Fang Zheng came to the inside of the hospital and happened to see Chen Xianting walking towards him.

"Fang Dong, everything has been done, the matching organ has been found, and the doctor said that the operation can be started at any time. "

Hearing Chen Xianting's words, Fang Zheng nodded slightly.

For Ding Duyu's condition, organ transplantation is currently the best and most effective treatment, but the cost is simply astronomical for an ordinary family.

Many families are almost waiting for death after their relatives get this disease, not because they don't want to be treated, or because they are ruthless, but they really can't afford to treat it.

Not long after, Fang Zheng and Chen Xianting came to Ding Duyu's ward, knocked on the door, and Fang Zheng walked in.

"Twilight, look who's coming~"

Shen Anping and Ding Duyu had been hugging each other for a while, as if they didn't want to be separated for a moment.

"Who's coming?"

Ding Duyu removed his head from Shen Anping's arms, and the expression on his face was full of disinterest.

At this time, she just wants to lean into Shen Anping's arms, accompany her lover and her family, and as for the rest, she can't raise the slightest interest.

"Am I bothering you?"

Seeing Ding Duyu's sluggish expression, Fang Zheng looked at each other playfully with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Ding Duyu's somewhat dry lips opened slightly, his eyes widened at the boss, and he looked at Fang Zheng motionlessly.

It took a long time for Ding Duyu to react, pointing at Fang Zheng and trembling and saying, "Fang... No, Pipi Shrimp ??!."


Hearing Ding Duyu's words, Fang Zheng was dumbfounded, and Chen Xianting beside him couldn't hold back directly, and laughed out loud.

Immediately found that something was wrong, and quickly covered his mouth, a pair of beautiful big eyes narrowed into a slit, and looked at Fang Zheng playfully, wanting to see how Fang Zheng answered.

"I..." Hearing Ding Duyu's words, Fang Zheng was stunned.

I came all the way from the magic capital and paid you for the medical expenses, but if you don't say thank you, forget it, is your 'Pipi Shrimp' too much?

He could hear that Ding Duyu called him Pipi Shrimp without a sense of disobedience at all, and he probably called himself that way on weekdays.

"Xianting, did we go to the wrong room?"

Fang Zheng turned to look at Chen Xianting, he was a little suspicious of life at this time, he felt that it must be his own way of opening it wrong.

What about the screams of the fans who say yes? What about the cheers of the good ones?

This contrast is too great~!

The corners of Fang Zheng's mouth twitched slightly, he felt that he needed to explain to Ding Duyu that skin was not his intention, and mingling with fans was his ultimate goal.

However, just when Fang Zheng wanted to open his mouth to 'educate' Ding Duyu, there was a rush of footsteps outside the ward.


Ding Duyu's father ran in, saw that Fang Zheng didn't say a word, stepped forward and grabbed Fang Zheng's hand, and thanked him vigorously.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you..."

While speaking, Ding Duyu's mother also walked in, her face full of tears.

Seeing Fang Zheng, Ding Duyu's mother wanted to bow to Fang Zheng and thank him as soon as she was short, but Fang Zheng was willing to accept it.

Although he is not his elder, if he accepts this, who knows if he will lose his life~

"Xianting, hurry up and stop Auntie, hurry!"

Fang Zheng was pulled by Ding Duyu's father, and had no choice but to ask Chen Xianting on the side to help.

"Auntie, don't do this!"

There was a rush in the ward, and Shen Anping and Ding Duyu were dumbfounded, not understanding which play this was singing.

It took a long time for Fang Zheng to appease Ding Duyu's parents with the help of Chen Xianting.

Looking at the two old men who were no longer so excited, Fang Zheng smiled bitterly in his heart, he felt that this was much more tiring than his whole day working in the company.

"Xiaoyu, you have to thank Mr. Fang. "

Ding Duyu's mother sat on the hospital bed, holding her daughter's hand, her face full of smiles for the rest of her life.

"Yes, Mr. Fang paid your medical expenses in advance, and found the best doctor to give you an organ transplant, you... There is salvation!"

Ding Duyu's father is also in tears, and in the past few days, his mood has really been like a roller coaster, with ups and downs, which really makes him a little unbearable.


Ding Duyu looked at Fang Zheng in disbelief, she never imagined that Fang Zheng would actually help her to such a point.

In all fairness, the medical bills for her condition are absolutely sky-high, so why should a stranger pay for you?

Does she have anything to do with Founder?


If you have to say it, it's just the relationship between fans and idols, and there are so many fans in Fangzheng, she is just an ordinary member of it, and people don't necessarily know about their existence.


On the other hand, Ding Duyu hadn't reacted yet, but Shen Anping stood up directly from the hospital bed, and then came to Fang Zheng, kneeling on the ground without saying a word.

The man has gold under his knees, but Shen Anping is willing.

Only after experiencing despair do you know what it's like to have someone willing to reach out and pull you.

"Fang Dong, thank you!

Fang Zheng also thought that Shen Anping was so straight, and Shen Anping's kneeling made him a little confused.

Two lives, only he went to kneel to his elders when he greeted the New Year, how could anyone else give him such a big gift?

"Get up, get up!"

Fang Zheng reacted and quickly helped Shen Anping up.

Although this money is an astronomical amount for Shen Anping, it is not worth mentioning to him.

Take 10,000 steps back, is it their gratitude that he came to help this pair of bitter mandarin ducks?

This world is very realistic, there are not many pure love like this, and it is not too much to say that it is even as rare as a fairy tale.

He just didn't want such a clean love to die because of illness, that's all.

"Okay, okay, don't thank you, I didn't help you for nothing!"

It didn't take long for Ding Duyu to react, and he was with Shen Anping, thank you on the left and thank you on the right, and the square ears were about to become calloused.

Should it be said that they are a pair of lovers?

Even the way to thank you is the same~

In desperation, Fang Zheng could only look at the two and said, "I said just now, I will help you, and in return, you will work for me for the rest of your life." "

Fang Zheng looked at the two of them, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, and pretended to look at the two of them and said.

"Well, I'm a profiteer, do you want to thank me even so?"

PS: Kneel down and beg for the support of the bigwigs, please!!!

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