Shen Xiyao felt that she could no longer communicate with Tian Zhiwei, and she was afraid that she would quit directly if she continued like this.

It's scary~!

Just when Shen Xiyao was about to persuade Tian Zhiwei, there was a sudden commotion outside the crowd.

Shen Xiyao looked over curiously, and her eyes widened instantly.

She saw a familiar figure, but how was that possible?!

Shen Xiyao wiped her eyes, she suspected that she had seen it wrong, or that she was dazzled.

After being sure again, Shen Xiyao's mouth opened slightly, and she shouted in disbelief: "Fang Dada!"

"What?!" Tian Zhiwei heard Shen Xiyao's exclamation, quickly turned her head, and at the entrance of the venue, she saw a handsome figure that did not speak.

"It's really Fang Da!"

The crowd also began to riot at this time, and seeing Fangzheng's figure, many contestants who were waiting for the start of the game were surprised and very excited.

"Fang Dada, I love you!!"

"Fang Dada signed my name~, I'm your iron fan~!"

"I'm also your iron fan, the kind that unloads the wheel!"

"Fang Dada, I brought you some souvenirs from my hometown, see when you will collect it~!"

"Fang Dada, look here, you tell me how to write the word 'skin'!"

There was a commotion in the crowd, and Shen Xiyao was keenly aware that her opportunity was coming, so she hurriedly stepped forward and raised the live broadcast equipment to aim at the direction of Fangzheng.

On the other side, Fang Zheng listened to the shouts in the crowd, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Zhang Siyu, Chen Xianting, Yang Li and Qin Miaomiao behind him all pursed their mouths tightly to prevent themselves from laughing.

Just now, Fang Zheng was very narcissistic before he came, and as soon as he appeared, the fans in the audience would definitely cheer and warmly welcome him.

Now it seems that the cheering is real, but the warm welcome is not certain.

This means that there are staff blocking it, if not, it is estimated that Founder would have been buried by the crowd long ago.

Fang Zheng listened to the shouts in his ears, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Shouldn't I have come?

That one said I was an iron fan, which iron fan have you ever seen that will unload other people's cars, my business car recruited you to provoke you?

And the fan who brought me souvenirs, I really thank you for your family~!

As for how to write the word 'skin'?

Don't you know if you see me? There are so many people in this scene, who else is more skinny than me?

Fang Zheng felt the eyes of the crowd containing 'love', and suddenly he was on his back, and his steps quickened carelessly, and he walked quickly towards the field.

The surrounding crowd looked in the direction of Fangzheng, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

That direction is the rest area of the contestants, and if you go there, does it mean...

"Brother, did you participate?"

"Contested, what about you?"

"I also participated. "

The two who spoke glanced at each other, and they let out a sneer of 'hehe', and their eyes were full of ill intentions when they looked at Fang Zheng.

Fang Zheng came to the center of the rest room, and the staff brought a microphone and handed it to Fang Zheng.

Fang Zheng looked around, looking at the black crowd around him, not to mention, he was really a little excited in his heart.

Who doesn't like this kind of chariot race, he is a man, so he naturally likes to join in the fun.

Although the entire chariot battle base is his industry, if there are not many people, the game is not interesting~

Today's anime carnival opened, and it was hard to wait for so many players to join in the fun, how could he not come to experience it.

Besides, he had secretly practiced several times before, and in comparison, these players who only joined the game on the first day were no different from Meng Xin in his eyes.

When is the happiest time to play games?

Of course, it's the happiest to cup or torture and kill a group of new people~

"Ahem, I won't introduce myself, I believe that everyone knows the fame of someone on our side, and everyone doesn't need to cheer for anything, just shout a few words 'Fang Dada, you are the most handsome'!"

Fang Zheng was holding the microphone, although the crowd around him was not good-looking, but he himself didn't care at all.

Every time he saw the security guards around him, he was filled with a sense of security.

"I'm shameless!"

"Handsome, I'm afraid you don't have any misunderstanding about Shuai~"

"Fang Dada, you are the skiniest!"

"Fang Dada, you are the skiniest!"

"Fang Dada, you are the skiniest!"


Regarding Fangzheng's narcissism, the fans on the scene did not cooperate at all.

I don't know if you're the most handsome, but you're definitely the skinniest.

Fans looked at Fangzheng's angular face, one by one incarnated as lemon essence, sour don't want it.

Well, I'll admit you're a little bit handsome.

But can Shuai be eaten as a meal?

Fans looked at the sharp girls around them, listening to the high-decibel screams, and they all wilted.

It seems that handsome can indeed be eaten as a meal...

Fang Zheng looked at the crowd around him with a smile, listening to the shouts of fans in his ears, and he didn't care in his heart.

The skin must be skinned, and the character of this skin shrimp cannot be changed in his life.

"First of all, on behalf of Company A, I warmly welcome the fans and thank you for your support to the Anime Carnival!"

For so many fans on the first day, Fang Zheng really didn't expect it.

According to Zhang Siyu's report, at present, in just half a day, the number of tourists who came to participate in the animation carnival at this time has exceeded the peak of the animation carnival.

You know, this is the morning of the first day, and it's not even time for lunch.

The fact that so many tourists and fans have come to show that the anime carnival he has put a lot of effort into has been a success.

Therefore, Founder's gratitude to these fans and tourists is from the heart.

On weekdays, he is skinny, but he still cares very much about his group of supportive fans.

"On this carnival day, I rarely have a day off, in order to let you appreciate my handsome face and smooth operation, I decided to participate in the next chariot battle competition, I! Fangzheng! to fight a hundred!"


Listening to Fang Zheng's words, the fans were dumbfounded, although they were indeed so happy about Fang Zheng's words, but why did they listen to this thing and want to beat him so much~

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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