Hearing the news that Founder's new work was about to be launched, many fans were overjoyed and spontaneously began to run around the major fan groups to share this joyful news with their comrades.

"Good news, brothers, Fang Da has a new work!"

"What?! The dog thief has finally made a new one? I'm Gan! "

"What name, what type, when will it premiere?"

"Tomorrow at seven o'clock in the evening, the name... Li Yunlong of Lin Zhengying's family! "


"What the hell is this name?!"

Not to mention how lively it is in the fan base, plus there are many fans who have mischievous thoughts and gags, the more and more outrageous things are spreading, and this building is getting more and more crooked!

"Brothers, the latest news, Fang Dada's new work is here, the pinnacle showdown between Lin Zhengying and Li Yunlong!"

"No, I don't read much, don't lie to me, is there any connection between these two people?"

"Stupid, what is Lin Zhengying doing?"

"Ghost hunter~"

"What about Li Yunlong?"

"Devil fighter~"

"Got it?"


Among the fan base, the conversation is simply puzzling to many fans who don't know why.

Although both of them have a little bit to do with the word 'ghost', but does this mean anything in particular?

Are you going to be more efficient at killing ghosts than these two big guys?

"Ahem, serious, the new work is called "The Dragon Maid of the Xiaolin Family", not Li Yunlong of Lin Zhengying's family."

"emm~ The old man knew that this matter was not simple when he saw the word maid."

"Tricked us into kidnapping Lori before, then tricked us into being admirals, and now tricked us into hiring a maid?!"

"It's too much, the identity of a commander has hollowed out my family, where do I have the assets to hire a maid~"

"Wake up, do you think your wife will let you hire a maid? Oh, I'm sorry I forgot, you don't have a wife! "

"Damn, you upstairs are a brute, so many days of comradeship, you broke the defense for me with a word, do you know it!"

"Woo woo, if it weren't for Pi Phi Shrimp's sentence 'love is war', the old man would have found a female ticket a long time ago!"

Among the fan groups, because of the news that Founder was about to withdraw from the new work, it instantly became a chicken and a dog.

Everyone talked about it, and the most discussed topic was the type of Founder's new work.

After all, Fangzheng is a Pipi shrimp, not only what he says can't be believed, but even the labels in his animation works can't be believed!

"Chopping Crimson" is labeled as hot-blooded, but everyone watched one girl die after another, and the abuse called a dead and alive.

"When the Prison Meal Comes to Me" is labeled as a must-see for macho men, but as a result, they are very good normal people, and they have become Loli control one by one, and they peek at little Lori with an idiot all day long, and they are like perverts.

"Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess" is still labeled as a love master, but what is the result?

Shinomiya Kaguya and Silver can't solve their own affairs, so where can I have time to teach them how to fall in love.

It's better to say that some fans learned the routines in the anime and successfully returned to the ranks of single dogs.

There is also "Fleet Collection" with the label of protecting humanity, "Overl" with the explicit label, "Light Girl" with the label of music, and so on.

This label is seriously inconsistent with the content of the anime, that is, fans can't bear to report it, otherwise none of these anime will be able to run!

Therefore, for Founder's works, the label does not match the content, which is already a fact recognized by fans.

"Seriously, when it comes to maids, it must be a girl~"

"Nonsense, are there still men for the maid?!"

"I'm afraid you haven't forgotten a certain Pippi shrimp dressed as a man, but he ruined all the people in the audience at the anime carnival~"

"Hiss~ The women's clothing boss shouldn't be, Fang Dada has gone through the warning of the song "Juhua Bursting Full of Mountains", and he shouldn't be retasted to this point~"

"It's not certain, that Pipi shrimp is not only cheap, but also very retaliatory~"

"And the most important thing is that the two-dimensional women's clothing is much more convenient than reality, whether it is a women's clothing boss can all depend on the personal meaning of Pipi Shrimp~"

When watching a group of bigwigs in the group discussing whether the new work is a women's clothing boss, many fans are covered in cold sweat, and even some people with poor psychological tolerance have goosebumps.

Think about how many live audiences saw the incredibly beautiful 'woman' shouting at the martial arts venue of the anime carnival before, and the result?

Removing the camouflage of the Phi Phi Shrimp is not a lesson for everyone,

Even some fans at the scene have already made a lot of noise, looking at any girl who feels like a women's clothing boss, every time she sees a girl, she will subconsciously pull someone's hair, for fear of identifying the wrong gender.

If it weren't for a big guy who wanted to sing "Juhua Bursting Mountain" later and successfully pulled back a game, then they would have lost completely.

Looking at the chat of the fan base, the thought of the maid girl in the anime who tickles their hearts, and I don't know which episode will become a man, that feeling really makes people feel chills all over their bodies.

I've only heard of women pretending to be men before, but who has ever heard of men pretending to be women~

A woman dressed as a man is called heroic, and a man dressed as a woman is called particularly disgusting!

For the Pipi shrimp that carries forward the phenomenon of 'women's clothing boss', fans can't mention how angry they are.

Take a good look at a cosplay girl.,You're not sure if someone is pulling out a series bigger than you~.

"Brothers, no matter what, our army must be vigilant against the enemy's watering of flowers!"

"Yes, before the gender is clear, the words wife, goddess and other words are strictly forbidden to appear on the barrage!"

"He is strong, he is strong, the bright moon shines on the river, as long as we hold on, that Pipi shrimp will not be able to skin us!"

"Yes, we have to stick to our hearts, and we must know that we are all pure and good children!"

"Xiaolin is equal to Lin Zhengying, and the dragon maid is equal to Li Yunlong, everyone understands what I mean~"

The fans of the fan base, in order to prevent Fangzheng's perverted behavior, all encourage each other.

Knowing Founder's bad character, they said that they had learned smartly!

With a square character, the things of the women's clothing boss can be done, and it is not impossible to engage in a 'maid equals a man'.

As for what Fang Zheng said, encouraging them to go to work has long been left behind by fans.

"newgame" has proven with facts that anime is just anime after all, and their ideal working life will not come at all~

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "The Wind is Blowing", "Dome ~ poi", "Light and Shadow", "Moon Shadow Tree", "Warframe", "Sao Folding Waist", "ウィンドチャイム", "Heitai", thank you, big guys!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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