In July, if you want to say that the most happy thing for ACG fans, it must be in this summer vacation with nothing to do, Founder launched his latest work "Dragon Maid of the Kobayashi Family".

This anime, which has a cute and royal one, has alleviated the anxiety of fans to a great extent.

"After watching this anime, I don't think I can face up to the dragon race. "

"Why don't you have a normal dragon?"

"Good guy, one has an abnormal sexual orientation, one sells cuteness all day long, and there is a steamed bun that is too big, and he is even a special otaku... Oh, the otaku dragons are out!!"

"Expelled from the dragons! All dragons must be expelled! It's an insult to the dignity of the dragon family!"

"Ahem, the rest is for you, I'll take it with Erkoya!"

"Be careful to suffocate you~"

In the A arena, fans ridiculed each other, but it is undeniable that there are too many labels covered in this "Dragon Maid of the Kobayashi Family".

If you like Lily, you can go to see Thor and Kobayashi, if you like to sell cute, you can see Connor, and if you like a rickety big sister, then go to see Erkoya.

Even in addition to the above, even the special male man and Zhengtai have appeared.

This series of labels can be said to have amazed the audience.

To sum it up, you have everything you want, and you don't want it.

"Lift the coffin, break out of the ground, resurrect with full blood, brothers, this is the last episode!"

"I'm having a showdown, I want to marry Thor as a wife, I want to have Connor as a daughter, buy a set of Fafnir's comic books, and play ball with Erkoya, brothers, tell me if I still have a chance to fulfill my dreams in this life?"

"There is no chance in this life, in the next life~

"Brother, you are thinking about peaches, if you want to realize your dream, let's see if the old man's big knife agrees!"

"Gentlemen, draw your sword!"

Before the last episode of the anime started, the fans were already buzzing.

Since the anime was broadcast, more and more characters have appeared, and in addition to popular characters such as Toto and Conna, which are very popular with the audience, some human characters have also appeared one after another.

Looking at the joyful daily life of humans and dragons, fans feel all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred, but also feel the warmth and happiness that crosses races.

This feeling of warmth and happiness accompanied them on this boring holiday, although they were very reluctant, but fans also knew that today was the time to say goodbye.

Zhong, fans came to the homepage of platform A and opened the latest episode and the last episode of the anime...Reluctantly, watch and cherish it~"

"The thought that Connor is going to leave me makes my heart feel like a knife!"

"Isn't A launching a new Connor fandom merchandise?,You can buy it to comfort your wounded heart~"

"Hehe, I can't afford it, all the money has been used by me to build a ship..."

"Sister,I'm angry when I talk about the same people around.,The employee of person A is the Connor pillow.,And it's not sold to the public.,I'm envious of me!"

At the beginning of the anime, fans originally told how reluctant they were, but this crooked building has been the strength of fans since ancient times, so the feelings didn't brew much, and this building was twisted in an instant.

Some time ago, an employee of Company A posted on Moments to show everyone his employee benefits, that is, the Kangna pillow issued by the company.

I don't know how this thing was spread, and the majority of ACG fans saw that the employees of Company A could have an out-of-print pillow, not to mention how sour it was.

The most important thing is that it is still an internal special version, which is not sold publicly at all, and if you want to buy it, you can only buy it from employee A, which depends on whether people are willing to sell it.

In fact, in addition to Connor's pillow, there are many other doujin peripherals as employee benefits, but many employees choose pillows for each role.

After all, for A's Oita employees, they need to sit in a chair for a long time to work, and it is inevitable that they will feel back pain after a long time.

And having a pillow can largely link this fatigue.

It's just that because the employee's forwarding of the circle of friends is just a matter of employee benefits chosen by themselves, many fans have misunderstood.

Knowing this, fans don't know how to complain except for envy.

Look at the welfare of people A, look at yourself, this is also work, why is the gap so big~

Fans felt jealous when they remembered the original circle of friends, but this situation did not last long, and soon everyone's attention was diverted.

“.. Omelette rice... Rice wrapping..."

As always, Thor came to the shopping street to buy ingredients, and was in a happy mood, after all, in her opinion, it was a very fulfilling thing to be able to cook a delicious meal for the person she liked.

"The life is so short~"

"Yes, for example, the lifespan of house mice is only about one to one and a half years..."

The LCD screen on the side of the commercial street plays unknown programs, which is nothing to be noticed, and in the commercial street, this is a very normal phenomenon.

But Thor was stunned when she heard this, because she suddenly thought of something extremely terrible.

That is, humans and dragons are not the same race after all, and the lifespan of dragons is long for humans.

This also means that Kobayashi is better than her...

"How long are you going to do this kind of thing?!"

Suddenly, a dragon identical to Thor conjured up (Hao Zhao), surrounding Thor, and the voice gave people a very uncomfortable feeling.

"Are you me?"

"Yes, I am the confusion in your heart, you are not allowed to look away, you are not allowed to escape, I ask you again, how long are you going to do this kind of thing?"

Lifespan, this is always an unavoidable topic, maybe Thor has long been aware of this problem, but he has been unwilling to face it.

After all, time is long for dragons, and their lifespans are much, much longer than humans.

Even after taking a nap herself, the humans she was once familiar with had turned into a handful of yellow sand and dissipated in the long river of time.

Fans looked at Thor's expression, and the atmosphere suddenly became depressed.

Watching your loved one die before you do, I'm afraid it's a very painful thing~

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please !! Yu!_

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