With the popularity of "Newgame", fans began to discuss their work extensively, which attracted many people's complaints, after all, in reality, there are almost no companies like anime.

"This story is pure fiction, there is a dead silence during work hours, and if you are sociable during the break, you can indeed have some fun. "

"If you can replace the cute girls in the anime with big men who pick their feet and wear slippers, it will be much more real!"

"If you work hard to lose weight and study women's clothing techniques hard, then the reality can be the same as in the anime~"

"In reality, it's actually a group of big men who complain that they don't have a girlfriend!"

"The old man will give you a slap without saying a word, so you talk too much!"

Fans who have watched "Newgame" are hard not to envy the working environment of Aoba.

Look at Aoba's working environment, people are surrounded by beautiful people, and the bosses and seniors are very gentle, and each one has an interesting soul.

Thinking about your work environment...

Emm~ Sure enough, Cool Breeze Aoba is a sinful woman!

However, "Newgame" is not completely detached from reality, it simply paints a pie for the audience, and it also has its own very delicate side.

It depends on how you dig out, or what kind of perspective you use to see it.

For example, Cool Breeze Aoba, as a new junior who joined the company, is polite and polite, and is very consciously responsible for watering flowers and other work in the office.

In reality, isn't this the current situation of newcomers who have been arranged by their predecessors and leaders with some sundries?

For another example, the audience only saw that the working environment of Cool Breeze Aoba was very wonderful and desirable, but most people didn't see it, and Cool Breeze Aoba would also work overtime until late.

Is this a true portrayal of social animals forced to work overtime?

Therefore, the anime "newgame" originates from life, but it is higher than life.

It shows the audience the beautiful side of daily work, and also reflects the helpless side of people in real society.

There must be gains and losses, and there can be no perfection in everything.

A cute girl who has just graduated from high school works overtime until late at night, so what else do you guys have to resist?!

And in addition to the cool breeze Aoba that is the envy of all fans, many people have noticed a cute girl named Takima Rifumi.

Takimon Rifumi, as an old-timer in the art group, is second only to Yagami Light in status, and can be described as experienced.

But because of the shy character that always faces people, there is nothing too outstanding.

But the audience's impression of Rifumei is very deep, and to describe Rifumei in one sentence, that is: I am submissive online, and I am heavy on offline!

Although Taki's Tomi will be shy and overwhelmed by real people, if you use communication software, it will be almost a 360-degree turn.

It's like a completely different person.

Seeing Takimoto's rich beauty, fans couldn't help but think of a group in reality.

Keyboard Warrior!

That's right, it's this keyboard warrior who is well-known to the majority of fans.

They may be inconspicuous in the real world, but in the online world, holding a keyboard can be said to be terrifying to the air, and it is simply omnipotent.

And Taki's Tomi is not only curious about fans, but even Cool Breeze Aoba is also curious.

When the time came to noon, the cool breeze Qingye who had been busy with work all morning looked at the still working Takito Fumi, and couldn't help but be a little curious.

Speaking of which, she has been in the company for so many days, and she has never seen how Fumi Taki solved her lunch.

"Hitomi senior, aren't you going to lunch?"

Because of the cool breeze Aoba's gaze and questioning, Taki's Fumi removed the plug of the host and the headphones he was wearing in a panic, and the music sounded instantly.

In a hurry, Taki's face was full of nervousness and turned to look at the cool breeze Aoba.

"I've eaten at home. "

"It's amazing, I don't even have the heart to think about eating!~"

Have breakfast in the morning... emm~ Everyone who goes to work understands, it is a minute to sleep one minute more, as for breakfast?

Hehe, you can sleep for more than ten minutes after saving a meal, isn't it fragrant?

So the cool breeze Aoba heard that Taki had eaten Fumi today, and he couldn't help but feel very experienced.

"I just want to eat with Sojiro..."

Facing the gaze of his juniors, Taki's Fumi was very nervous, and even his voice was like that of mosquitoes.

"Zong.... Sojiro: Is it a man, a man, a man... Boyfriend..."

Hearing Taki's words to Tomami, the cool breeze Aoba was surprised and shy.

For a girl who has just graduated from high school, the topic suddenly turned to the affairs of men and women, which made her a little shy and unable to react.

And the cool breeze Aoba is also a little incredulous.

Takito Rifumi, an introverted character who will be shy and nervous to the extreme even in the face of himself, will actually have a boyfriend?

It's just unbelievable, isn't it?

"Do you want to see it?"

"If you can, of course!"

Cool breeze Aoba is also very curious about who Taki's boyfriend is today's Fumi, although she is shy, but she is still more curious.

Next, Takimoto Fumi took out her mobile phone and operated it with her nimble fingers.

This coherent action looks at the cool breeze on the side, and Aoba secretly complains.

You're nervous to death in the face of people, but this mobile phone does fly away, which really makes people don't know how to complain.

And looking at the photo of 'Sojiro', Cool Breeze Aoba knew that he had misunderstood.

Sojiro is not Taki's Tomami's boyfriend at all, but the other party's pet, a little hedgehog.

And on the way to look at the photos, the cool breeze Aoba accidentally saw a smile that is not common, and can even be said to be very rare, from Fumi on Takima day.

As a junior, it is natural to praise it.

But what Cool Breeze Aoba didn't expect was that Fumi Taki directly showed her a wave of what is called the operation of the social talent club!

Turned around, the wallet, then pulled out a bill, and handed it to the cool breeze in front of Aoba with both hands, and the whole action was done in one go, as if it had been rehearsed countless times.


Cool breeze Aoba looked at the banknotes that Fumi sent to him today, and was a little dumbfounded.

"Give money?!"

Taki's operation in Tomi's day is simply a very vivid lesson to the cool breeze Aoba, and he has learned the operation that social people must have.

"Oh no... Because this expression is really..."

PS: Thank you for "The Promise Under the Night", "Frosty Meteors", "m199... 10", "Yuemei Department Store" monthly pass support, thank you guys!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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