Moreover, can Ding Duyu really repay the high cost of treatment after working for Fang Zheng all his life?

Working all his life is just a pretense, Fang Zheng doesn't want Ding Duyu to feel that he is giving alms, and he doesn't want Ding Duyu to have any psychological burden.

And letting Ding Duyu work in Company A is to let the other party work to repay, but it is better to say that Founder intends to give the other party a stable job, so that Ding Duyu can support the follow-up recuperation expenses.

After all, Founder can help her for a while, but not for a lifetime.

"Originally, I dreamed of beating that Pipi shrimp, but now I doubt that I really saw Fang Dada, and I can still do it~"

"Upstairs, Ding Duyu is just joking, you don't think she will really help you locate Fang Dada~"

"233~ When the time comes, if you are looking for big trouble, I'm afraid that people will not agree to be the first one!"

"For Ding Duyu, Fang Dada is her savior, what are you thinking?"

"An honest man is an honest man, like me, I never have extravagant expectations, after all, with Fang Da's character, do you think you can beat him?"

"Piercing the hearts of the old irons, can't I fantasize about it?"

Ding Duyu and Shen Anping are both fans of the two-dimensional circle, and they are also old fans.

There is even a big guy who broke the news that Ding Duyu's A company account has the title of 'unswerving to death', and fans are even more excited at this time.

'Unswerving to death' is the highest symbol of iron fans, and the legend of the fans of A Society who became an army on the Internet has been talked about until now.

It is precisely because of this that fans have a clearer understanding of the phrase 'people must not be disguised'.

It seems that Si Swenwen's little girl didn't expect her combat power to be so strong in private, and even made many bigwigs who claimed to be the guardians of Zu'an feel ashamed.

For the people in their own circle, fans have sent their most sincere wishes, as long as you like the second dimension, we are half-brothers and sisters.

For Ding Duyu's recovery, everyone felt happy from the bottom of their hearts.

As the creator of this miracle, Founder was buried in his work at this time, and he was not aware of the reports and remarks on the Internet.



The door to the office was pushed open, and Chen Xianting walked in, still holding a box in her hand.

"Fang Dong, this is a pennant personally sent by Ding Duyu's parents. "

Hearing Chen Xianting's words, Fang Zheng raised his head and looked at the things in the other party's hands, and then asked curiously.

"What about the other party?"

"They heard that Fang Dong was busy, and they said they were embarrassed to disturb and left, and I couldn't keep it, so..."

Chen Xianting looked at Fang Zheng, just now the security department of the headquarters called and said that someone wanted to see Fang Zheng, and after Chen Xianting went down, she found out that it was Ding Duyu's parents.

Chen Xianting accompanied Fang Zheng to Hangzhou that day, and she handled many things in the hospital, so she was naturally no stranger to Chen Xianting and Ding Duyu's parents.

Chen Xianting originally wanted to invite the two of them to the living room to rest and rest, after all, they came from Hangzhou all the way, and they must have been tired along the way.

But hearing that Fang was busy, the two old men asked Chen Xianting to focus on their own thanks, and then declined Chen Xianting's invitation and left.

Repeatedly to no avail, Chen Xianting could only arrange for the company's driver to send the two old men to the station.


Fang Zheng was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile.

For Ding Duyu's parents leaving, he somewhat understood some reasons.

For Ding Duyu's parents, he is the chairman of a large company, not to mention the existence of such a behemoth in the eyes of ordinary people as Company A.

The two of them probably came here, and they were a little restrained when they were unfamiliar with the place.

Fang Zheng understands this, in his previous life, he would feel restrained when he went to some luxuriously decorated stores, not to mention those large enterprises, for ordinary people, it was completely two worlds.

The company is big and has its own headquarters, which is naturally a good thing for the company, but on the one hand, a little carelessness will give people a sense of domineering and bullying customers.

This is also the main reason why Founder has always mingled with fans since he founded the company.

He likes skin on the one hand, and on the other hand, he does his best to eliminate this estrangement, so that fans and A company are kneaded into a whole, and the gap is not so obvious.

In Founder's view, no matter how strong an enterprise is, as long as it is separated from the masses, it will not go far.

Don't say what kind of person you are, what kind of spring and snow, and don't say that you look down on ordinary people and think that everyone is a poor ghost.

To put it mildly, these ordinary people are the parents who feed the enterprise.

Therefore, when Fang is recruiting employees, the first thing is to examine the other party's mentality and attitude.

If this person is too arrogant and too blind, I'm sorry, I won't hire you even if you're talented.

Although Founder's management of employees is very relaxed, it is extremely strict in dealing with people and customers.

You can be arrogant and tactically defy them when you communicate with each other, because everyone is a businessman, and you can put pressure on each other and you can show your identity.

But for the general public, put away your arrogance for me!

The image of a company cannot be maintained by him alone, and he does not want to ruin the image of the A company he has worked so hard to build because of an employee.

And this concept of treating people easily is also what Founder has always emphasized, and it is something that every employee of Company A keeps in mind.

This is also the maverick corporate culture that Company A is forming.

"Fang Dong, this pennant...?"

Fang Zheng looked at the pennant in Chen Xianting's hand, to be honest, it was the first time he had seen this thing in his two lives.

However, Fang Zheng does not like to be high-profile, and some people like to hang pennants in their offices, but he is unwilling.

A person's inner self and self-cultivation cannot be made up for by a few pennants.

"Put it away and put it in the cupboard over there. "

In the end, Fang Zheng still didn't hang up the pennant, and he helped Ding Duyu only because of the other party's love, not because of the other party's return and gratitude.

The pennant, as a carrier for the other party to express his gratitude, accepted it himself.

But let him use this as a capital to show off, he really can't do it.

It's not that it's pretentious and pretentious, but I really don't like it.

After dying once, I realized that in this life, in addition to fighting for one's own ideals and running around for life, the rest of the plain is the king.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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