Listening to Xiao Lin's point-to-point words, Kangna lowered her head and didn't dare to look at the other party.

"There's no such thing!"

"But you have nowhere to go~"

Kobayashi didn't believe Connor's words at all, even if a dragon was a juvenile dragon, it was not as simple as beating a person to death.

Thinking of Connor's weak appearance, Kobayashi's expression changed and became a little sinister.

"Come, look me in the eye and answer me~"

Seeing Xiao Lin's dead fish eyes hidden behind his eyes, the audience laughed.

This is really worthy of being a master of dragon training, this casually took Connor to death.

"233 ~ Hidden Skill Activation!"

"If you have nowhere to go, you can come to my house~"

"The mischievous Connor... Could it be that this is a legendary child?!"

"This, this, this... Do you want to give a dragon for nothing?, or is it such a ferocious dragon?!"

"I'm so sour that I don't know what to say, I want to be quiet, don't ask me who Jingjing is!"

It's another week's weekend and another rare holiday, and it's rare that Xiaolin doesn't need to go to work today.

In the living room, between Kobayashi and Kang 283 Na, the two looked at each other, and there seemed to be electric light passing through the place, and the atmosphere was very anxious and tense, as if a big war was about to break out.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Kobayashi popped the food off his fingertips, only to see Connor catch all the food with his mouth accurately and quickly.

Seeing Kobayashi and Connor's actions, the tense atmosphere that fans had brewed before was directly shattered in a second.

"Poofhaha~ This is the master of dragon training~

"The precious image of humans getting up early to tame the dragon, everyone cherishes it~!

"Is this Lori so easy to deceive? I want to try it too!"

"Stop, this is a dragon, it's the existence at the top of the food chain, it's not your domestic husky!"

Looking at Kobayashi's domestication of Conna, fans couldn't bear it one by one.

The dignified dragon was actually fed by others, and even if it was fed, it was still like some kind of pet, which simply disgraced the face of the dragon family.

If the Dragons knew that their Connor had been domesticated by a human, they wouldn't know how they would feel.

It is estimated that in order to save the face of the dragon family, it is light to kill people and kill people, so maybe this planet will be wiped out directly.

And then, a play between Connor and Thor opened the eyes of the fans, the gorgeous hit, you discharge and I spit fire, the scene was once the same as the end of the world-.

"Good guy, it's always a small scene to be playing~"

"So, you call this play?"

"Casual play is the destruction of the planet!"

"Kobayashi: It's so dangerous that I didn't play with them!"

"As we all know, there are games that are played and people are gone..."

The audience's enthusiasm for this sudden fight scene boiled, and the corners of their mouths twitched when they combined the words of Thor and Connor.

What do you call just playing?

"Connor, haven't you lost your strength?"

Kobayashi felt very puzzled, obviously Connor was so weak before, how could he play with Thor today.

And look at the power of the discharge just now, what should a weak dragon look like~

"Because electricity is the source of my strength, it is restored after charging. "

After listening to Connor's explanation, the audience finally knew why Connor stuck her tail in the socket before, and it was charging for a long time.

"Nima, how should I complain, power bank?"

"Shouldn't you pay attention to the electricity bill of the Kobayashi family?"

"Electricity bills are in jeopardy!!"

"It is estimated that Kobayashi's home appliance meter has exploded~"

"Good guy, State Grid strategic partner, this is!"

"Open the door, check the water meter... Ah, check the meter!"

When fans knew the source of Connor's power, they began to pay silent tribute to Kobayashi one by one.

As for the one that Connor just called, it is the total power supply of the power supply plant in a day, how much electricity does it cost~

The fans who previously expressed their desire to accept Connor were silent one by one.

Lori is very cute, and Connor is even more cute, but who can afford this electricity bill, I'm afraid it will cost hundreds of millions of dollars just to pay the electricity bill this year~

Or is it that the meter directly bursts and is handled according to the meter fault?

But once is okay to say, it can be understood as a meter failure, but what about two or three times?

Or, one day, Connor charges too much, causing a large-scale power outage in a certain area?

When I thought of this scene, many fans shuddered, Connor, the seemingly harmless little Lori, is actually terrifying.

And when fans learned that Thor's play with Connor was really according to human standards, they were even more dumbfounded.

Humans are still the same humans, except that Thor is talking about the humans of their world.

After all, the dragons of that world have appeared, and if the human race hadn't criticized some of them, it is estimated that they would have been wiped out long ago.

"I'm sorry, I've lowered the lower limit of the human average!"

"Woo woo woo ~ I'm out of breath when I run a kilometer, you tell me that the humans in the other world are so strong, I don't want to live!!"

"I'm a waste, I'm sorry for humanity, I've disgraced humanity!"

"I was born as a human being, I'm sorry~"

"Hehehehe, it turns out that this time it's the standard of human beings, so what am I?

Listening to Thor and Connor's words, fans began to doubt themselves one by one.

Thor originally thought that there should be some very powerful people in this world, such as when they watch TV, there are often people who perform very powerful capital verification.

The two dragons alone believe that there are strong people in this world, but they don't know that they are just the product of human fiction.

In the second episode of "The Dragon Maid of the Kobayashi Family", Connor is a well-deserved protagonist, and this cute Lori Dragon captured the attention of all fans as soon as she appeared.

And at the end of the second episode of the anime, the part where Connor plays seesaw with Thor is also memorable.

"Am I dazzled, I can get out of the atmosphere by playing a seesaw?

"Isn't the focus of attention on the quality of that seesaw? This is definitely made by my Great Xia Kingdom, and other countries can't make this kind of quality!"

"It's not me who blows, I can play with this seesaw for a lifetime!"

"It's really a lifetime, and after you go up, you're gone, and you'll just play like this for a lifetime~"

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!_

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