to fight for a movie ticket.

Founder's dynamic has caused a lot of repercussions in the two-dimensional circle, and the traditional film and television industry has also been affected.

When the theatrical versions of "The Light Girl" and "The Girl and the Chariot" were released before, the traditional film and television dramas released at the same time during that period were all reduced to background boards.

Even many works have been reduced to data indicators for anime movies, such as the box office performance of XX movies is one-tenth of the theatrical version of "Light Sound Girl", and the attendance rate of XX movies is only 5% of that of the theatrical version of "The Girl and the Chariot", etc.

During that time, many movies achieved good results, which should have been a very happy thing.

But neither the director nor the investors are happy, because the films they think are good have all been reduced to the unit of measurement of anime films.

This made the movies that were released at the same time as "The Light Girl" and "The Girl and the Chariot" at the same time completely fall into the dust, and it is also the eternal pain for those directors and producers.

This time is the same, in addition to the most enthusiastic response in the two-dimensional circle, the reaction of the traditional film and television industry is also very laughable.

Many film and television dramas that were planned to be released during this time have canceled their release plans, a discovery that makes many people laugh.

However, these directors seem to be determined to stagger the time with Fangzheng, even if they are ridiculed, they don't want their hard-earned works to be reduced to the background board and unit of measurement of the theatrical version of "Tanya Wars".

If they do it again, they probably want to die~

And the actions of these film and television dramas to make way for anime movies have also made many ACG fans ecstatic, because this means that the theatrical version of "Tanya Wars" of A Society will be released in cinemas.

Sure enough, within a few days of Founder's release, major theaters began to promote the upcoming theatrical version of "Tanya Wars", and the publicity was not ordinary!

There are also a lot of promotional posters of "Tanya Wars" posted on the billboards on the street, and the online ticket booking officials of major theaters have directly given more than half of the resources to "Tanya Wars".

Suddenly, many people knew the news that the theatrical version of "Tanya Wars" was about to be released.

At the same time, Tanya's image of a blond and blue-eyed Lori in a military uniform is also well-known to the public, and on the propaganda poster, Tanya's sentence "Gentlemen, I like war" has also become the hottest word on the Internet!

And as more and more people know Tanya, the number of broadcasts of "Tanya's Wars" of A Company has also begun to rise again after the end.

For Tanya's crazy personality, many people are fascinated after reading it, especially the declaration that Tanya declared war with the gods, which is well-known to many people.

"Tanya: Make the arrogant god completely unemployed!!"

"God: I'm passing by ???, world, how can there be a blonde Lori who wants to beat me? Also, don't you know that as a great god, there is a subsistence allowance after losing your job?"

"I'm Gan, the two bigwigs upstairs are very talented~"

"Xiu'er, is that you?"

"I can talk a little, I have an inner taste!"

"I haven't found your work in the bookstore, where can I buy it?"

On the Internet, the speeches of sand sculpture netizens made many people laugh.

God's special job has a subsistence allowance after being unemployed, I'm afraid this is not Tanya's idea~

You must know that although Tanya performed very well on the battlefield, in the final analysis, her biggest wish at the beginning was to work hard to climb up, leave a good impression on the bosses of various departments, and then go to the safe rear to enjoy Qingfu.

For this little Lori, who is verbally patriotic, but actually regards the military as a job, many people are ridiculous.

The theatrical version was released in major theaters, which undoubtedly gave a boost to the majority of fans.

"Tanya's Wars" is over, and many plots have not been explained, so it gives the audience the illusion that it ended in a hurry.

Before, many fans were still making a fuss under Founder Weibo or the A Society forum, but when they heard the news of the theater version, they changed their painting style one by one and blew at Founder.

The speed of this face change does not have to be much worse than the square, or even better than the blue!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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