Watching the fierce confrontation between Silver and Kaguya Shinomiya, the audience, who had given up learning the skills of love matching, keenly sensed that something was wrong.

To talk about this movie ticket incident, although the performance of Shinomiya and Silver is remarkable, Fujiwara Chika is definitely the biggest winner.

Because she just said an inconsequential word, she let herself enjoy a love confrontation blockbuster that can be compared to a brain blockbuster.

Attentive viewers have already noticed signs that something is wrong.

Although he hid alone at home tonight, the people who locked the doors and closed the windows to watch anime were all single Wang.

But being single doesn't mean that their IQ is not online, before watching the four palaces Kaguya and Baiyin frantically fighting wits and courage, they once thought that these two people were the kings.

Who knew that as soon as Fujiwara Chika appeared on the stage, she gave everyone a resounding slap in the face.

If these two people are kings, then what is the old lady?

Looking at Chika Fujiwara's innocent expression, many viewers who had already sensed that something was wrong gasped.

They smell the smell of conspiracy~

This pink-haired woman is definitely not as innocent and cute as she appears, this is definitely a real king.

And he is also the kind of black king who is very proficient in pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

Of course, it was a small number of viewers who noticed this, and most of the other viewers didn't think about it.

It's not that they don't have enough IQ, it's that this pink-haired bad woman hides it too well.

Faced with Silver's heart-wrenching words, Kaguya fell into memory.

And with the memories of Kaguya Shinomiya, the audience finally understood the whole story of this movie ticket incident.

It turned out that all this was a conspiracy of Kaguya Shinomiya, and in the apparent peace stage when the two were still fighting wits and courage, she had secretly begun to take the initiative.

All of this is a trap she deliberately planted against Silver, in order to pretend to use Fujiwara Chika's hand to make Silver lose this love war.

From the very beginning, Kaguya Shinomiya investigated Ginny's schedule, so he deliberately prepared two movie tickets, and then disguised them as the reward for Chika Fujiwara's winning.

Kaguya Shinomiya is very aware of Fujiwara Chika's family background, and the other party will definitely not go to watch this kind of movie.

And as a close friend of Fujiwara Chika, the other party will naturally give her movie tickets, and the best place to transfer them is undoubtedly the student union room where several people are present after school.

In this way, all plans will be in place, as if they were a matter of course.

And she can safely watch Silver step by step into her carefully crafted trap until she finally falls completely and becomes a complete loser.

Seeing that Shinomiya Kaguya had secretly prepared so many small actions, the audience gasped.

If the battle of wits between the four palaces and silver just now made them realize what is called the duel between kings, then the arrangement of Kaguya in the four palaces at this time completely let them know the true meaning of the king.

"I'm rubbing, this is so thoughtful!~"

"The most terrifying thing is that Sinomiya's plan is really going according to her script, it's just too demonic!"

"Female middle school Zhuge ~ Is this really the level that human IQ can reach?"

"Fortunately, President Silver is not an ordinary person, otherwise he would have really succeeded by Sigong Kaguya!"

"Made, the old man has goosebumps all over his body, this thrilling level is too strong!"

For the arrangement of the four palaces Kaguya, many viewers felt incredible.

No matter how precise the plan is, it is impossible to guarantee 100% success, and there will always be some unexpected elements that you can't think of.

But Kaguya Shinomiya is terrible at this point, and the plan she laid out really follows her script, which is simply chilling.

This cautious, insidious, and cunning mind made many viewers feel a chill in their hearts.

[That's it~ I'm really easy to believe in this kind of thing~]

As he spoke, Shinomiya Kaguya ended his memories, opened his ruby pure and clear eyes and looked at Baiyin, and at the same time put his hands on his chest, the expression on his face did not match the coldness and wisdom just now, but unconsciously brought a touch of shyness unique to a girl.

[If you want to go together, I hope you will be more enthusiastic about Yaqing~]

Looking at Kaguya's sudden coquettish behavior, many viewers felt that their hearts were like glass filled with cracks.

After all, the fragile dam did not withstand the impact of the flood, and the time to come finally came.

A woman's special move - Innocence and Innocence Skill is activated!

Innocent and innocent.,To be popular, it's about pretending to be cute.,To put it bluntly, it's to be coquettish to your male object.。

Spoiling has always been a killer feature for women, and under certain factors and specific occasions, in order to achieve their own goals, women will sacrifice this killer weapon.

Men inevitably have machismo thoughts, and in the face of such a shy plea of women, after their self-esteem has been explosively satisfied, in order to show their generosity, they will agree to each other's requests without thinking.

And the Shinomiya Kaguya is the best of them, and the [Innocence] skill is the negotiation art of the Shinomiya family group.

When this skill is activated, the micro-expressions of the face, the movements of the body are all rigorously calculated, and even the voice and tone of speech are tested by time.

It is said that in the face of the [Innocence and Innocence] skills of the women of the Four Palaces family, even the immortals cannot resist this temptation.

Goo Dong~!

Watching Sinomiya Kaguya suddenly become like a shy woman who fell into the red dust from the previous cold goddess, many viewers in front of the screen felt a pink fragrance.

Really...... Confession is a man's mission~

In the face of Kaguya's cute offensive, the audience fell one after another, and they really didn't have any resistance to such a Kaguya of Shinomiya.

[I also want to try the age of falling in love now~!]

Seeing that there was an opportunity, Shinomiya Kazuya immediately increased her attack, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, she would never let it go.

Strive to win the silver in one go and win this protracted love war!

Just when Silver was in a bitter battle, just when Kaguya Shinomiya thought that his victory was in sight, the pink-haired secretary who was regarded as the real king by a small number of viewers appeared again.

Looking at Chika Fujiwara's innocent smile, this very small number of viewers felt a sigh in their hearts, they knew that this true king was about to make a move.

After all, for Fujiwara Chika, it is more in her own interests that Silver and Shinomiya Kaguya are evenly matched.

Only when these two people fight wits and courage can she watch the play every day and be a melon-eating crowd with peace of mind~

PS: I hope the bigwigs will support you a lot, please!!!

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