Are you single?

I'm not single, what's wrong?

Then you're finished, you don't have the opportunity to be a great sage, I'm different, the maternal fetus solo so far, I'm waiting for a few years, the big sage is added, this world can go!

Emm~ I have to say that the fans' exchanges on the forum do have an inner taste.

I'm not afraid of many sand sculptures, I'm afraid of sand sculptures gathering in a nest.

There is no doubt that the A Society Forum is currently the largest gathering place for ACG sand sculpture fans in the ACG fan circle.

Here, you can always see some speeches and comments that make you cry and laugh, here, all kinds of demons and monsters are like eight immortals crossing the sea, showing their magical powers, so lively.

"God is single at the age of thirty-five, a great sage, and the whole country is so old and single, why don't I see anyone hanging up?"

Fangzheng is idle and boring, and it is rare to be idle.

I was going to visit the A Society forum to see what the recent tone of this group of fans is, whether the aesthetics of anime have improved, and whether the taste has become tricky.

As a result, I didn't expect that as soon as I entered the forum, I saw a lot of speeches that made him laugh.

If a thirty-five-year-old single can obtain the Great Sage, then can a bachelor who is a bachelor until death be directly promoted to the Immortal Pavilion?

The most outrageous thing is that looking at this kind of speechless speech, there is actually a group of people below who agree, which is outrageous!

"Hey, wake up, old iron, I still expect you to bring your sons and grandsons into the second dimension, why are you single until you are thirty-five years old, are you planning to survive the A Society?"

The corners of Fangzheng's speechless mouth twitched, and he didn't know what it was like.

It seems that no matter what world it is, although the identities of netizens are different, the attributes of this sand sculpture are exactly the same.

Maybe this world anime started relatively late, and it is far less diverse than in previous lives, but the attention of this fan is amazing.

They can always perfectly bypass the original intention of the creator and accurately find the answer they think is correct in many elements.

This Nima is speechless~!

Fang Zheng was curious why these fans' eyes were always so unique, as if he didn't know why he had become so skinny.


"Come in!"

Hearing a knock on the office door, Fang Zheng closed the forum and said to the door.

"Fang Dong, the preparations for the animation carnival are almost complete, can you see if there is anything missing?"

Zhang Siyu walked in with a stack of documents, I don't know if it was an illusion of Fangzheng, he always felt that the smile on the corner of Zhang Siyu's mouth was a little ill-intentioned.

In fact, Fangzheng's hunch was correct, and Zhang Siyu did have bad intentions.

Since the last time he knew that Fang Zheng didn't like to browse documents, Zhang Siyu seemed to have discovered a new continent, and would send some documents to Fang Zheng every day.

There are many documents and sometimes few times, this is not fixed, and Fang Zheng can't be sure whether Zhang Siyu is intentional or not.

And this is precisely Zhang Siyu's cleverness, false and real, true and false, so that Fang Zheng is not sure whether this is work or he deliberately corrects him.

Zhang Siyu still remembers that after the completion of the project, Fang Zheng made a bitter face almost every day in order to check those project reports, especially the pair of panda eyes never left.

During that time, Zhang Siyu couldn't stand Fang Zheng anymore, after all, every time Fang Zheng saw her, the resentful eyes were simply too real.

However, he was angry at Fang Zheng's wooden head, and Zhang Siyu began to deliberately send documents to Fang Zheng from there.

All the things that could have been expressed orally were sent in documents.

Sure enough, Fang Zheng saw Zhang Siyu walking in with a stack of documents, and his face immediately changed.

If he could, he would rather stay up all night making anime, and he really couldn't stand it anymore when it came to documents.

Don't let me know which bastard invented a text report or something like that, or I'll dig up your ancestral grave for you!

Fang Zheng thought viciously in his heart, if there were no documents, then he would not have to suffer this crime.

"It's... What?"

Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng's face full of reluctance, and tried to hold back his urge to laugh in his heart, so as not to expose his flaws.

You must know that Fang Zheng is a chicken thief, and he is like a fox on weekdays, if he doesn't pay attention to it, even if he shows a little lost horse's feet, he will be noticed.

"Fang Dong, this is the preparation work before the animation carnival, such as traffic problems, accommodation problems, safety issues, etc. during the festival, are all here, please take a look. "

With a gentle smile on his face, Zhang Siyu put the stack of documents on the desk in front of Fang Fang with a 'bang'.


Listening to the 'bang', Fang Zheng's heart was also shocked.

With so many documents, I'm afraid he's going to die of disgust~

"I can trust you, I won't read these documents, you can just give me a rough explanation. "

Looking at the embarrassed smile on Fang Zheng's face, Zhang Siyu slowly shook his head.

"Which line of this, what I dictated is not as accurate as the written record, you better take a look at it for yourself, otherwise there will be a big problem if there is any omission~"

Although Zhang Siyu's face was not obvious, his heart was already happy.

Let you run to Qin Miaomiao all day long, so that you are always alone in the same room!

Zhang Siyu also knew from Yang Li that Fang Zheng would go to Qin Miaomiao every day recently, and always drove away others and stayed alone in the same room with Qin Miaomiao.

This lonely man and widow, dry wood and fire, who knows if they will go off the fire.

In this regard, whether it is Zhang Siyu, Yang Li, or Chen Xianting, they are very unhappy.

To say which of the three of them is not the top stunning, which one is worse than Qin Miaomiao?

Isn't Qin Miaomiao just a year or two younger than them?

Isn't it just that you can sing and dance?

It's unreasonable for women to be jealous, Zhang Siyu took the lead, including Yang Li and Chen Xianting, and the three women temporarily abandoned their previous suspicions to form an alliance, which has been external.

Strictly guard against it, and you must not let Qin Miaomiao's yellow-haired girl succeed in stealing!

Regarding Fang Zheng's actions, although Zhang Siyu is a strong woman's character, since she realized that she likes Fang Zheng, she is naturally angry at Fang Zheng's move to get close to Qin Miaomiao.

This is also the reason why she always likes to make Fang Zheng 'unhappy' when she has nothing to do, and it can be regarded as her own little revenge~

For Zhang Siyu's thoughts, Fang Zheng didn't know anything about it.

He had no idea that he would have such serious consequences if he went to learn a dance...

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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